It had been about a year since my leaving of the Galaxy. Well not really leaving, but more so of going dark. I had dropped off the grid for some time. I had changed my hair to my natural color of black. I let it grow out from the almost buzzcut that I once had. and dressed in a leather variation of Jedi robes that was tight on my chest, and instead of loose clothing was a slim pair of pants.
I carried over my shoulder a bookbag that was carrying all the materials that I needed. Rather large for a bookbag, it housed my clothes, credits, vibrosword, and the gloves and boots for my flight suit.
I had seeked a place where I could go and train. A place where I could be away from the people that had caused me to be who I was. Sithspawn. I hated the word in all of its meaning. Sith, people who used the Dark side for their own gain. Spawn, born of whatever came first.
I was born of the Sith's creation. and despite this, I wanted to do everything in my power to not become like them. Sithspawn were known to be of the Dark side of the force. and yet, I had proved not to be. I wanted to become stronger not physically, but mentally from the clutches of my past.
I had a feeling that being here was the best choice for me to have. My gut told me to travel and travel until I could find a place where I could be finally alone. I had taken my Naginata Class Starfighter and landed down on a planet that I did not know. When I was up in orbit around I could feel that this was the right place.
Now standing outside of my ship, I didn't know where to go?
I carried over my shoulder a bookbag that was carrying all the materials that I needed. Rather large for a bookbag, it housed my clothes, credits, vibrosword, and the gloves and boots for my flight suit.
I had seeked a place where I could go and train. A place where I could be away from the people that had caused me to be who I was. Sithspawn. I hated the word in all of its meaning. Sith, people who used the Dark side for their own gain. Spawn, born of whatever came first.
I was born of the Sith's creation. and despite this, I wanted to do everything in my power to not become like them. Sithspawn were known to be of the Dark side of the force. and yet, I had proved not to be. I wanted to become stronger not physically, but mentally from the clutches of my past.
I had a feeling that being here was the best choice for me to have. My gut told me to travel and travel until I could find a place where I could be finally alone. I had taken my Naginata Class Starfighter and landed down on a planet that I did not know. When I was up in orbit around I could feel that this was the right place.
Now standing outside of my ship, I didn't know where to go?