Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Starship Down: Episode 1


Mayday. Mayday. This is the Frigate Daystar.
We are under fire from hostile, unidentified forces.
Our shields are failing.
We have families on board. Refugees.
Our fighter escort has been destroyed.
We will attempt to flee through hyperspace.
Coordinates are attached to this message.
Anyone that hears this.

Please send zhzzzzzzzzzkt...

Through the haze, the allure of the heat rising from the grounds surface was too much. For the second time, Brandyn had been convinced that it was a pool of water. Instead. He was gifted a mouthful of sand.

His head hurt. It made it hard to realize just how much everything else hurt. His ribs. His left arm hanging limply at his side. The noticeable patches of dried blood encrusting his torn and singed tan Jedi robes. He wasn't really walking either. It was more a one arm assisted crawl across the desert floor.

He had forgotten how he had gotten here. He assumed the billowing smoke from the frigate some hundred or so meters to the south had something to do with it. But he didn't remember being on the vessel. He didn't remember much of anything. Except a face. A woman's face. Youthful. Framed by straight dark hair. Almond-shaped brown eyes that seemed like endless pools of hope. A hope that felt like a distant dream. Who the young woman was continued to evade him. Was she on the ship?


His yell back at the burning wreckage was came out coarse. Sand and blood spitting further than his words. He started to crawl towards the wreckage.

His crawl took him over a path that was becoming well travelled. For it was the same route he had taken the last time he turned back towards the wreckage, and the time before that. Each time his pace slowed. His cries grew fainter as he yelled at any possible survivors. Hope drove him forward, but his body was wearing out.

Brandyn would not make it as far as the place where he had previously remembered the crash, and turned to flee the horror that awaited if he dared to venture into the smoldering carcass of the Daystar. As he rolled down an embankment, just as he had previously done, he found energy finally evaporate. Eyes rolled back. And the universe closed its eyes upon him.

Even the burning hot sun went dark to his mind.



You are drowning.

Wake up.

You are drowning. You are going to die.

Wake up!

Coughing and spluttering, Brandyn almost rolled off the large lizard like creature that he found himself draped across. Wait? No. He couldn't role off. He was tied down to the beast. He felt the coolness of warm water across his sand and sun burnt face even as he gasped for breath. His mind had told him he was underwater. Reality was less refreshing. Still, he found himself catching every drop of water that ran off his face.

"Hu cla twell. Hu cla twell en dova nokru."

The words made no sense to Brandyn. But he tried to listen more closely, see if he could pick up anything that sounded familiar. His captors were clearly pleased to see that he had awoken. He was not pleased however at the hood that they were approaching him with.


His tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. The hood, of loosely woven fabric, was pulled over his head. Why did they think this necessary? He could barely see as it was.

His mind was still a dense fog. Beyond the initial desire for water and to be free, Brandyn did not have much left to care about staying awake.


There was a sharp slapping sound, and the creature that bore the wounded Jedi upon its back reared slightly, before setting into a slow, cumbersome pace.


The young Padawan came to face down in a musty pile of old cloth. It was apparently a bed. But small relief from the cobblestone floor beneath. Brandyn groaned, and tried to role over. His left arm was not present to help though, and in a moment of panic he looked down to see if it was still attached to his body. To his relief, it was, just tied up with a makeshift sling.

He pushed himself over with his right arm instead.


Everything hurt. All at once. The sharp exhaling set Brandyn off into a fit of coughing. His bare arm came up to cover his mouth, and when he pulled away, small specks of congealed blood were stuck to his arm hair. That wasn't good. Or was the congealed part better than the alternative. He slumped down on to his back with a wince, his shoulder hitting something that moved.

Glancing over he saw a poorly bandaged head, and battered body beside him. He tried to reach out, but found his body uncooperative. Instead, he reached out with the Force, connecting with the individual to see if it was someone that had been with him on the...yes...on this ship with him. He had been on the ship.

He tried to sigh. But he hurt too much. The moment of understanding was indeed worth a sigh. And he indeed felt the irony that he would not be able to physically slap himself as he had promised upon his last meeting with the woman sharing the cell with him.

What was her name?





"Umbralyn! Umbralyn...are you awake?" He said, whispering to avoid attention from beyond the room.


