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Star Trek Into Darkness' effect on SW Ep7

  • Thread starter Baros Sal-Soren
  • Start date

Baros Sal-Soren

First, let me say that these thoughts are largely coming from the Screenrant Underground Podcast and are not originally mine, but I have been thinking about it a bit tonight while at work.

A few days ago, news that Adam Driver had been linked to play the villain broke and was posted on the Screenrant Facebook page. It received 100 likes. In comparison the European trailer for Arnold Schwarzenegger's next film Sabaotage received 250 likes.

My guess is that Star Wars is still a much bigger brand than Arnold. There has also been far less coverage over this than news regarding the casting of Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, Ant-Man, Ultron etc.. True, the difference is that those are concrete casting where as Adam Driver is 'apparently' assured of the role but no official word.

My big question is: Did the promotional game regarding Benedict Cumberbatch's character in Into Darkness damage the normal Abram's style promotion?

To be fair, most people thought if not assumed that Cumberbatch was Kahn long before the movie opened yet the promotion of the film persisted with the 'secret box' style of film promotion. They forced their big secret on the movie going public while the movie going public, that cared, just yawned.

ANYWAYS, it is going on 1 year since Lucasfilm's sale to Disney and the announcement of Episode 7. At that point we already had a script, but it is or has been reworked. I know the film is not due out till Christmas season next year, but isn't it time to start announcing some more solid casting reports...or at least show us some pictures of the full scale Falcon they have been building. Anything to start the hype machine slowly working up.

Long post simplified, I really don't want to go through a whole other game of guess who with this movie. Let the reality of it being a new Star Wars set in a new era start to sink in with all it's old school links and what not. The silent treatment does not work for me anymore.


Guardian of the Weak
My thoughts on a Disney based Star Wars galaxy is mixed. As a parent, Disney is awesome in spite of some their movie flops like The Great Oz just to name one off my head. They do make great animated movies that kids...and bigger kids (adults) enjoy. Now, I do not like the idea of them going about creating their own story line. To me it sounds like all they care about is the money, money, money, and more money.

Yes...we nerds will flock to the theatres and watch the film and yes, we will b*tch about it if its awful but the fact remains...Disney still profit from us regardless. I also know that not everyone has read the books before and after ABY and only base their Star Wars knowledge from the movies...shame, shame, shame *wags finger*....but it is what it is. I know some of the stories in the books after the movie R.O.T.J. are weak and some are just can I say this...ignorant. I mean really, cloned Palpatines....*spoiler*....but some of the books are excellent, still.

Whatever Disney has planned for their trilogy...I hope they do not turn this franchise into something awful. 'Tis bad enough my neighbour (who fancies himself a Star Wars Know All since he watched only the movies) tries to debate with me over Star Wars constantly and with Disney adding their own style to it....then my neighbour might end up knowing more than me :)

Nah.....that will never happen!
@[member="Baros Sal-Soren"]

I heard from one of my youtube subcription people, Grace Randolph who is a major movie buff and A&E researcher, reporter that they did not have a cast listed, but they did have the specifications of what they're looking for. Such as two young people, who look to be 17-early twenties, boy and girl. Woman in late twenties, man who looks to be 40-50 with hefty build etc... Also rumors ofcourse such as Disney star, Zak Effron could very well play a part, in looks he could pull off a Jacen Solo late teen years.

And I forget his name, but another I heard was this kid from Breaking Bad could have already auditioned for the role of Ben Skywalker. Jesse Polmens?

But if anything, I think episode seven will have their eye on another Disney space adventure movie... Ehem let me present this awesome trailer to you all. J.J. may be the director, but there are Top Guns overseeing him too, such as miss Kathlene Kennedy and the bank of Disney.

Baros Sal-Soren

@[member="Donatos"] Very psyched for GotG and I know nothing about the comic. Only know stuff sourced from the buzz around the movie. Also, Chris Pratt is awesome.

I guess the OP is more about whether or not people are burned out by the old marketing style that made Kahn the big secret. Is it going to hurt Star Wars episode 7? Or will people just go see it because it is what it is? Hopefully the movie will simply be good, that counts for the most going forward.


Disney's Princess
I've heard JJ say he regrets how he handled Kahn's character during the promotional periods. Keeping it a secret was something he felt could have changed. So I think he will escape from super-secret-omg I didn't see that coming pranks. He'll play it straight this time. Teaser trailers will spotlight special effects and lightsabers. Real trailers will hit the cast, the musical score, and a few plot points. Then posters using the traditional StarWars motifs. The usual.

Other than that, I can't speculate on how this is going to play out. No clue. Should be fun though. :)
I sense JJ has good intentions and will try to the best of his ability to be remembered as the guy who brought star wars back to the big screen in a positive way....though know this, fellow fans....Lens flares are coming! Brace your selves!

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