Jedi Sorcerer

- Intent: A personal weapon for Starlin Rand.
- Image Source: Link
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: Lightsaber | Cleanse
- Manufacturer: Starlin Rand
- Affiliation:
Starlin Rand
- Model: N/A
- Modularity: Yes; the crystal(s) can be swapped.
- Production: Unique
- Material: Durasteel, lightsaber components, purified synthetic crystal
- Classification: Lightsaber
- Size: Average
- Weight: Average
- Light blue blade
- Purified synthetic crystal
- Single-bladed
- Bonded to Starlin
- Laser Sword: It can cut through almost anything (and anyone) with relative ease.
- Symbol of the Jedi: Simply being in possession of a lightsaber has a certain effect on people.
- Starlin's Light: The purified crystal doesn't just contain any old Light Side energies; it contains Starlin's own inner Light. Over time, the bond between the boy and his weapon may become so strong that the saber will refuse to function for anyone but him.
- Cortosis will short out the blade.
- Phrik, songsteel, and beskar are all lightsaber resistant materials.
- Cannot be ignited underwater/if it gets wet it may require repairs.
"Ideally, a lightsaber is never drawn unless there is no other choice. Unfortunately in such a violent, lawless era as the one we live in, no other choice has a bad habit of cropping up often. As a bad man I met once put it, 'If you don't draw first, you don't get to draw at all.' A Jedi is supposed to quell conflict and strife most times... it's not always about killing the villain. Sometimes the villain gets a second chance if circumstances warrant it... and sometimes that happens whether they actually deserve it or not. It's a difficult life, full of struggle, and the strong risk of a violent death at the end of it. But it's worth it, not just because you get to protect the innocent, but you'll probably take some real scumbags down in the process." —@Syd Celsius, "Apprentice to Flame"
This lightsaber was constructed by fourteen year old Starlin Rand as part of his training under Syd Celsius. The synthetic crystal used in the saber was taken from the weapon of a witch Starlin had previously defeated using Force Light. Red-colored and tainted by the Dark Side, Syd taught Starlin how to purify the crystal via the Force, removing the corruption and replacing it with the Light. The crystal consequently changed in color from red to light blue.