Darth Vulcanus
Better than other-other space Kaiden
The background is simple, I am doing a self-training for Krag but i'm doing it in a very long and short story like manner. I know people have mixed feelings on self-trainings but I enjoy them because you can write at your own pace and don't have to worry about other people ditching your thread. So, I figure since i'm putting so much work into this that I might as well share with the rest of the board as I post it in the Sith Training forum. Feel free to comment if you like and I will post each chapter as it is finished. Not sure how long i'm going to make this as I am kind of just writing and seeing where it takes me (aside from planned plot events and points). Enjoy!
The sky split open as lighting cracked down from the heavens, destroying a tropical tree in the distance as the powerful volt of energy struck it. As the lighting storm raged about the sky of Thule like a battle between the divines, a much more mortal figure was disembarking an Imperial shuttle nearby. Krag, the first Graug to ever become Sith, stepped down the ramp and into the downpour of rain. The freezing beads of water sizzled away into vapor as they fell upon the scorching hide of ash that the large reptilian creature sported.
Ash for skin, it was still such an alien thought to the Graug. His species had slimy, moist scales and yet Krag was now walking the galaxy with a coat of skin that defied logic. It wasn’t exactly a doing of Krag’s own, though he did cause it by traveling to Gratos, his home planet, to find a way to strengthen himself in Sith Magic. It was there, in an ancient temple, that he discovered a Sith Phantom who taught him the ways of the fire and revealed his species origins to him. Unfortunately, the phantom cursed him with this skin and the inevitable fate of dying from his own pursuit of power. Krag would not give in so easy though; he would find a way to reverse the effects eventually.
That was a matter for a different time, however, for Krag was not here on Thule for more training. No, Krag had been summoned to the planet to investigate the disappearance of a Sith Master by the name of Darth Fraxis. The Lord had gone missing shortly after the coup against Emperor Tyrin Ardik. More specifically, he went missing after a series of threats from unhappy rebels who were speaking out against the new regime. No one thought much of it at first, but after three weeks with no word from him people began to get worried. The Empire had already sent an investigative team to look into his disappearance and Krag had been sent to assist them due to his ability to sniff out targets.
Not the most luxurious assignment, not by Krag’s standards at least, but it was better than doing nothing. Krag snorted into the air as his good eye caught the figure of an Imperial Officer, dressed in the traditional grey uniform, marching towards him from behind the veil of pouring rain. The officer was a human, a good foot shorter than Krag and sported a short ‘high-and-tight’ haircut and a square officer’s cap with a large visor spanning over his eyes. The visor would have been effective in blocking the rain, if it were not for the fact that the huge droplets were beating down on him from a slanted angle.
“Lord Krag” the soldier shouted over the rain and thunder with a slight bow at the waist “It is an honor to have you with us. Thank you for gracing us with your presence. I am Agent Walstro of Imperial Intelligence.” The man’s words sounded rehearsed and near robotic, probably from hundreds of times having to lick the boots of Sith superiors.
“Of course it is an honor” Krag snorted arrogantly, stepping past the officer and looking off into the distance “I wish to get this done with, I have much more important matters to deal with than looking for some Master too weak to defend himself.”
Agent Walstro nodded, taking a step forward and placing a bladed hand up to his eyes to guard from the rain “Of course my lord, I would expect nothing less from a… man of your position.” the agent had stalled on the word man, no surprise as it was not a common occurrence to see a Graug in the galaxy and that meant that no one really knew anything about Graug biology off-hand.
The hesitation wasn’t what was irritating Krag, it was the fact that he had just explained that he wanted to get this mission completed and yet the agent was still kissing his arse. Krag enjoyed recognition and respect, but not when it came at the cost of his orders not being carried out as soon as he willed them to, “Stop wasting your primitive breath and take me to the man’s house already.” Krag growled, his good eye burning a hole clean through the man.
