Darth Vazela
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So, I made this prologue for a book I am thinking of writing, based on experiences on my old SWRP. Enjoy and feedback is welcomed.
Pydyr was bright, that night. Wind bellowed around the hooded figure, atop the Towers of Je'har. Two sulfuric, yellow eyes gleamed from underneath the hood, upon the third moon of Almania. Indeed, the Dark side of the Force surrounded the figure, fulfilling him with it's potency. Whispers were in the gusts, almost like the ghosts of old were letting themselves be heard on the eve of his ascension; for he was the last of an old, yet decrepit civilization. In the dark horizon, above what was left of Stonia, he could hear the screaming, the subsequent terror that had engulfed Almania at the end of his second Almania Uprising. Seemingly, those responsible had passed on before his time had come. Cast into the pit of the void, he refused to join those responsible for the death that lingered among ruins and forest. Better to be left in their insignificance, whilst he kept rising.
Everything was full circle now. Returning to the point in which he had began his journey, Vilox Pazela found it fitting that it would be on Almania, on the summit, eyes resting on what was left of his home to bring forward the fruition he had acquired in the intervening years. The image and subsequent terror had been itched on the memories and history of the Jedi Order and Sith Empire. He had avenged the Shadow Jedi that had fell under their combined strength; observed and orchestrated the down fall of those responsible for the destruction of Almania; and now possessed a repository of knowledge unmatched in the galaxy. He could live forever, if he choose to. But omnipotence sounded fitting for he would call himself Darth Vazela.
Turning away from the edge of the tower, the Sith Lord begun his descent into darkness. The stairways, at one point in time, hadn't been the cracked, derelict thing that it was today. Once upon an time, the Je'har had ruled over Almania. They had even funded and supported the Rebellion that had usurped the Galactic Empire, thus paving way for the Jedi Order's resurrection and demise of Bane's Rule of Two. Although contributing little to the overall developments that followed, the Je'har were in part responsible. Near two decades later, an fallen Jedi who would claim the name of Kueller, would see the Je'har's own demise. Vazela understood the Dark side. The rise and subsequent fall of Kueller was a direct act of revenge for the Je'har and their acts. The Force had been with Kueller, for a time. But he wasn't the one to see the destruction of the Jedi Order and that was why, in the end, he fell.
Stepping out onto the pathway leading up, Vazela continued to make his way forwards towards a smaller structure erected at the mouth of the Je'har towers. He presumed, in the end, that it was the Dark sides intention for Almania to fall. The subsequent destruction at the hands of Darths Pravus, Serpen and Endymion had paved the way to the Sith Empire becoming strong again. Their victory over the Dark Order that Vilox Pazela had created, concluding in the Battle of Almania, had led towards the Sith coming out of stagnation and back into strength. It had seen the fall of Vilox Pazela and creation of Darth Vazela, the Sith Lord that would continue to make the Sith stronger and stronger in the years that followed. Vazela understood that for every loss and victory he had suffered and won, strength had been ascertained for both him and the Sith. Power had been restored, seeing to the deaths of countless Jedi and peoples across the galaxy. During his time at the summit of the Sith Empire, any stagnation that had begun to settle had been quashed.
But his call was now to something greater. He had left behind an Sith Apprentice in the form of Kael Eusari, who was set to rule as the Dark Lord of the Sith, for decades to come. Ascension called him. Coming to a stop at the structure, Vazela lifted his fingers to the cowl of his dark robe and lowered it from his head. Lifting a pair of hands, he called upon the Force and tugged at the buildings gates. Creaks and pangs rang throughout the air, as the building opened for him. One of a hundred or so hideouts spread across the galaxy. It was in this particular one, that he had completed the work of Darth Plagueis. He lifted his gaze back up to the orange hue above. The Dark Temple, the very same structure that the Dark Order had been founded, still stood. It had been there that Darth Vazela's holocron waited. Perhaps Kael would discover it and it's secrets. Maybe someone else? In it, they would find his recorded knowledge and experiments that he had performed on the different species and the discoveries he had made about them. Not only would the holder discover the ability to manipulate and duplicate their own midi chlorians, but those of others as well. The ability to control life itself. Immortality would follow, for as long as they wanted to continue the process of duplication and replacement of their cells. Given enough time, they would also gain control of other beings. The technique was far more refined than the Qâzoi Kyantuska Sorzus Syn had discovered. Those that had mastered the Suppress Thought, for example, couldn't control an Yinchorri, due to the natural defenses that they had towards Force based influence. But Sith Alchemy was the venture into the unknown and unnatural.
