Corruck Kazen
Time is the Essence

"But the worst enemy you can ever meet will always be yourself..."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Location: Space, Outer Rim
Reason: Break
Here they were, in some silent portion of the Outer Rim, beyond most of the trouble that plagued this region of space. He outside of any star systems, simply floating through space. He had needed time to think though his current situations. This was a difficult time for Corruck. He had spent so much time simply moving from mission to mission that he no longer really thought about what he was fighting for. He had assumed that his reasons had been to defend the peace that he had come to believe in. But now he questioned everything, even himself.Why had he been fighting? What was his purpose here? Was he truly here for the rebels?
He didn't know the answers and he certainly wouldn't know it for awhile. He had time to think for once, there was no battle, no pressing mission, no threat that would destroy the rebels. He wondered what his purpose was that there was a temporary peace. He was not a warrior, but why did he not feel in place here. He knew that one side of him always said that it was for the power that he would gain. The resources allowed him to accomplish things that previously he had never been capable of. His strength had been increased almost a hundred fold. That was only one side of the truth.
The other main portion of his mind told him that he was here to defend all those who could not defend themselves. That side's altruistic explanation was the object of much derision from his more prosaic mind. He felt that it was also partly true, his willingness to fight for those he did not know was proof of this. He had taken many risks for the rebels and he could not easily say why.
While he should have been able to not worry about it, he felt that this was incredibly important and an immensely necessary bit of knowledge. If he didn't know why he was doing this then he would have no true reason for doing it. Without that information he would simply be following some unknown feeling that would lead him to his death in the near future. He needed to know. He needed to plan for it. If he didn't he was dead. Emotions were dangerous when one did not know what it was. Was he infatuated with the rebel's leader, Matchbox? Not really. She had a beauty about her that was beneath the surface, but it was hardly what affected him. It had been many years since his heart had been let loose in such a regard. He had to admit that no one had ever really stolen his heart, no one that was alive that is.
Was he drawn by the risks involved? Only partially, a very small amount. His impulses in that regards were never strong enough to overwhelm his logic.
Was it the power as one side said? There was certainly an allure there that helped him join, but staying was not controlled by that power. He had gotten the power he wanted and had been able to make it fairly permanent whether he was there or not. That was no excuse for his staying. Power was something that didn't matter to much to him in the long run anyways. He was no Sith...
Was it the want to defend the weak and defenseless? Maybe. He was going to be the last person to admit that. He did not want that; he did not want to become some Jedi like person who was a defender of the galaxy. He was willing to accept that he did have weaknesses in that regard. But he was no Jedi...
His reverie was broken by something pawing at his leg. Almost immediately, he recognized it as Norgorth, one of his pet Vornskr. He smiled as he looked at the creature. He pet the dog like animal, rubbing behind one of its ears as he stood. His bed had become something of his meditation retreat for the longest of times now. The creature made small movement around Corruck's legs as it excitedly followed him. "What's the matter boy? Is food late?"
The creature made the cackling noise that Corruck had come to assume was the Vornskr's version of a bark or purr. He moved to the door that had closed behind the Vornskr and opened it. As he walked through he remembered how quickly the Vornskr had figured out the door mechanisms. It was fortunate that the door consoles were large allowing the creatures to open the doors without damaging the equipment.
He walked slowly down one of the hallways in the Recalcitrant bringing back his thoughts from earlier. He just kept on going through the already thought through. He needed to take a break... What was he saying, he was on break. What he needed was time alone.
He came to the ship's galley and stepped in. He was buffeted by a rush of warm air that smelled of meat and cooking vegetables. Norgorth almost bowled Corruck over as it rushed through trying to get to the food. The sound of sizzling food filled the air, almost covering the noise of the other Vornskr barreling down the hallways to get the kitchen. Corruck held back a laugh as he moved out of the way. Karneth yelped as the five Vornskr huddled around his legs. Each tried once to get up his legs at the food being prepared. However, Karneth had gotten used to it and batted them lightly away. They all sat expectantly until Karneth tossed a large portion of meat to each of them. They happily devoured it, five different cackling noises coming into being.
Corruck turned around and looked up at the Ysalamir that was set in a nutrients frame near the top of the wall. He rubbed the creatures head gently before he left. Karneth could deal with the Vornskr well enough. Corruck smiled as he remembered the first few days that those creatures had been aboard the ship. Karneth had been very cautious around them, him being a Force user made this a natural response. After the surgery in which the Vornskr had had their tails removed and some time spent on Corruck's part to tame the creatures, Karneth had warmed up to them quite a bit.
For the next few minutes he wandered the mostly empty ship, trying to recall everything he had been thinking through with his purposes. Then something clicked. Something suddenly entered his mind that practically put an almost perfect answer in his mind. The reason he was here was not to defend, gain power, or simply to fight. It was to show something to everyone in the galaxy and to reveal a threat that had tricked all into believing that it was a shield.
His mind reached out, bringing himself into a mental state of pure thought. His physical body disappeared as his mind created an infinitely larger body within his imagination. Within that imagination he held the galaxy in his hand. As he held it aloft all he could see was an imperfection that became all too apparent upon closer inspection. He brought himself onto the battlefields all over the galaxy. He watched as countless battles unfolded. Men and women of all species falling in droves, slaughtering each other mindlessly. They fought not knowing their true enemies were ones that stood right before them and all around them.
This was what he wished to show. The greatest danger they all faced was from within. The Force was the true enemy. The Force was not the danger, but those that wielded it. The Jedi claimed that the Force was looking for balance, but nowhere did Corruck find evidence to this. The Sith wanted power, more power than they could control. To bring peace to the galaxy would require the removal of those that claimed control over others. Without the Force all men and women, all species, all people, were equal and could attain the same kind of power. The Force allowed certain individuals to claim power over others. It-"Sir, needed at the bridge immediately."
That was it. Corruck now had the answer and he had to prepare to think on it more. But for now there was something that needed to be taken care of. Apparently Sheera required his assistance.