The agent didn’t seemed moved, however, he just gave a polite nod and answered with a respectful tone, “certainly my lord, this way.” he called out over the pounding rain, holding his hand out to a nearby speeder with a covered roof. Krag marched out in front of Walstro, his heavy footsteps masked by the sounds of the storm. Even in the few minutes that Krag had been on planet, the storm had worsened ten fold. The lighting in the sky cracked without break and the rain was collecting on the streets faster than it could be drained into the storm sewers. If the storms didn’t let up soon, it wouldn’t be farfetched to say that it would reach biblical proportions.
Walstro rushed ahead as they approached the speeder, opening the back passenger side door and bowing to Krag as the beast stepped inside. It was a tight fit and Krag found himself nearly crushed between the ceiling of the speeder and the floor. He snorted, moving his body to a position that was at least semi-comfortable. The agent closed the door with haste before rushing around to the driver’s seat of the speeder and jumping in. Walstro shook a little, sending water from his drenched overcoat flying over the dash and passenger seat.
“This bloody place and its storms.” Walstro grumbled as he powered up the speeder’s engine and the machine slowly lifted into the air. The rain was heavy against the windows of the speeder, knocking against the glass with the same weighty sound of hail. What was worse was the thunder from the never ending lightning storm that sent a metal bending shutter down the speeder with every crack. Krag had seen vicious lightning storms in his life, but this one was certainly on the top of his list. The lighting struck with such pace that the sky appeared to be illuminated a permanent blue and purple, it was truly astonishing.
The power of this storm was derived from the fierce darkside energies here, which raised questions. With such a strong darkside presence it was hard to believe that a Sith, no matter what their rank, could be overcome by some rowdy rebels. If this Darth Fraxis was as good as they said he was, it would have been even harder to believe. It was no secret that many people were unhappy with how things turned out for the Empire and many opposition groups had started as a result of so much turmoil. Still, most rebels were Non-force users with the occasional high ranking Sith or Dark Jedi. Assuming that the tales of Darth Fraxis were true, it would have taken immense planning and numbers to bring him down and not leave a trace. There was also the possibility that he deserted the Empire, like a true weakling, and ran off to join the rebels. This, however, seemed unlikely to even Krag. According to what he had been briefed on about the man, he was an extremely loyal Sith who served each Emperor just as willing as the last. He had survived inquisition and when the Empire told him to jump he asked how high. Lesser or not, the man was loyal to the Empire.
The more he thought about it, the more questions turned up. Krag may have been a brute and a barbaric warrior, but he could think like an investigator when he needed to. Right now he needed to get to Darth Fraxis’s residence and see what he could turn up on the planet. If the Master had been attacked, it either meant he was weak and the stories were nothing but falsehood. Alternatively, it could mean that Krag was dealing with a very powerful and rouge force user or a very cunning group of non-force users.
Either way, Krag was going to need to act fast and use all of his skills to catch and kill who was responsible. The Empire had told Krag to do whatever was necessary when he found the suspects and to Krag that was just a good excuse to kill something. He would be analytical and thoughtful all the way up to the point when he found his suspects. There would be no mercy or arresting, just good ole’ fashion summary executions right on the spot. If he turned out to have killed the wrong people, well then that just simply wasn’t his problem. He would be damned if he was just going to sit through all of this investigatory work without at least killing something at the end. Hell, he’d kill this Imperial Intelligence fellow if it came down to the wire and he had no suspects.
“Lord Krag, may I ask as to how you got assigned to this investigation?” Walstro asked, breaking the repetitive sounds of the heavy rain hitting the windows and the non-stop lighting
Krag turned his good eye towards the fellow and snorted “I was told to head the investigation and so I am. I do not know why they chose me, aside from my natural instinct to hunt pitiful prey. Regardless, I care not for their reasoning and only for the completion of this mission and the deaths of those responsible so that I may return to my usual business.” Krag shuffled in his seat, trying to get comfortable in the tight space
“Your species are hunters, my lord?” the man asked with genuine intrigue. It most likely wasn’t out of some wanting to get to know Krag, but rather out of curiosity of the Graug.
