Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Starship Question] Gun Values?

I know that certain guns are considered "worth 5" or "worth 2" of the standard number allotted on the starship template. Is it at all possible to come out with a list of what guns are worth how many? Please and thank you. XD
We'd prefer not to, to prevent people intentionally minmaxing and powergaming their weapon loads. However, showing our work might be a thing we should do. I'll speak with Ayden about it.

Also, nothing is "worth 5." All values are based on 1, then adjusted for power.
Basically any modifying word is x2. Heavy, composite, long-range, repeating...

Again. I'll speak to Ayden about it. However, this is a very uncomfortable thing for us, because it will result in people attempting to math out their loadouts for maximum power. I really wish people would just accept "the FJs know what they're doing" and leave it at that.
All I know is that Long-Range Turbolasers are worth 5 and learned today that Composite Beam Lasers are worth 2. Stuff like that in a list so that players know beforehand strikes me as something that'd expedite the judging process. But what do I know. XD
"Expedite the judging process" at the same time as it opens the gate to people intentionally minmaxing their loadouts to be set for maximum lethality. I like it vague and dependent on judges, and I haven't heard them complain about the extra paperwork.

As I said twice, I'll talk to Ayden about it. I don't like it, but it might be the right thing to do.


@[member="Fabula Cavataio"] I disagree, because I did the math on... I think it was a Heavy Long-Range Ion Cannon Battery. Which was like... 108 or something crazy like that. It actually rounds out when you consider you have naval battleship-grade weapons in turn for more widespread or localized weapons; it promotes different ship classes much better than the old guide. For instance, the gun I'm talking about is for a long range artillery ship I'm making for anti-ship operations... yet, it lacks greatly in defense and localized firepower. It's really only good for one thing - dropping huge ion blasts on top of other ships from behind the front line.
Quoted from the Starship Guide


What is your ship armed with? The following table lists total armament numbers for each category of ship. Turbolasers, ion cannons, mass driver cannons, and other equivalent weapons (like Vong Yaret-Kor or Chiss Turbomasers) are all capital guns and are held to be roughly equal in power requirements and general firepower.

Warhead launchers are the standard missiles fired by fighters and small capital ships. They can inflict serious damage against them, but against heavier targets they come up short. Heavy warheads are deadly anti-capital ship weapons that should make every commander wary. It doesn’t take but a handful of heavy warheads to reduce a capital ship to slag.

Quad laser cannons, flak cannons, and point defense systems are the go-to for defensive weapons as turbolasers can’t track fast moving targets adequately. Quad laser cannons are the general defense gun for ships. They have excellent tracking and pack a decent punch. Flak cannons have long range and create so-called 'kill zones' that deter enemy starfighters or missiles from approaching. However, they do have a minimum range, so any ships that does get through can't be targeted. For those, the point defense system is most effective. Capable of quickly handling enemy starfighters and missiles at very close ranges, the point defense system cannot adequately engage targets at ranges beyond a hundred meters or so.

For the purposes of counting guns, we primarily look at individual barrels. So a single turbolaser cannon is valued at 1. A quad turbolaser cannon then is valued the same as four individual turbolasers. Batteries are capital guns grouped into fours. Most often you see batteries on heavy cruisers and larger capital ships. So a single battery of quad turbolasers is equal to sixteen (16) single turbolasers.

There are other modifiers we look after as well. Heavy denotes an increase in power to a particular group of weapons and thus applies a x2 multiplier. Going back to the quad turbolaser example, a battery of heavy quad turbolasers is equal to a whopping thirty-two (32) single turbolaser cannons. Long Range combines the raw power of Heavy with additional power to extend the range of a weapon and is thus a x5 modifier. A theoretical long range battery of heavy quad turbolasers is equal to a staggering one hundred sixty (160) turbolasers!

This list covers the general and widely available weapons. This is not to say that ships can’t have weapons not mentioned above, but their value is up to the judging Starship Factory Judge or Roleplay Judge.
As far as a comprehensive list for everything out there for guns, that is time-prohibitive and ends up limiting creative freedom as we could easily miss some kind of weapon and then people think "Oh, it's not on the list, so I can't use it" if we come out and say that this is our comprehensive list.

The guide was created to cover the primary weapons that people use in their submissions. As other systems are used, if they prove popular, we'll look into giving them a note in the guide. But right now, the guide covers 90-95% of all possible instances. When in doubt, ask a Factory Judge or RPJ. It's what we're here for.
What @[member="Ayden Cater"] said to be honest, that and people are constantly creating their own weapon systems as we've seen with Mandal Hypernautics and the AE, add in that there are dozens of non-standard and specialized weapons throughout cannon that aren't part of any category page. Finding them all would be a massive undertaking and a waste of time we could be doing other things.

As for not wanting people to min/max, that's up to the judges to prevent and we do when we can but there's no reason a ship in the upper region of its class' length to not also have the limit of the guns it can carry.

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