He made his way down the flight of stairs into the hallway ahead. To the side, he picked up a torch and waved his hand over the tip to create a flame. He had, by no means, the ability to manifest fire, in the way that Malphas could. But it was one of the many tricks that he and the other Sith hadn't seen; and now, they never would. Lifting the torch above his head, the Sith Lord made his way along the passageway. It was one of many connecting passages to other underground bunkers, whilst leading to landing bays and outside of Stonia, itself. Vazela remembered that one led directly to Ren'Bl Ettes, a much smaller settlement on Almania, but as equally abandoned, much like it's bigger compatriot. He came to a stop at another gate, but he didn't need to powers of the Force to pull this one open, as he had with the much bigger pair above ground. Lifting his free hand to the keypad, he typed in the code and waited. The first door retracted into the ceiling, whilst the two behind slid into the crevices left and right. The other simply required a push, in which Vazela obliged.
He snuffed out the flame on top of the torch and set it into the bracket at the side. Memory diverted his attention to the terminal at the right, in which he lowered his palm onto a lever and pushed up. Lights came to life overhead, making Vazela squint in the sudden brightness, having become accustomed to the darkness from before. Blinking several times, he turned from the computer. Several instruments, devices and computers were littered around the walls and corners of the bunker. His eyes briefly settled on the sphere center to it. Thinking about the chamber inside, Vazela deduced that he had spent at least seven years of his life sat in there, at intervening times, as he explored beyond shadows. It had also been in that chamber that he had discovered Coralie Vridian. "Another contribution to the Sith," he thought. "To this day, they are not aware of what could of been." He nodded his head, almost toasting the would be Jedi Queen.
Walking by the sphere, he came to a stop at another terminal. Vazela turned for one final look at the room. The computers, terminals and even the bacta tanks, where he had stored each experiment, had come to life alongside the lights above. He felt a slight pang. It was like they had woken up and prepared themselves for their Master to begin working again. Everything Vazela loved was in the bunker. That was the word closest to describing what he felt towards each machine and the experiments that he had used and created. The latter were all destroyed, to save evidence; and he had no need for these machines now. The work had been completed long ago. But he had loved them and everything else without compassion. Licking his lips, he would of said goodbye, if not for the waste of breath. He pressed his hand on another lever and pulled down, without looking. The bunker began to disappear as the floor underneath Vazela parted and the platform began to descend deeper underground. He knew that the lights and machinery would turn off, eventually, when they realized nobody was there to use them.
Turning back around as he was carried downwards, the platform came to a stop. The apparatus that carried it's lever parted to the side, allowing Vazela to pass it into the giant space. It had once been a cavern, but Vazela had it converted into the shape that it was today. He took a moment to look down and saw his reflection. He was stood on top transparisteel, which had a light underneath, currently illuminating the space he occupied. Underneath the light, was a durasteel sheet that stretched the entire cavern, in which it was painted entirely white. For every step Vazela took, another tile would illuminate, whilst the one he stepped off, turned off in sequence. In the event of a breach, he would simply close his eyes and use the console he had on himself all times, to turn every light on. The result would blind and disorientate anyone who hadn't taken the precaution to have a pair of protection goggles on. Vazela had forgotten the pair goggles, which were left in a box beside the lever on the platform behind him. He didn't feel they were necessary, at this time, for he didn't have any reason to turn every slab online. Nobody knew where he was, nor the existence of this place; and he hadn't been followed. The only time every light had been turned on at the same time was on the same day they had been installed, so as to test their effectiveness on the crews responsible for their installation. When it worked, he had slain every last one of them and had the bodies disposed, with no questions asked. He was cautious and careful, in that way.