“Yes, we are the greatest hunters the galaxy has ever seen. Nothing is our predator and everything is our prey, do well to remember that lesser.” Krag snorted, his good eye tracing back to his window. He wasn’t sure how far they had traveled but he could finally see signs of other Imperial personnel. Down below was a decently sized temple, built into the side of a jagged mountain. The temple would have been impossible to see through the pouring rain if it were not for the large industrial lights lining its spire. While Krag could not give a clear description of the height, it was easy enough to say that the temple and its spire stretch a good 50 stories into the air. The black, metallic surface of the temple was glistening with hour’s worth of rain. The outside was nearly impossible to make out except for the presence of an Imperial Walker that towered above the surface of the mountain slope.
“I will do just that, Lord Krag.” the officer replied back before turning the speeder sharply towards the tower “We are here, my lord.”
The shuttle zipped across the sky and came in hot to the ground outside of the temple. Krag could have swore they were about to impact with the rocks, but he was pleasantly surprised that the shuttle just grazed across the rocky surface before coming to a stop just 10 meters from the walker. Krag sparred no time throwing his door open and stepping out into the harsh flurry of rain and wind. The first gust that hit him was nearly enough to thrown him off his balance and send him toppling to the ground like a few crates of potatoes.
“This way Lord Krag, I will show you inside!” Walstro exclaimed over the raging wind and lighting.
“Good!” Krag barked back as he stomped around the speeder and over to his guide. The Graug’s good eye scanned the exterior of the tower just in time to see a wealth of Imperial Intelligence Officers get illuminated in a bright purple flash from a nearby lighting strike. The men didn’t move an inch; they just stood their ground with their long trench coats keeping their bodies dry from the raging waters. Nothing said Imperial Power like seeing a dozen Imperial Intelligence Agents standing around in long, black trench coats. The combat boots and black trousers, coupled with their slick appearance from the rain and the flashes of lighting made the scene before the temple quite extraordinary.
With haste, Krag and Walstro jogged through the rain and lighting to the front entrance of the temple, which was flanked on either side by massive statues of a man in traditional Sith robes. The flickers of lighting helped reveal the statues scarred and sunken face through the darkness, if Krag had to guess he would make that statue out to be a representation of Darth Fraxis. If the statue was true to life, the man had a cluster of small scars running down from his left temple to his right jawline. His cheeks were sunken deep into his face, giving him an almost skeletal appearance. The nose was sharp and the eyes were but hollow shells that, no doubt, contained nothing but soulless gems in person.
Once inside, Walstro shook some of the excess water from his jacket and did his best to hide his shivering. Krag, on the other hand, was completely dry aside from splots of water on his armor. If one thought that the outside of the temple was spectacular, then the inside would have made them cry with envy. The ceiling was high and decorated with an elaborate artwork of ancient Sith and Dark Lords. Krag could not recognize them all, but he could see the big names such as Sidious, Vader and Bane all painted out in vibrant colors and with excellent brush work. Even to a creature like Krag, it was an impressive display of art. Further down the hall was less colorful, but no less extravagant. Busts and statues, of Sith Lords past, lined the hall on either side; stretching down for meters upon meters.
“Quite amazing isn’t it, my lord?” Walstro asked, but received no answer in return aside from a glare. Taking the hint, the Intelligence Officer bowed and stretched his arm towards a staircase in the center of the grand hall “Darth Fraxis’s room is on the second floor, I will show you there.”
With that, Walstro began leading the Graug Knight through the temple and up the stairs to the second floor of the complex. Even as they traveled deeper into the stone and metal building, the sounds of lighting and rain pierced into the silence of the corridors. Even to Krag, whose species was used to the loud noises of the predators of their homeworld, could not imagine how someone could live here with such racket. The knight couldn’t imagine living somewhere with this kind of noise so often, it would be unbearable.
