Alexandra Feanor
The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Ord Mantell
Alexandra shifted and looked over the preparations that had been taken, the people who had been saved and the need for a new home for a great many. So many had died, so many more that could not be saved or chose to give their lives. There would be more hiding on Kesh, hidden away like had been done before and keeping within the planet's mountains and under the surface. Alexandra could not feel kinship for those people though, not like their previous leader had and even now those with them were uncertain as to the new leadership. Solan's children would be able to lead those from Kesh, but other worlds did not find any connection to them or a sense of trust, and with their movement to this area of space, new worlds would simply look on in distrust.
They needed a new purpose. Many wanted to return home eventually, and that would become their mission to grow and become a suitable defender for their homes next time, but would it be right to just leave these planets which would shelter them for now. Worlds could leave or join if they saw fit but would that be a good thing for these worlds once they were gone. There was an obligation to defend the fringe worlds, not just those that the Exiles came from but these ones too. That would require something neutral though, something new... and for that they would need a new world.
Finding such was Alexandra's purpose now, a new world for those who had come with them, to find a world that would shelter all those exiled from the fringes by dark empires, by genocidal monsters. She was not the queen of those people, but she was the most capable in leading these people as a unified group and now she waited for those that she had called, people who had come to her ears and had been mentioned to her, as well as some old friends and allies of her own that she could call on. It was something she tapped on the table thinking over while going through nearby systems that may be able to harbor the exiled peoples, a world large enough and empty for those with them.
Noah Corek Herah Zesiro Mig Gred LeoraLiliana
Alexandra shifted and looked over the preparations that had been taken, the people who had been saved and the need for a new home for a great many. So many had died, so many more that could not be saved or chose to give their lives. There would be more hiding on Kesh, hidden away like had been done before and keeping within the planet's mountains and under the surface. Alexandra could not feel kinship for those people though, not like their previous leader had and even now those with them were uncertain as to the new leadership. Solan's children would be able to lead those from Kesh, but other worlds did not find any connection to them or a sense of trust, and with their movement to this area of space, new worlds would simply look on in distrust.
They needed a new purpose. Many wanted to return home eventually, and that would become their mission to grow and become a suitable defender for their homes next time, but would it be right to just leave these planets which would shelter them for now. Worlds could leave or join if they saw fit but would that be a good thing for these worlds once they were gone. There was an obligation to defend the fringe worlds, not just those that the Exiles came from but these ones too. That would require something neutral though, something new... and for that they would need a new world.
Finding such was Alexandra's purpose now, a new world for those who had come with them, to find a world that would shelter all those exiled from the fringes by dark empires, by genocidal monsters. She was not the queen of those people, but she was the most capable in leading these people as a unified group and now she waited for those that she had called, people who had come to her ears and had been mentioned to her, as well as some old friends and allies of her own that she could call on. It was something she tapped on the table thinking over while going through nearby systems that may be able to harbor the exiled peoples, a world large enough and empty for those with them.
Noah Corek Herah Zesiro Mig Gred LeoraLiliana