He continued walking. At first, the cavern was going to be used as a cloning facility. Indeed, he had several hundred cloning vats down here, once upon a time. They were all from Kamino. He had taken them during an attack he had led on a cloning facility that the Army of Light were using to produce clone troopers. He remembered the duel he had with T'el Bouqi during the assault. It had been their first and Bouqi was only a Jedi Knight back then, whilst he had been a fledgling Sith Master anointed by Sylence Ank'hu. He too had intended to use the stolen vats to produce a clone army. He had even brought the correct template for the job. The Bounty Hunter, Cassus Vhi'torr, would serve as the template for each clone. An regiment of Vhi'torr clones were still stationed on Lehon, protecting several Prefabricated Garrisons that held the same vats that had once been down in the cavern. He had them removed and transported to the Lehon system, to continue the clone process after it's invasion. It was those same clones and vats that had been used in a bargain with Darth Crouroux, much later on in time, in exchange for a position in his Sith Order. Small price to pay, in return for an entire Empire to run, he had reasoned at the time. He wondered if the facilities and Vhi'torr clones were still there, under the Crouroux Imperium.
"Of no consequence," Vazela said aloud, in conclusion. He counted each step and came to a stop at the thirty third tile. He lifted and pressed down his feet on the tile, that he was stood on, three times and then waited. Suddenly, several tiles ahead were brought to life. Enough to illuminate the device that the cavern now hosted, but not enough to blind, as per the intended trap Vazela had set in the case of an incursion. Lifting his gaze to the device, he leaned his head to the side in thought. "I wonder what you would do, if you knew about this, Mia." He began his approach again. Indeed, the Infinity Gate that he had created did not have as grand structure as the Pyramids that the Kwa had constructed to host theirs. But it would have to make do. It was likely that it would only be used once, in any case. That was, if his holocron was deciphered properly. But that would take years of meditation and study. The complex science behind the Infinity Gate was vast. It would take an equal proportion of time for the user to shift through each process, as it had done for him. It would also require an intricate knowledge of Sith Alchemy, in which only few possessed to his level, in the modern era. He thought about Darths Fuerza, Lexor and Crouroux; Fraller Mori and Drendade Marvelour; and the aspiring Sith Alchemists in the forms of Ferenc Toljav, Ryia Shan and perhaps, given time, Kael Eusari. But would or had they taken an interest in the ancient past, as he had? Every Sith has their own journey. It had been the unknown histories and stories of the Kwa, the Rakata and the Celestials that had led Vazela here. Indeed, it had been the chase of the latter that had led him to the discovery of the last, original Kwa constructed Infinity Gate on Ilum, in which Vazela had stepped through in the pursuit of ascension. The world and later ship he had discovered were the final keys to the construct that laid before him.
Vazela lifted his hand and clicked his fingers. Each tile turned off, as triggered by the Force. Gesturing his hand towards the gate, he waved his hand across the space between either side of it's construct. A flash of blue erupted, illuminating now him and the cavern. Vazela had taken the precaution to turn off each tile and had paced his approach to the device, in conjunction with the sequences that were going on above, so the electrical devices in the gates vicinity would be turned offline. He sighed relief when nothing happened after it's activation. Although an untested theory, Vazela believed that, with just enough energy in vicinity to an Infinity Gate, an Infinity wave would ensue. That was, in his own educated guess, how the Dathomir Gate had been used as a weapon by the Nightsisters, in an attack on Coruscant; and why the Kwa had positioned their gate on Ilum, so close to the Rakata homeworld. Triggering the gates, so close to a cult of Force-users and their energies, as well as an construct such as the Star Forge, would surely have triggered such an event, if the gates were brought online, such as the one that stood before him. In terms of reasoning and history, the Nightsisters may have proven such guesses, but Vazela nor the Kwa would ever discover what would of happened, in the event the Ilum Infinity Gate was activated in vicinity to the Star Forge. Even at the distance between Ilum and Rakata Prime, the latter structure was so powerful in Dark side energy, that it surely would of happened. Vazela would applaud the Kwa for their ingenuity, if they had not fallen prey to the Rakata and then their primitive decay.