As Krag and Walstro approached the room of Darth Fraxis, the Graug took notice of two stormtroopers posted on either side of the doorway. The armored troopers stood tall with their blaster rifles slung over their shoulders and pointed towards the ground. They didn’t move, not until Krag passed by them and they both turned to get a glimpse behind his back. The room of Darth Fraxis was what one would expect from a living space of someone who owned a temple such as this one. The bed was large and round, bigger than a king sized mattress even and the frame was an elaborate and menacing decoration of spirals carved from black wood. The carpets were made from dense wool and the walls and ceiling contained paintings of scripture from ancient Sith texts. Krag didn’t get in close for a thorough inspection, but from what he could tell was that they were from the Book of the Sith and other such literary works.
The presence of the Darkside in the room was like the musk of strong cologne, heavy and hanging in the air. Krag shivered a little at the overpowering scent of it, this man was powerful and that much was now clear. Well, he was powerful at least since he may be a dead man now. Either way, whether he was dead or alive was not his concern, for he was only here to find out where he or his body was and then kill those responsible. At initial sight, nothing seemed out of place and that was troubling. Even on Gratos, where the Graug were naturally fit to survive the terrain alone, a deserter never left without taking his wares.
“Is anything missing?” Krag growled in question to Walstro
“No, my lord. From what we can tell, all but one robe is gone and even his lightsaber is still in its place.”
Krag’s eye grew wide and he turned his head to the man, “his weapon was left behind?”
Walstro nodded and Krag snorted, “this man is dead.”
“That is what we fear, but we do not like to jump to such solid conclusions.” Walstro countered politely
Krag laughed, walking deeper into the room “he is dead; it is just a matter of finding his body now.” Krag assured as he ran his claws across a bookshelf near the entrance of the quarters. Each book was neatly in its place and there was not a spec of dirt on the bindings. Darth Fraxis was obviously an avid reader, for each book appeared to have been opened and closed many times before.
Turning away from the book shelf, Krag took a sniff of the air. The scents of the multiple Imperial Agents filled his nose, as well as something very peculiar. Turning to Walstro, Krag inquired “Have your men tested for chemicals?”
“N-no my lord.” Walstro answered, fear striking his voice as he noticed Krag’s reaction. Uselessness, complete and utter uselessness. How was it that Krag, a warrior at heart and little more, could think of such a basic thing when the Imperial agents had not. “We are bringing in a droid to test for DNA though, my lord!” Walstro blurted out in attempt to justify himself.
Krag snarled, walking off to follow the chemical scent. The beast ducked and weaved, Walstro following close behind with his head bowed in shame. The scent finally brought Krag to a room full of holotapes and holocrons, all alphabetically categorized kept behind a thin layer of glass. This Darth Fraxis was very orderly, that much was clear judging by the state of his affairs. Krag entered the room, his nose still sniffing for the source of the scent. Soon enough he reached a pedestal in the back of the room, atop it was a shattered mound of glass that used to be a protective box. Obviously, from the fact that glass was the only thing to be found on the pedestal, whatever the box used to protect had been stolen. It was also the spot where that most peculiar scent was coming from; still it did not answer the question of what it was.
As Krag continued to sniff about the pedestal, he suddenly heard the sound of a holocron opening. The beast turned swiftly, his eyes coming upon Walstro who was looking in wonder as a holocron on a shelf opened before him. “What have you done?” Krag sneered, steam and cinder flowing forth from his nostrils like a demon from the nine depths.
“Nothing my lord!” Walstro blurted in a panic “The display case was open and the holocron activated when I walked by!”
Krag pushed the man out of the way, sending him fumbling backwards and picked up the Holocron. The device, instead of displaying its usual content, only displayed a message read “This device requires a secondary power source for proper function.”
This was strange; he had never encountered a holocron of this type. Looking over the holocron in his hands, Krag noticed the ancient Sith symbols that spoke of a force power Krag was very familiar with…Force Wraith. Such a power was not common and very difficult to learn, which would explain why someone would require a power source to operate the device. “My lord, perhaps this is the device it is talking about.”
