Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starter Ships

New guy here, I apologize if this is answered elsewhere.

Starting out, if I wanted to use a modified canon ship, would I have to submit it through here before I could use it?

Specifically, I was wanting to have a modified VCX-100 Light Freighter that housed an old (to this site) T-70 X-Wing instead of the VCX Aux star fighter that it normally has/has in Rebels. According to the Wookie articles, there is a .85 meter difference, which is about 2.75 ft. I don't know if that matters at all.

Thank you.
[member="Trame Santiga"] That might require a submission because you'd need to adjust the docking clamp, and also add a different set of structural integrity specs: the shape, size and mass of an X-Wing is very different. You might also need to alter the plating so the shape fits, since the VCX fighter is streamlined to fit properly.

That can be adjusted, definitely, but you'd need to reinforce that docking clamp, at the very least.
[member="Trame Santiga"]

You're more than welcome to submit it, but a modification that small? Nobody cares, certainly not the factory judges. Now if you want to really customize it, I'd definitely recommend submitting it for ease of reference.

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