He took a step and waited. It wasn't nerves that stopped him. What was on the end of the gate, if all went to plan, didn't scare Vazela. But his thoughts were on a certain woman. He turned briefly from the Infinity Gate and back towards the darkness that now filled the cavern, save for the blue of the gates portal. It seemed that Vazela was almost looking beyond the darkness, past the transparisteel, durasteel white slabs; beyond the bunker, the Ruins of Stonia, the Mem'kabarr forest that surrounded the Towers of Je'har and past Drewwa, Auyemesh and Pydyr to the stars. Sulfuric, yellow predatory eyes squinted towards the dark, like they were upon a certain someone. Their Force bond had been severed long ago. Indeed, it was miracle Darth Vazela and Mia Taher were still alive to tell their tales, for once a bond such as theirs was broken, death ensued.
"It was meant to be you stepping through this portal with me," Vazela said aloud. "It was meant to be you that watched Almania burn from the Executor. The consequential falls of Pravus, Serpen and Endymion from the summits of their power. You, that saw the demise of a would be Jedi Queen. The falls of the numerous Jedi Knights and Masters that would of served us. Us, that would of been responsible for the defeats of Kaseem Forta, Fraller Mori, Kardas Ank'hu and all the other enemies combined that we would of made and subsequently destroyed."
He turned back to the blue light. "You, that would of forged an Empire alongside I. Indeed, you are the one, last enigma I'll never solve. For one who kept themselves in the light, have subsequently blinded my eyes with darkness. Mia Taher, who denied her would be existence as Darth Obscurer; my Apprentice, my Dark Lady of the Sith and consequential lover." He stepped through the portal.
"Farewell, Mia."
Star Wars: Ascension

Ruins of Stonia, Almania, 2056 ABY.Pydyr was bright, that night. Wind bellowed around the hooded figure, atop the Towers of Je'har. Two sulfuric, yellow eyes gleamed from underneath the hood, upon the third moon of Almania. Indeed, the Dark side of the Force surrounded the figure, fulfilling him with it's potency. Whispers were in the gusts, almost like the ghosts of old were letting themselves be heard on the eve of his ascension; for he was the last of an old, yet decrepit civilization. In the dark horizon, above what was left of Stonia, he could hear the screaming, the subsequent terror that had engulfed Almania at the end of his second Almania Uprising. Seemingly, those responsible had passed on before his time had come. Cast into the pit of the void, he refused to join those responsible for the death that lingered among ruins and forest. Better to be left in their insignificance, whilst he kept rising.
Everything was full circle now. Returning to the point in which he had began his journey, Vilox Pazela found it fitting that it would be on Almania, on the summit, eyes resting on what was left of his home to bring forward the fruition he had acquired in the intervening years. The image and subsequent terror had been itched on the memories and history of the Jedi Order and Sith Empire. He had avenged the Shadow Jedi that had fell under their combined strength; observed and orchestrated the down fall of those responsible for the destruction of Almania; and now possessed a repository of knowledge unmatched in the galaxy. He could live forever, if he choose to. But omnipotence sounded fitting for he would call himself Darth Vazela.
Turning away from the edge of the tower, the Sith Lord begun his descent into darkness. The stairways, at one point in time, hadn't been the cracked, derelict thing that it was today. Once upon an time, the Je'har had ruled over Almania. They had even funded and supported the Rebellion that had usurped the Galactic Empire, thus paving way for the Jedi Order's resurrection and demise of Bane's Rule of Two. Although contributing little to the overall developments that followed, the Je'har were in part responsible. Near two decades later, an fallen Jedi who would claim the name of Kueller, would see the Je'har's own demise. Vazela understood the Dark side. The rise and subsequent fall of Kueller was a direct act of revenge for the Je'har and their acts. The Force had been with Kueller, for a time. But he wasn't the one to see the destruction of the Jedi Order and that was why, in the end, he fell.