Walstro said as he held up a small pocket sized crystal to Krag. The beast snorted, taking the crystal and closing the holocron “Have your men sweep the area with the droid, find me on Kalee when it is done.” Krag growled, deciding that he would find nothing else of use here. Taking a few steps out the door, Krag turned once more “Do not fail me.”
With that, Krag was off….
Chapter 1
All Our Yesterdays Have Lighted fools….
The sky split open as lighting cracked down from the heavens, destroying a tropical tree in the distance as the powerful volt of energy struck it. As the lighting storm raged about the sky of Thule like a battle between the divines, a much more mortal figure was disembarking an Imperial shuttle nearby. Krag, the first Graug to ever become Sith, stepped down the ramp and into the downpour of rain. The freezing beads of water sizzled away into vapor as they fell upon the scorching hide of ash that the large reptilian creature sported.
Ash for skin, it was still such an alien thought to the Graug. His species had slimy, moist scales and yet Krag was now walking the galaxy with a coat of skin that defied logic. It wasn’t exactly a doing of Krag’s own, though he did cause it by traveling to Gratos, his home planet, to find a way to strengthen himself in Sith Magic. It was there, in an ancient temple, that he discovered a Sith Phantom who taught him the ways of the fire and revealed his species origins to him. Unfortunately, the phantom cursed him with this skin and the inevitable fate of dying from his own pursuit of power. Krag would not give in so easy though; he would find a way to reverse the effects eventually.
That was a matter for a different time, however, for Krag was not here on Thule for more training. No, Krag had been summoned to the planet to investigate the disappearance of a Sith Master by the name of Darth Fraxis. The Lord had gone missing shortly after the coup against Emperor Tyrin Ardik. More specifically, he went missing after a series of threats from unhappy rebels who were speaking out against the new regime. No one thought much of it at first, but after three weeks with no word from him people began to get worried. The Empire had already sent an investigative team to look into his disappearance and Krag had been sent to assist them due to his ability to sniff out targets.
Not the most luxurious assignment, not by Krag’s standards at least, but it was better than doing nothing. Krag snorted into the air as his good eye caught the figure of an Imperial Officer, dressed in the traditional grey uniform, marching towards him from behind the veil of pouring rain. The officer was a human, a good foot shorter than Krag and sported a short ‘high-and-tight’ haircut and a square officer’s cap with a large visor spanning over his eyes. The visor would have been effective in blocking the rain, if it were not for the fact that the huge droplets were beating down on him from a slanted angle.
“Lord Krag” the soldier shouted over the rain and thunder with a slight bow at the waist “It is an honor to have you with us. Thank you for gracing us with your presence. I am Agent Walstro of Imperial Intelligence.” The man’s words sounded rehearsed and near robotic, probably from hundreds of times having to lick the boots of Sith superiors.
“Of course it is an honor” Krag snorted arrogantly, stepping past the officer and looking off into the distance “I wish to get this done with, I have much more important matters to deal with than looking for some Master too weak to defend himself.”
Agent Walstro nodded, taking a step forward and placing a bladed hand up to his eyes to guard from the rain “Of course my lord, I would expect nothing less from a… man of your position.” the agent had stalled on the word man, no surprise as it was not a common occurrence to see a Graug in the galaxy and that meant that no one really knew anything about Graug biology off-hand.
The hesitation wasn’t what was irritating Krag, it was the fact that he had just explained that he wanted to get this mission completed and yet the agent was still kissing his arse. Krag enjoyed recognition and respect, but not when it came at the cost of his orders not being carried out as soon as he willed them to, “Stop wasting your primitive breath and take me to the man’s house already.” Krag growled, his good eye burning a hole clean through the man.
The agent didn’t seemed moved, however, he just gave a polite nod and answered with a respectful tone, “certainly my lord, this way.” he called out over the pounding rain, holding his hand out to a nearby speeder with a covered roof. Krag marched out in front of Walstro, his heavy footsteps masked by the sounds of the storm. Even in the few minutes that Krag had been on planet, the storm had worsened ten fold. The lighting in the sky cracked without break and the rain was collecting on the streets faster than it could be drained into the storm sewers. If the storms didn’t let up soon, it wouldn’t be farfetched to say that it would reach biblical proportions.
