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Star Wars Rogue One

I hope it is good but I'm hoping the movie stays away from the dark filters and whatnot. I'm so tired of seeing movies with such muted coloration.

At least it probably won't be as big a culprit of this kind of thing as Batman V. Superman, because good lord is that thing so filtered over it is disgusting. Give me natural colors please.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
I hope it does good and looks good. As much as I love jedi and sith in star wars it can be cool to see other stories. The only thing I know won't be in there and I wish it could be somehow... "Highway to the Danger Zone" if you are going to fly fast it is a classic song.

Connor Harrison

I feel it'll be a very different look and style to 'The Force Awakens', but still retain that inimitable Star Wars adventure.
It's the reality of wars. All wars. Real or fictional. The reality is wars are not fun. People die, get injured and displaced, and always with far reaching consequences. Star Wars as the name suggested is clearly about wars. Except that it its not a planetary/world scale, but at a stellar and galactic scale.


Disney's Princess
Selena Halcyon said:
I don't see the draw in that. Star Wars isn't that way.
I'm with you T-Money. I don't like my StarWars entertainment filled with 'The Horrors of War'. I don't fondle real war or bloodsport as entertainment. That's just sick and demented.

I'll stick with my faceless stormtroopers, droid armies, and laser guns. I'd like to walk away from Rogue One feeling adventurous and inspired. Not like I need a shower and the kids need a trauma evaluation. Ugh. :p
The way I understood how they said they were going to go about this movie, is that it was going to have a more realistic tone to it. The trailer ends with a pilot screaming as his ship is going down. That sounds pretty terrifying and eerie to me. Star Wars isn't always friendly for kids.
Chiara Viren said:
Star Wars isn't always friendly for kids.
Except the movies have always been for the family. That's the thing, I want this to actually feel like a Star Wars film, not some Sci Fi war movie.

Jay Scott Clark said:
I'll stick with my faceless stormtroopers, droid armies, and laser guns. I'd like to walk away from Rogue One feeling adventurous and inspired. Not like I need a shower and the kids need a trauma evaluation. Ugh.
We are in total agreement here.
I don't like Star Wars being too much for kids. I mean look at the prequels. Lucas ruined it with the stupid characters like Jar Jar. "Maxi big the Force." What is that crap seriously. Episode 4 had blood when obi wan severed that aliens arm in the mos eisley cantina. Now that's realistic. That's reality.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Jar jar was really in one movie and when Lucas saw people didn't like him he scaled the character back and really he had what maybe five or six lines in the next two movies.

Star wars was made for the family and kids to enjoy. If they go to clone wars which found a balance of showing war but still maintaining enough that it didn't reach levels of being uncomfortable I would be fine with that. I mean they showed children being killed in clone wars, droids shot troopers and unless they were a main character usually they died. There were injuries but it wasn't without a way to break the tension like having sepretists use a weapon of mass destruction but have George Takei voice him so you could have some tension breaking laughs.

Connor Harrison

[member="Kixi Rajki"] Thing is, the blood wasn't realistic in 'ANH' because the heat from the blade should have cauterized the wound so the flesh and blood would have instantly burnt off and dried. That's why there is no blood in the SW films when lightsabers arse used. It was clear back then Lucas was still experimenting with his SW universe and sorted it out by the next chapter.

Much like blaster fire - it's not like a bullet in a gun, it's a heat bolt, so it will cauterize any wound; don't forget we see enough soldiers and troopers being shot and killed, but again there is no need for blood as the logistics of the weapons doesn't allow it.

It's grim enough seeing limbs hacked off, so we don't need blood as well do we? This IS a family film series remember, not marketed as an R / 15 rated movie!

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
While I agree that the Star Wars Movie franchise was always geared towards a "Family" setting, can we really say that the Star Wars franchise as a whole is geared towards "Family-friendly" things? The EU was definitely not, many of their games have been rated T as well. You can have a dirty and gritty war movie without the blood and gore though. Some of the big influences for this film are Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, and Hamburger Hill so even if its rated PG-13 in the end I would expect the story of the Rebels doing the footwork.

I for one am looking forward to a tale that doesn't include Gods among men. It'll give the "new" Lore more to work with in terms of what sorts of technology they are using, maybe how it works and the shades of gray that come with any war.

Also I always wanted a war movie with the Clones as the centerpiece and the closest I got was the Clone Wars, so I'm happy and welcome our Gritty War overlords.
I'm excited for Rogue One. Breaking into the violence in the 'verse. Taking the NFUs and showing its not necessarily all noble causes, or high and mighty people. It boils down to the grunts, the side characters. It will have NFUs fighting NFUs as the galaxy should.

Moving away from the Dime-a-Dozen Forcers will be excellent for the fandom and creative juices.

Connor Harrison

I'm hoping it'll be like the Geonosis battles we got to see in 'AOTC', except without the CGI clones. Or the droids. Or the cartoonish colour scheme. Or the CGI sets. Or the loads of token Jedi. Or the naff script. like the Geonosis battles we didn't see. Something that continues the excitement of the SW galaxy, but like you say Coren, NFU v NFU as we saw a great deal in the Original Trilogy which allowed a great connection to the characters and their goals.

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