Stepping out onto the pathway leading up, Vazela continued to make his way forwards towards a smaller structure erected at the mouth of the Je'har towers. He presumed, in the end, that it was the Dark sides intention for Almania to fall. The subsequent destruction at the hands of Darths Pravus, Serpen and Endymion had paved the way to the Sith Empire becoming strong again. Their victory over the Dark Order that Vilox Pazela had created, concluding in the Battle of Almania, had led towards the Sith coming out of stagnation and back into strength. It had seen the fall of Vilox Pazela and creation of Darth Vazela, the Sith Lord that would continue to make the Sith stronger and stronger in the years that followed. Vazela understood that for every loss and victory he had suffered and won, strength had been ascertained for both him and the Sith. Power had been restored, seeing to the deaths of countless Jedi and peoples across the galaxy. During his time at the summit of the Sith Empire, any stagnation that had begun to settle had been quashed.
But his call was now to something greater. He had left behind an Sith Apprentice in the form of Kael Eusari, who was set to rule as the Dark Lord of the Sith, for decades to come. Ascension called him. Coming to a stop at the structure, Vazela lifted his fingers to the cowl of his dark robe and lowered it from his head. Lifting a pair of hands, he called upon the Force and tugged at the buildings gates. Creaks and pangs rang throughout the air, as the building opened for him. One of a hundred or so hideouts spread across the galaxy. It was in this particular one, that he had completed the work of Darth Plagueis. He lifted his gaze back up to the orange hue above. The Dark Temple, the very same structure that the Dark Order had been founded, still stood. It had been there that Darth Vazela's holocron waited. Perhaps Kael would discover it and it's secrets. Maybe someone else? In it, they would find his recorded knowledge and experiments that he had performed on the different species and the discoveries he had made about them. Not only would the holder discover the ability to manipulate and duplicate their own midi chlorians, but those of others as well. The ability to control life itself. Immortality would follow, for as long as they wanted to continue the process of duplication and replacement of their cells. Given enough time, they would also gain control of other beings. The technique was far more refined than the Qâzoi Kyantuska Sorzus Syn had discovered. Those that had mastered the Suppress Thought, for example, couldn't control an Yinchorri, due to the natural defenses that they had towards Force based influence. But Sith Alchemy was the venture into the unknown and unnatural.
He made his way down the flight of stairs into the hallway ahead. To the side, he picked up a torch and waved his hand over the tip to create a flame. He had, by no means, the ability to manifest fire, in the way that Malphas could. But it was one of the many tricks that he and the other Sith hadn't seen; and now, they never would. Lifting the torch above his head, the Sith Lord made his way along the passageway. It was one of many connecting passages to other underground bunkers, whilst leading to landing bays and outside of Stonia, itself. Vazela remembered that one led directly to Ren'Bl Ettes, a much smaller settlement on Almania, but as equally abandoned, much like it's bigger compatriot. He came to a stop at another gate, but he didn't need to powers of the Force to pull this one open, as he had with the much bigger pair above ground. Lifting his free hand to the keypad, he typed in the code and waited. The first door retracted into the ceiling, whilst the two behind slid into the crevices left and right. The other simply required a push, in which Vazela obliged.
He snuffed out the flame on top of the torch and set it into the bracket at the side. Memory diverted his attention to the terminal at the right, in which he lowered his palm onto a lever and pushed up. Lights came to life overhead, making Vazela squint in the sudden brightness, having become accustomed to the darkness from before. Blinking several times, he turned from the computer. Several instruments, devices and computers were littered around the walls and corners of the bunker. His eyes briefly settled on the sphere center to it. Thinking about the chamber inside, Vazela deduced that he had spent at least seven years of his life sat in there, at intervening times, as he explored beyond shadows. It had also been in that chamber that he had discovered Coralie Vridian. "Another contribution to the Sith," he thought. "To this day, they are not aware of what could of been." He nodded his head, almost toasting the would be Jedi Queen.
