The Combine was actually my first "rp" site and Jorj Kell was my first character there as an Antarian Ranger. This was back in 2004 (which I guess would be Year 5 on the site). But, as a young me did, I got bored quickly, killed Jorj, picked up another character after the month reset named Ken Tatsujin (where my love for Ithorian characters came into play). Spent a little time as a faction leader before getting executed, making a number of enemies (again, young and stupid). My third character is still flying around somewhere; Ryu Zamasee.
The longer I was there (probably 3 or 4 years active) the more I got into white scenarios. The more actual writing I did, the more I delved into other SW related forums for writing things, and the less I wanted to take part in the Combine. It got too political, and I pretty much swore off any pvp for future endeavors, preferring to actively work with people than against them. I found that faction community things were incredibly rewarding, but not so much with the site as a whole.
I still log in from time to time, grab some CPs (so close to a capital ship) and set a new hyperspace destination to farm XP.