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Intent:To give my character a sweet ride
Image source: Image
Canon link: Link
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Ion Starburn (Grandfather)
Model: Fang Fighter The Breakneck
Production: Unique
Materials: Everything from the canopy to the wings are both made from Chromium
Classification: Starfighter
Length: 12 meters
Width:5.90 meters
Height:2.50 meters
Armament: High
- Forward-mounted twin light laser cannons {Moderate}
- Proton torpedoes {High}
- B-wing composite beam laser {Very High}
Defenses: Low
Squadron Count: None
Speed Rating: High
Hyperdrive Class: 0.3
The Fang Fighters were built to be Highly maneuverable and fast either in space or atmospheric combat. The most notable feature of the craft are its swivel-mounted wings which give it, it's aerial agility. This feature gives the fangfighter precise maneuverable abilities that few ships are capable of. While it's movement is the heart of the ship it was well armed with wing-mounted laser cannons and a retractable proton torpedo launchers found beneath the cockpit. This allowed for a pilot to fire a salvo of weaponry while also moving at break neck speeds hence its name.
Propulsion system: For quicker takeoffs
Astromech socket
Stolen Toy: Outfitted with a rebel class B-Wing fighter laser, made to destroy or immobilize cruiser class starships.
Watch This: The ship's most impressive feat being the natural agility due to its model.
No Reinhardt: The lack of any shielding makes it obviously quite vulnerable , too many direct hits put it out of commission and the pilot to inevitably crash and burn.
You need a teacher: The interiors layout is well ,very complicated . Having a ship modeled to have an advanced maneuvering allows the ship to glide through space, but it is hard to fully master the system, leaving the ship at a disadvantage in quick time events. The ship is meant to be used by the best otherwise you risk flying straight into enemy fire.
Last resort: When using the attached B wing laser, it shorts out the systems general features such as Engines,hyperdrive, and Blasters too much energy consumption would leave it dead and floating.
Description: The ship is of mandalorian design the Fangfighter also known as the Protectorate fighter. Many from clan starburn were thought to be ingenious with their starfighter tricks ,always quick to make things up on the fly .Rhaeon who aspired to become a pilot was gifted the ship by his grandfather Ion at the age of 13. The ship has come in handy over the years with its irregular attachments. One being its hyperdrive, which is able to travel from planet to planet at astounding speeds. The speed isn't all that it offers , its ability to fire different weapons such as its basic blasters , or its torpedos packs a punch. The real jewel of the Breakneck is its blockade buster laser cannon installed onto the bottom of the ship able to control its power lessening the amount of energy used in firing. Its odd placement suprising most that comes into its path.