Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Start spreading the News (The Shadow Collective - Open to all)


Abyss felt weird after he set foot on coruscants surface again. The planet had become a symbol for the downfall of the one sith, and therefore for the sith and darkside itself. Often he had thoughts of revenge, the strong desire to tear down everything that was left of the humiliating defeat he had to watch with his own eyes. However the times were changing, and Abyss had to accept that there was always a more efficient and subtle way to reach a goal.

The path of the sith was never just one of physical power or control over the force. The sith that shaped the history of the universes always were not only exceptional warriors but politicians and tacticians, know for their foresightedness, vision and intelligence. Those knowledgeable about the past of the sith could see that those lords who saw their future as an empire, and themselves as emperors always fell to their own ideals. The original one sith under Darth Kryat fell because they were weak without their leader, falling once again to infighting. Kaans Brotherhood of Darkness fell because it deemed its members as equals, fueling the rivalry to the point were they were obliterated by the Darth Bane. The sithari, the true dark lord if there ever was one. He succeeded because he knew the power of hiding in the shadows, of deception and the safety of being unknown.
All of these orders had strengths. Those of Kaan and Kryat had unity, giving the light an enemy worth fighting. Banes had anonymity and finesse.

The ship Abyss recently had stolen was slowly descending on the surface of coruscant, inconspicuous because of the intact transponder signal and its look on the outside. To old and damaged to catch someone's eye, but also not old enough to be deemed a safety problem to those controlling the world. Other than normally he was not wearing his sith robe, instead shrouded in a pair of black pants, a simple gray hoody and the lower part of his face hidden behind a red scarf. He had left his lightsaber behind, it was to conspicuous, and he was only armed with a small knife. In a bag strapped to his back were a few hundred leaflets he had made, filled with a calling for those open to hear it.

The shadow collective, a name Abyss had given to his idea. A secret network of darksiders of any kind, witches, dark jedi, sith and anyone else who felt the dark side pulsing trough the veins, operating inside the known organizations of the galaxy. The begin of a revolution.

Abyss looked down from the ruins of the once gigantic tower he was sitting in, his eyes focused on the slums below him. He opened the bag, taking out a handful of the leaflets. The papers began to dance in the wind as the acolyte released them into the air. Those who suffered from hopelessness and despair often were open to another solution.

The leaflet

"We are all born to the darkness,
Witches, Sith, Dark Jedi and anyone else who hears our calling,
We are all brothers and sisters in the darkness.
To long we had to obey to lies.
It is time that we reclaim our freedom.

To long we did hide from one to another,
fearful of those who choose a different path.
Now we will stand in unity,
As we are all born to the darkness.
The force shall free us."

Brothers and sisters, join our revolution.

Find us: TheDarkMessenger.Holoonion

Signed: The Shadow Collective

OOC: Just jump in either as someone reading the leaflet and reacting on it, or someone hunting Abyss for sharing them. Or whatever else.
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A dark clad figure pacing the alleyways of Coruscant, with slow careful stebs and two eyes that would spin around, looking at every corner, his head spinning and turning when he heard the slighest of sounds, this man didn't even trust his own shadow. But in those dark and grim alleyways, were rotten smells most vile could be smelt strongly, there was a small bit of paper, flying in the wind gently. The overwelming sound of voices and machines in the background blurred out for a moment as he stared at the paper, before it would hit the wet ground, the dark figure would take it. Snatching it out of the sky as quickly as he could, before retreating his hand back into the cloak. He would walk away, his eyes curiouse began to read at a rapid pace. "Interesting" Said a man in a deep and hollow voice.

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