Walking by the sphere, he came to a stop at another terminal. Vazela turned for one final look at the room. The computers, terminals and even the bacta tanks, where he had stored each experiment, had come to life alongside the lights above. He felt a slight pang. It was like they had woken up and prepared themselves for their Master to begin working again. Everything Vazela loved was in the bunker. That was the word closest to describing what he felt towards each machine and the experiments that he had used and created. The latter were all destroyed, to save evidence; and he had no need for these machines now. The work had been completed long ago. But he had loved them and everything else without compassion. Licking his lips, he would of said goodbye, if not for the waste of breath. He pressed his hand on another lever and pulled down, without looking. The bunker began to disappear as the floor underneath Vazela parted and the platform began to descend deeper underground. He knew that the lights and machinery would turn off, eventually, when they realized nobody was there to use them.
Turning back around as he was carried downwards, the platform came to a stop. The apparatus that carried it's lever parted to the side, allowing Vazela to pass it into the giant space. It had once been a cavern, but Vazela had it converted into the shape that it was today. He took a moment to look down and saw his reflection. He was stood on top transparisteel, which had a light underneath, currently illuminating the space he occupied. Underneath the light, was a durasteel sheet that stretched the entire cavern, in which it was painted entirely white. For every step Vazela took, another tile would illuminate, whilst the one he stepped off, turned off in sequence. In the event of a breach, he would simply close his eyes and use the console he had on himself all times, to turn every light on. The result would blind and disorientate anyone who hadn't taken the precaution to have a pair of protection goggles on. Vazela had forgotten the pair goggles, which were left in a box beside the lever on the platform behind him. He didn't feel they were necessary, at this time, for he didn't have any reason to turn every slab online. Nobody knew where he was, nor the existence of this place; and he hadn't been followed. The only time every light had been turned on at the same time was on the same day they had been installed, so as to test their effectiveness on the crews responsible for their installation. When it worked, he had slain every last one of them and had the bodies disposed, with no questions asked. He was cautious and careful, in that way.
He continued walking. At first, the cavern was going to be used as a cloning facility. Indeed, he had several hundred cloning vats down here, once upon a time. They were all from Kamino. He had taken them during an attack he had led on a cloning facility that the Army of Light were using to produce clone troopers. He remembered the duel he had with T'el Bouqi during the assault. It had been their first and Bouqi was only a Jedi Knight back then, whilst he had been a fledgling Sith Master anointed by Sylence Ank'hu. He too had intended to use the stolen vats to produce a clone army. He had even brought the correct template for the job. The Bounty Hunter, Cassus Vhi'torr, would serve as the template for each clone. An regiment of Vhi'torr clones were still stationed on Lehon, protecting several Prefabricated Garrisons that held the same vats that had once been down in the cavern. He had them removed and transported to the Lehon system, to continue the clone process after it's invasion. It was those same clones and vats that had been used in a bargain with Darth Crouroux, much later on in time, in exchange for a position in his Sith Order. Small price to pay, in return for an entire Empire to run, he had reasoned at the time. He wondered if the facilities and Vhi'torr clones were still there, under the Crouroux Imperium.