Walstro rushed ahead as they approached the speeder, opening the back passenger side door and bowing to Krag as the beast stepped inside. It was a tight fit and Krag found himself nearly crushed between the ceiling of the speeder and the floor. He snorted, moving his body to a position that was at least semi-comfortable. The agent closed the door with haste before rushing around to the driver’s seat of the speeder and jumping in. Walstro shook a little, sending water from his drenched overcoat flying over the dash and passenger seat.
“This bloody place and its storms.” Walstro grumbled as he powered up the speeder’s engine and the machine slowly lifted into the air. The rain was heavy against the windows of the speeder, knocking against the glass with the same weighty sound of hail. What was worse was the thunder from the never ending lightning storm that sent a metal bending shutter down the speeder with every crack. Krag had seen vicious lightning storms in his life, but this one was certainly on the top of his list. The lighting struck with such pace that the sky appeared to be illuminated a permanent blue and purple, it was truly astonishing.
The power of this storm was derived from the fierce darkside energies here, which raised questions. With such a strong darkside presence it was hard to believe that a Sith, no matter what their rank, could be overcome by some rowdy rebels. If this Darth Fraxis was as good as they said he was, it would have been even harder to believe. It was no secret that many people were unhappy with how things turned out for the Empire and many opposition groups had started as a result of so much turmoil. Still, most rebels were Non-force users with the occasional high ranking Sith or Dark Jedi. Assuming that the tales of Darth Fraxis were true, it would have taken immense planning and numbers to bring him down and not leave a trace. There was also the possibility that he deserted the Empire, like a true weakling, and ran off to join the rebels. This, however, seemed unlikely to even Krag. According to what he had been briefed on about the man, he was an extremely loyal Sith who served each Emperor just as willing as the last. He had survived inquisition and when the Empire told him to jump he asked how high. Lesser or not, the man was loyal to the Empire.
The more he thought about it, the more questions turned up. Krag may have been a brute and a barbaric warrior, but he could think like an investigator when he needed to. Right now he needed to get to Darth Fraxis’s residence and see what he could turn up on the planet. If the Master had been attacked, it either meant he was weak and the stories were nothing but falsehood. Alternatively, it could mean that Krag was dealing with a very powerful and rouge force user or a very cunning group of non-force users.
Either way, Krag was going to need to act fast and use all of his skills to catch and kill who was responsible. The Empire had told Krag to do whatever was necessary when he found the suspects and to Krag that was just a good excuse to kill something. He would be analytical and thoughtful all the way up to the point when he found his suspects. There would be no mercy or arresting, just good ole’ fashion summary executions right on the spot. If he turned out to have killed the wrong people, well then that just simply wasn’t his problem. He would be damned if he was just going to sit through all of this investigatory work without at least killing something at the end. Hell, he’d kill this Imperial Intelligence fellow if it came down to the wire and he had no suspects.
“Lord Krag, may I ask as to how you got assigned to this investigation?” Walstro asked, breaking the repetitive sounds of the heavy rain hitting the windows and the non-stop lighting
Krag turned his good eye towards the fellow and snorted “I was told to head the investigation and so I am. I do not know why they chose me, aside from my natural instinct to hunt pitiful prey. Regardless, I care not for their reasoning and only for the completion of this mission and the deaths of those responsible so that I may return to my usual business.” Krag shuffled in his seat, trying to get comfortable in the tight space
“Your species are hunters, my lord?” the man asked with genuine intrigue. It most likely wasn’t out of some wanting to get to know Krag, but rather out of curiosity of the Graug.
