Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starfighter Drea Kavos reporting for Duty

After looking at a couple of the other factions, I've decided to join the One Sith. I've also heard that there really isn't anyone rping as starfighter pilots.

Red-Leader standing by


Welcome! And no, there arent any other dedicated pilots. Many of us can fly(including myself) but we have yet to have a dedicated pilot.

You can set up your own squadron and such. If you need help just ask!
I have the knowledge for squadron setups and such (gained from rping on other sites). Though if you look at the signature, I've started her at the E-1 rank, so there's a couple ranks to go before commanding a Squadron or a Wing of Starfighters. I know it said that all members start at the lower levels, I just didn't feel right (personally to me) just going for the E-4.


You dont have to lead it, you could create an NPC to do so. Allows you to drive the story easier!

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