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Star Wars VII to be set 30 years after last film, may include Hoth

Edison Bulkhead

Link to an article on The Week UK

Highlights: Icelandic film production company True North has been linked to the project. Members of the Star Wars crew were reported to be scouting for locations in Iceland alongside True North in October last year, although True North declined to comment on any involvement with the picture.
Disney and Lucasfilm have also released no new information about the upcoming film since the revelation last week that Star Wars VII would be set 30 years after Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
Many believe that the new films will see the return of Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill in their roles as Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Luke Skywalker.
Oscar-winner Lupita Nyong’o and Girls star Adam Driver have also been tipped for roles in the new film.
My friend informed me of this last Sunday. Probably not from that link but another. Which leads me to believe that the films (unless the EU has been changed completely) will revolve around the rise of Darth Caedus and include Luke and Mara's children as well as Han and Leia's. But then again if Disney will be making a trilogy it could also include references to the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Personally, I'm really excited for this.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
You know, I'm kind of leaning towards the fact that they should get new blood into Star Wars. Now, I'm not saying to kick MH, HF, and CF out. I'm saying go talent scouting.


OOC Writer Account
Witnessing the Yuuzhan Vong War on film would be... immense.

Watching the rise of Darth Caedus would be... too much for me to handle.
Sounds brilliant - I'd love to see Hoth again.

It has to focus on the Skywalker brood, to continue the story of the Skywalker legacy. So much potential and stories, I think we aren't going to have any idea until we see the film in cinemas.

Very exciting...!
Tamara said:
The three OT stars should be cameos, not leads.

I suspect they're going to ditch the entire EU and create a brand new story.
I'm sure I read/heard somewhere that they were going to have the three films set out with the first including the original trilogy characters and the new ones and lead onto them being phased out of the films altogether. Although this was just a rumour.

I know they had an open casting in cities around the UK for a Disney film, which again was rumoured to be for Star Wars. Either way I have good hopes that whatever the story, whether it completely ruins EU or not, will have new blood and rising stars.
My hope is that since JJ Abrams is writing a lot of movie that we'll see something that most fans will want. He's admitted a MILLION times that although he directed the recent Star Trek films that he didn't really enjoy them as a kid, and was always a Star Wars nerd. If he created a Star Trek interpretation I genuinely enjoyed when he has little interest in the world, what can he create when he loves Star Wars? I'm hoping he'll bring a nostalgia we can all be happy with.

Also, from everything he's confirmed in interviews: the movie will have nothing to do with any previous expanded universe novels or stories, and will be completely original, though he's not going to mess with any established canon from EU novels even if he's not touching on them. Thanks JJ, you're ace.

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