Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Star Wars: Action Fleet

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
You remember these things? They were literally the best toys ever. I had...
  • Y-wing
  • X-wing
  • Battle droid transport
  • Shuttle Tyderium
  • Imperial landing craft
  • T-16 Skyhopper
  • Probably a few others I'm forgetting
  • A couple of the smaller-scale playsets that were sort of compatible (Death Star, and the huge Millennium Falcon that split in half)
I always wanted the TIEs, though. Never could find those as a kid. I desired them greatly - Vader's ship, the basic TIE/Ln, the Interceptor, the Defender...

I kept that big Millennium Falcon, too. Now my two-year-old plays with it. Loves the smuggling compartments and the spinny quad laser.

Yeah. Action Fleet was the best.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Judah Dashiell said:
I had the Action Fleet and loved them. Recently bought the Titanium Series First Order TIE and its alright....certainly not the same though.

[member="Ajira Cardei"]
I didn't know the Titanium Series was a thing. Had some of those smaller-scale ships back in the day - mainly a Mon Cal cruiser that I loved to bits.

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