"Of no consequence," Vazela said aloud, in conclusion. He counted each step and came to a stop at the thirty third tile. He lifted and pressed down his feet on the tile, that he was stood on, three times and then waited. Suddenly, several tiles ahead were brought to life. Enough to illuminate the device that the cavern now hosted, but not enough to blind, as per the intended trap Vazela had set in the case of an incursion. Lifting his gaze to the device, he leaned his head to the side in thought. "I wonder what you would do, if you knew about this, Mia." He began his approach again. Indeed, the Infinity Gate that he had created did not have as grand structure as the Pyramids that the Kwa had constructed to host theirs. But it would have to make do. It was likely that it would only be used once, in any case. That was, if his holocron was deciphered properly. But that would take years of meditation and study. The complex science behind the Infinity Gate was vast. It would take an equal proportion of time for the user to shift through each process, as it had done for him. It would also require an intricate knowledge of Sith Alchemy, in which only few possessed to his level, in the modern era. He thought about Darths Fuerza, Lexor and Crouroux; Fraller Mori and Drendade Marvelour; and the aspiring Sith Alchemists in the forms of Ferenc Toljav, Ryia Shan and perhaps, given time, Kael Eusari. But would or had they taken an interest in the ancient past, as he had? Every Sith has their own journey. It had been the unknown histories and stories of the Kwa, the Rakata and the Celestials that had led Vazela here. Indeed, it had been the chase of the latter that had led him to the discovery of the last, original Kwa constructed Infinity Gate on Ilum, in which Vazela had stepped through in the pursuit of ascension. The world and later ship he had discovered were the final keys to the construct that laid before him.
Vazela lifted his hand and clicked his fingers. Each tile turned off, as triggered by the Force. Gesturing his hand towards the gate, he waved his hand across the space between either side of it's construct. A flash of blue erupted, illuminating now him and the cavern. Vazela had taken the precaution to turn off each tile and had paced his approach to the device, in conjunction with the sequences that were going on above, so the electrical devices in the gates vicinity would be turned offline. He sighed relief when nothing happened after it's activation. Although an untested theory, Vazela believed that, with just enough energy in vicinity to an Infinity Gate, an Infinity wave would ensue. That was, in his own educated guess, how the Dathomir Gate had been used as a weapon by the Nightsisters, in an attack on Coruscant; and why the Kwa had positioned their gate on Ilum, so close to the Rakata homeworld. Triggering the gates, so close to a cult of Force-users and their energies, as well as an construct such as the Star Forge, would surely have triggered such an event, if the gates were brought online, such as the one that stood before him. In terms of reasoning and history, the Nightsisters may have proven such guesses, but Vazela nor the Kwa would ever discover what would of happened, in the event the Ilum Infinity Gate was activated in vicinity to the Star Forge. Even at the distance between Ilum and Rakata Prime, the latter structure was so powerful in Dark side energy, that it surely would of happened. Vazela would applaud the Kwa for their ingenuity, if they had not fallen prey to the Rakata and then their primitive decay.
He took a step and waited. It wasn't nerves that stopped him. What was on the end of the gate, if all went to plan, didn't scare Vazela. But his thoughts were on a certain woman. He turned briefly from the Infinity Gate and back towards the darkness that now filled the cavern, save for the blue of the gates portal. It seemed that Vazela was almost looking beyond the darkness, past the transparisteel, durasteel white slabs; beyond the bunker, the Ruins of Stonia, the Mem'kabarr forest that surrounded the Towers of Je'har and past Drewwa, Auyemesh and Pydyr to the stars. Sulfuric, yellow predatory eyes squinted towards the dark, like they were upon a certain someone. Their Force bond had been severed long ago. Indeed, it was miracle Darth Vazela and Mia Taher were still alive to tell their tales, for once a bond such as theirs was broken, death ensued.
"It was meant to be you stepping through this portal with me," Vazela said aloud. "It was meant to be you that watched Almania burn from the Executor. The consequential falls of Pravus, Serpen and Endymion from the summits of their power. You, that saw the demise of a would be Jedi Queen. The falls of the numerous Jedi Knights and Masters that would of served us. Us, that would of been responsible for the defeats of Kaseem Forta, Fraller Mori, Kardas Ank'hu and all the other enemies combined that we would of made and subsequently destroyed."
He turned back to the blue light. "You, that would of forged an Empire alongside I. Indeed, you are the one, last enigma I'll never solve. For one who kept themselves in the light, have subsequently blinded my eyes with darkness. Mia Taher, who denied her would be existence as Darth Obscurer; my Apprentice, my Dark Lady of the Sith and consequential lover." He stepped through the portal.
"Farewell, Mia."