“Yes, we are the greatest hunters the galaxy has ever seen. Nothing is our predator and everything is our prey, do well to remember that lesser.” Krag snorted, his good eye tracing back to his window. He wasn’t sure how far they had traveled but he could finally see signs of other Imperial personnel. Down below was a decently sized temple, built into the side of a jagged mountain. The temple would have been impossible to see through the pouring rain if it were not for the large industrial lights lining its spire. While Krag could not give a clear description of the height, it was easy enough to say that the temple and its spire stretch a good 50 stories into the air. The black, metallic surface of the temple was glistening with hour’s worth of rain. The outside was nearly impossible to make out except for the presence of an Imperial Walker that towered above the surface of the mountain slope.
“I will do just that, Lord Krag.” the officer replied back before turning the speeder sharply towards the tower “We are here, my lord.”
The shuttle zipped across the sky and came in hot to the ground outside of the temple. Krag could have swore they were about to impact with the rocks, but he was pleasantly surprised that the shuttle just grazed across the rocky surface before coming to a stop just 10 meters from the walker. Krag sparred no time throwing his door open and stepping out into the harsh flurry of rain and wind. The first gust that hit him was nearly enough to thrown him off his balance and send him toppling to the ground like a few crates of potatoes.
“This way Lord Krag, I will show you inside!” Walstro exclaimed over the raging wind and lighting.
“Good!” Krag barked back as he stomped around the speeder and over to his guide. The Graug’s good eye scanned the exterior of the tower just in time to see a wealth of Imperial Intelligence Officers get illuminated in a bright purple flash from a nearby lighting strike. The men didn’t move an inch; they just stood their ground with their long trench coats keeping their bodies dry from the raging waters. Nothing said Imperial Power like seeing a dozen Imperial Intelligence Agents standing around in long, black trench coats. The combat boots and black trousers, coupled with their slick appearance from the rain and the flashes of lighting made the scene before the temple quite extraordinary.
With haste, Krag and Walstro jogged through the rain and lighting to the front entrance of the temple, which was flanked on either side by massive statues of a man in traditional Sith robes. The flickers of lighting helped reveal the statues scarred and sunken face through the darkness, if Krag had to guess he would make that statue out to be a representation of Darth Fraxis. If the statue was true to life, the man had a cluster of small scars running down from his left temple to his right jawline. His cheeks were sunken deep into his face, giving him an almost skeletal appearance. The nose was sharp and the eyes were but hollow shells that, no doubt, contained nothing but soulless gems in person.
Once inside, Walstro shook some of the excess water from his jacket and did his best to hide his shivering. Krag, on the other hand, was completely dry aside from splots of water on his armor. If one thought that the outside of the temple was spectacular, then the inside would have made them cry with envy. The ceiling was high and decorated with an elaborate artwork of ancient Sith and Dark Lords. Krag could not recognize them all, but he could see the big names such as Sidious, Vader and Bane all painted out in vibrant colors and with excellent brush work. Even to a creature like Krag, it was an impressive display of art. Further down the hall was less colorful, but no less extravagant. Busts and statues, of Sith Lords past, lined the hall on either side; stretching down for meters upon meters.
“Quite amazing isn’t it, my lord?” Walstro asked, but received no answer in return aside from a glare. Taking the hint, the Intelligence Officer bowed and stretched his arm towards a staircase in the center of the grand hall “Darth Fraxis’s room is on the second floor, I will show you there.”
With that, Walstro began leading the Graug Knight through the temple and up the stairs to the second floor of the complex. Even as they traveled deeper into the stone and metal building, the sounds of lighting and rain pierced into the silence of the corridors. Even to Krag, whose species was used to the loud noises of the predators of their homeworld, could not imagine how someone could live here with such racket. The knight couldn’t imagine living somewhere with this kind of noise so often, it would be unbearable.
As Krag and Walstro approached the room of Darth Fraxis, the Graug took notice of two stormtroopers posted on either side of the doorway. The armored troopers stood tall with their blaster rifles slung over their shoulders and pointed towards the ground. They didn’t move, not until Krag passed by them and they both turned to get a glimpse behind his back. The room of Darth Fraxis was what one would expect from a living space of someone who owned a temple such as this one. The bed was large and round, bigger than a king sized mattress even and the frame was an elaborate and menacing decoration of spirals carved from black wood. The carpets were made from dense wool and the walls and ceiling contained paintings of scripture from ancient Sith texts. Krag didn’t get in close for a thorough inspection, but from what he could tell was that they were from the Book of the Sith and other such literary works.