Emberlyn Rekali




Unknown Territory
Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren

Emberlyn had forgotten why she was on the ship in the first place, atleast in the moment of confusion and chaos. The world around her rocked and shook violently as she bounced back and forth, wall to wall. She tried to focus her strength and energy into maintaining a balance, but the vessel was taking too much of an onslaught. The alarm klaxons blared and people scurried about with their belongings or families - attempting to make it to the escape pods. Emberlyn fought against the back and forth, rushing to help a Mon-Calamari family only to be rebuffed by an explosion that sent her reeling back down the corridor. She tumbled harshly, coming to a rest partially up against a wall.

Her head was ringing, her body was hurting and her vision swayed. She struggled to upright herself, only to have the floor buckle and collapse as the remnants of the vessel impacted the surface.

The rest, she wouldn't remember.


Darkness all around her, with a contrasting white highlighting seamless edges of space.

Reality felt so far, and the Force with it.

Paths led to doors, and portals to worlds and times beyond.

She felt something tug at her from behind, despite the desire to move forward.

Then, the voice - her grandmother, Aaralyn. "You don't belong here..." Emberlyn turned to look at the white silhouette of her grandmother. Confused, Emberlyn tried to speak but found her voice to be lost and without warning - she was in pain. She clutched her chest tightly, grimacing as she looked to where her Grandmother once stood, only to see nothing but darkness. The pain was harsh, her whole body was aching and hurting - and the pain would cause darkness to swallow her vision again.


Emberlyn's eyes fluttered open, and the sensation of being upside down and swaying filled her senses as her vision attempted to focus on the world around her. Sand, broken metal, smoke - muffled cries began to fill her ears. Warm red ichor streamed steadily down her face, pooling at the floor below her as she soon realized she was hanging upside down. She struggled to look up at her foot, trying to understand what was going on. She saw the leather of her boots wrapped with cabling and mesh. She groaned and cried out, trying to claw at the wires holding her upside down before falling back down.

It would take a moment for Emberlyn to also realize - she was a Jedi.

She felt her sabers still dangling from her waist, disconnecting one of them and with minimal fanfare - slicing the cables holding her up, clean through. Her body slammed into the durasteel deck below her with a thunderous clap, Emberlyn groaned loudly, rolling to her side while dis-engaging her saber.

"Kark me..." She managed to get out, clutching her sides.

And then she felt him through the Force, calling to her.

But where was he?

"I hear you, can you move...?" She called out through the Force to him.

She was only just coming to. Partially delirious possibly? He had been there and he knew the feeling well. But she needed to conserve energy. " need to take it easy...conserve energy."

If they were going to get out of whatever prison they were now held in, it would take all of their energy and then probably some more that they could garner from somewhere else. Food and water were a first priority.

His eyes were still adjusting to the sharp contrasts of light within the room. From above, and about ten meters in front of them, came streams of light pouring in from the midday sun. It provided light, but also made the other side of the dungeon to be obscured in darkness. The room itself was made of a porous rock, seemingly having been dug out by hand - or basic tools at the most. It was a large room, about thirty meters in length, Brandyn guessed, and about fifteen meters wide. Their was no real definition between wall and floor as the floor rose in a curve up to the wall, and then into the roof. It was like being inside of a large, hollow...bean.

"I can move OK. But I am not going to try just hurts a little too much. You?"

Even before the answer could come, a loud noise could be heard from above, through the grate that covered the hole in the ceiling.

"Flarn davka narsim!"

The light dimmed as a cloud of small creatures blotted out the sun for just a moment. They fell to the ground, and Brandyn's eyes quickly adjust to the distance. Bugs, large ones.

A couple of the closer prisoners had moved to all fours. The slower of the two was already being bitten by one of the beetles that had skittered with outrageous speed over towards them. The other had managed to nab a couple and before Brandyn could process the moment, had already bitten through the crunchy exoskeleton and dropped the dead bug to the side. Brandyn wondered if it was just to defeat the bug, and protect themselves, but before long Brandyn realized that it was just to try and catch more to have a larger meal.

"Ouch!" He said, pulling up his hand, beetle clamped on with its pinchers.

His hand was already going red, and throbbing. He turned and smashed his hand against the wall. The bug splatted, and his hand took the brunt of the impact. Again, Brandyn let out a cry of pain.


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