Dunames Lopez
Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
The best known canon bombers, such as the Y-wing or TIE/sa bomber, could carry 8 proton bombs (with the TIE/it bomber being able to carry twice as many). As I intend to make a thread about supplying bombs that are the size of standard proton bombs, whose payload can render everyone in the blast radius toxicomaniac (i.e. drug addicts), one may wonder how big are those bombs. Canon usually keeps quiet about how big proton bombs are, although we know that Arakyd ST2 light concussion missiles (those that are starfighter-mounted) are about 1m long and 15cm diameter.
I would think that proton bombs would come in various sizes; my idea of a heavy starfighter-borne bomb would be about 3 meters long for a 350-400mm diameter, weighing about half a ton, much like real-world airborne bombs of that caliber, and only one or two can be fitted to a Y-wing or a TIE/sa bomber (double that number on a TIE Interdictor). How big are the proton bombs we see in Ep. V?
I would think that proton bombs would come in various sizes; my idea of a heavy starfighter-borne bomb would be about 3 meters long for a 350-400mm diameter, weighing about half a ton, much like real-world airborne bombs of that caliber, and only one or two can be fitted to a Y-wing or a TIE/sa bomber (double that number on a TIE Interdictor). How big are the proton bombs we see in Ep. V?