The presence of the Darkside in the room was like the musk of strong cologne, heavy and hanging in the air. Krag shivered a little at the overpowering scent of it, this man was powerful and that much was now clear. Well, he was powerful at least since he may be a dead man now. Either way, whether he was dead or alive was not his concern, for he was only here to find out where he or his body was and then kill those responsible. At initial sight, nothing seemed out of place and that was troubling. Even on Gratos, where the Graug were naturally fit to survive the terrain alone, a deserter never left without taking his wares.
“Is anything missing?” Krag growled in question to Walstro
“No, my lord. From what we can tell, all but one robe is gone and even his lightsaber is still in its place.”
Krag’s eye grew wide and he turned his head to the man, “his weapon was left behind?”
Walstro nodded and Krag snorted, “this man is dead.”
“That is what we fear, but we do not like to jump to such solid conclusions.” Walstro countered politely
Krag laughed, walking deeper into the room “he is dead; it is just a matter of finding his body now.” Krag assured as he ran his claws across a bookshelf near the entrance of the quarters. Each book was neatly in its place and there was not a spec of dirt on the bindings. Darth Fraxis was obviously an avid reader, for each book appeared to have been opened and closed many times before.
Turning away from the book shelf, Krag took a sniff of the air. The scents of the multiple Imperial Agents filled his nose, as well as something very peculiar. Turning to Walstro, Krag inquired “Have your men tested for chemicals?”
“N-no my lord.” Walstro answered, fear striking his voice as he noticed Krag’s reaction. Uselessness, complete and utter uselessness. How was it that Krag, a warrior at heart and little more, could think of such a basic thing when the Imperial agents had not. “We are bringing in a droid to test for DNA though, my lord!” Walstro blurted out in attempt to justify himself.
Krag snarled, walking off to follow the chemical scent. The beast ducked and weaved, Walstro following close behind with his head bowed in shame. The scent finally brought Krag to a room full of holotapes and holocrons, all alphabetically categorized kept behind a thin layer of glass. This Darth Fraxis was very orderly, that much was clear judging by the state of his affairs. Krag entered the room, his nose still sniffing for the source of the scent. Soon enough he reached a pedestal in the back of the room, atop it was a shattered mound of glass that used to be a protective box. Obviously, from the fact that glass was the only thing to be found on the pedestal, whatever the box used to protect had been stolen. It was also the spot where that most peculiar scent was coming from; still it did not answer the question of what it was.
As Krag continued to sniff about the pedestal, he suddenly heard the sound of a holocron opening. The beast turned swiftly, his eyes coming upon Walstro who was looking in wonder as a holocron on a shelf opened before him. “What have you done?” Krag sneered, steam and cinder flowing forth from his nostrils like a demon from the nine depths.
“Nothing my lord!” Walstro blurted in a panic “The display case was open and the holocron activated when I walked by!”
Krag pushed the man out of the way, sending him fumbling backwards and picked up the Holocron. The device, instead of displaying its usual content, only displayed a message read “This device requires a secondary power source for proper function.”
This was strange; he had never encountered a holocron of this type. Looking over the holocron in his hands, Krag noticed the ancient Sith symbols that spoke of a force power Krag was very familiar with…Force Wraith. Such a power was not common and very difficult to learn, which would explain why someone would require a power source to operate the device. “My lord, perhaps this is the device it is talking about.”
Walstro said as he held up a small pocket sized crystal to Krag. The beast snorted, taking the crystal and closing the holocron “Have your men sweep the area with the droid, find me on Kalee when it is done.” Krag growled, deciding that he would find nothing else of use here. Taking a few steps out the door, Krag turned once more “Do not fail me.”
With that, Krag was off….