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Approved Tech "Starke" Sword of Kuxtal.

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  • Manufacturer: Kuxtal.

  • Affiliation: Kuxtal

  • Model: N/A

  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Unique.

  • Material: Force Altered Durasteel.

  • Classification: Sword

  • Size: Very Large

  • Weight: Very Heavy.

  • The large sword is hidden in a large scepter which Kuxtal carries around.

  • The weapon is often too heavy for lesser beings, Wookiees being the only ones capable of lifting and using it with any effect.

  • It has a double handed grip, but can be used one handed.

  • The Sword is connected to Kuxtal through the force.

  • Force Embued Characteristics: Lightsaber resistant, Spirit damage, Deflect blaster bolts.

  • The hand of the force: A force enhanced weapon. Sharpness, durability, Force conduit.

  • Opposite Reaction: The force altered material of the sword is a magnetic opposite to Cortosis. taking huge amounts of effort to strike armor or clash with a blade.

  • Scepter Enchantment: Cannot be drawn unless the cause is just or the need is great.
Kuxtal created this sword to be an extension of himself. He created every bit of it through the force. Its matter, its element, its sharpness, its hilt, its sheath, even the powers imbued to it by the force came from his will. The material is extremely strong and dense and extremely heavy. Blocked attacks from this weapon still feel the shock of the blade and the weight and force behind it. The sword was created for the sole purpose of self defense, and the sheath and cane of the sword is enchanted for this end, preventing him from drawing the sword when it is not necessary.

The sword itself is average sized compared the its owner. When hidden as a scepter it only appears as a custom made piece for its oversized wielder.
Factory Judge
Kuxtal said:
In the hands of its owner it can cut through nearly any substance like a lightsaber
Right off the bat, I am going to ask you to reduce this. A lightsaber can "cut" through anything because the plasma bar of the weapon is so hot that it literally melts or vaporizes what it strikes. Your sword, does not do that. It uses Sheer force to "cut" or to "sect" items into different parts. The sword can be unnaturally sharp and easily cut through thinner materials such as leather armors, armor weaves, but I can 100% garrentee you, that it can't cut through plate armor. I recommend toning this down to be balanced with other sword weapons that have been approved before. Otherwise, the first chance you use this in battle, it would likely be reported.

Kuxtal said:
Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)

These will have to be filled out. If they cannot be filled then leave it with an "N/A"

Kuxtal said:
Name: Starke
I am not sure why you added the name to the submission when the Model is the place to put the name of the submission.
Kuxtal said:
Model: N/A

Kuxtal said:
Material: Dura-mendelevium
I don't think you want to use Mendelevium since the element you are attempting to use has a Half-Life of 51 days at best, and is a completely man made material that requires a particle accelerator. I recommend just using durasteel or something else. The mentioned item is a raw element, not a metal on its own.

Kuxtal said:
The large sword is hidden in a large scepter or cane which Kuxtal carries around.
Can you explain how a large sword could fit into a cane? I am not getting quite the picture or have a worry that we are not on the same page.

Kuxtal said:
Able to ground lightning
I am assuming this is the lightning rod effect of the canon Sith swords, or is this different?

Kuxtal said:
The sword is a magnetic opposite to Cortosis.
Not sure what you mean by this.

Kuxtal said:
Cannot be drawn without just cause.
I assume this is a Story element where he can only draw it when using it for defense. If I am correct, then can you expand upon it just a little more. At the moment its kind of vague.

As for a weakness, All Sith or Dark sided artifacts have a weakness to "Force Light" either by causing damage to it, making it lose its powers, or even destroying it. I recommend adding this as a weakness because as of this point, your weaknesses don't have much in the way of exploitation in combat.


Auberon said:
Right off the bat, I am going to ask you to reduce this. A lightsaber can "cut" through anything because the plasma bar of the weapon is so hot that it literally melts or vaporizes what it strikes. Your sword, does not do that. It uses Sheer force to "cut" or to "sect" items into different parts. The sword can be unnaturally sharp and easily cut through thinner materials such as leather armors, armor weaves, but I can 100% garrentee you, that it can't cut through plate armor. I recommend toning this down to be balanced with other sword weapons that have been approved before. Otherwise, the first chance you use this in battle, it would likely be reported.
I mentioned that it can cut through nearly anything because of the strength and power of the owner, but I guess that is an attribute to him, and not directly to the sword.

Auberon said:
Can you explain how a large sword could fit into a cane? I am not getting quite the picture or have a worry that we are not on the same page.
The sword is scaled to a 9'10" humanoid. to him, the "very large" category is average, and thus so would his scepter.

Auberon said:
As for a weakness, All Sith or Dark sided artifacts have a weakness to "Force Light" either by causing damage to it, making it lose its powers, or even destroying it. I recommend adding this as a weakness because as of this point, your weaknesses don't have much in the way of exploitation in combat.
But this is not a dark side artifact?

Auberon said:
Cannot be drawn without just cause. I assume this is a Story element where he can only draw it when using it for defense. If I am correct, then can you expand upon it just a little more. At the moment its kind of vague.
Yes, this is a story element.
Factory Judge

Everything looks good to go. However, there is one thing that needs to be addressed.

Sith Swords, or in essence, Weapons created through the use of the Dark Side of the force, are Dark Sided Artifacts. Sith Swords also are known for every attribute that you have mentioned in your submission.

Something that closely resembles these are called "Force Imbued-blades" Which are swords directly attuned to EITHER the Light side(most often) or the Dark Side of the force(SOme cases are neutral). Force Imbued blades are fairly close to what you are doing, but do not have the ability to ground lightning. Instead, they have the ability to damage Force Ghosts/Spirits.

So here is what we can do. We can keep the sword as it seems to be, A Sith Sword, and add the weakness that Force Light can damage/destroy it, OR we can change it so that it is a Force Imbued weapon, where you don't have to add the Destruction by Force light, (because there is no mention of being Dark Sided in your sub as of this post) but replace the grounding effect with the ability to damage force ghosts.
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