Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starship speed and maneuverability: back to 10

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
I'm confused. As in I literally have no idea whether this is just adding 10 onto the previous scale, or whether each original number's been multiplied by two. Either way, if I may be so bold, why don't we just take the scale and return it to a 10 part scale, but allow for decimals? Because if it turns out that what I intended to be a medium bomber is almost as fast as an interceptor and as maneuverable as an X-Wing according to the current rules - which I don't see comparison of to the previous scale at all - I'm going to facepalm.
Whole numbers are a bit easier to use when creating the ship speeds. Its nothing too crazy and basically 10 is the half way mark. We're in the process of creating a visual to help people see where their creations would fall into. Also 20 is the new 10, there's just other numbers to help with specifics.

Thanks for your idea. If you have any other questions don't be afraid to ask.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"] how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?

I am in the middle on the scale I don't mind it as I make ships rarely and usually there is new stuff by the time I get around to making one or there is more information and better how to guides... or I just ask Jon.... asking Jon is good. Look forward to the visual though.

Don't worry [member="Enigma"] we'll learn this template just like the previous guides and make cool ships.
Essentially, 20 is a more precise form of the previous 10, with a magnified scale (think of zooming in on a web page, you get more detail per increase of percentage - this is a 100% increase, or 200% zoom). Essentially, rather than having broad leaps from 5 to 6, for example, it's a smoother transition from one tier to the next.

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