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Approved Tech Stave of Souls

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  • Intent: A stave for [member="Dubiety"]
  • Image Source:
  • 0438b53e66c37e9debfd373dcdb04bd8--staff-magic-a-staff.jpg
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Various Ancient Sith
  • Affiliation: [member="Dubiety"]
  • Model: Stave
  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Alchemical Wood, Unknown Gem
  • The user can focus their darkside energy to bypass many spells that would require a ritual
  • Due to it's alchemical properties it can block lightsabers
  • Classification: Stave
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Can Block Lightsabers
  • Can Bypass many rituals
  • Can steal lifeforms souls (Not PC's without consent or notable NPC's)
  • When a lifeforms soul is taken they turn to withered husk and become thralls of the stave user
  • Requires souls to perform rituals
  • Is heavy, so odds of blocking blasters are slim
  • Not really an offensive weapon due to it's weight
  • Takes a dozen souls to fully charge
  • May only siphon, at most a dozen souls at a time
  • Without enough souls, it begins to steal it's very users soul
  • Limited to one ritual per dozen souls, no matter the size
This staves ancient petrified wood comes from before even the Rakkatan Empire. It is a shard of life from when the universe first began. Ripe with Magics, it was coveted by the Jedi as a beautiful well of the force. When The Great Divide among the Jedi took place the temple in which this beautiful gem was stored came under siege. The Siege lasted for months with thousands loosing their lives. Their blood ran among it's ancient roots feeding it with darkside energy.

Over time it turned on it's Jedi protectors slowly withering them to husk and stealing their very souls. The Sith found the temple abandoned. At the center was a horrific sight, this tree that had once granted life was now pierced with the corpses of hundreds, as it fed on their very beings. The Sith quickly saw beauty in this destruction and went about shaping it, molding it, and even tainting it further with their perverse magics. The Stave that was made wreaked of the darkside and was gifted to a great Darth.

This Darth sought eternal life and thought the best way to do this was to go to the afterlife itself, albeit as a mortal. Using his stave he opened a portal to Hell and found it awash in madness. His mind interpreted it in great floating castles, each lorded over by their own baron, forever at war with one another. He sought to dominate them all. He began to absorb many of these souls trapped in hell. Eventually it is rumored that the stave developed a beautiful red gem, which is actually the Darth himself.

Carving out his own slice of hell, he now rules over it atop his ancient throne the tree of souls. He demands tribute from all who wield the stave and in exchange grants them the power of many rituals that are at his disposal....
Factory Judge
The Prowler said:
Image Source: https://www.pinteres...89005632642256/
Pintrest is not considered a suitable source. Can you please provide a new one for me?

The Prowler said:
Due to it's alchemical properties it can cut, like any sword, and even block lightsabers
Is the stave bladed, or is it just a normal stave? You don't have any other mention of the ability to be used like a sword.

The Prowler said:
The user can focus their darkside energy to bypass many spells that would require a ritual
I am more than fine with the bypassing of some spells or more intricate sorcerys that one could perform, however, how many spells can it bypass before the staff loses it's charge, and Is there a limitation for the user to directly use and power the ritual itself?

[member="The Prowler"],
I edited it so that the staff is only good for one ritual per charge. I also added a new link to the image source. I believe adding further limitations would null the bypass effect of the stave, so I ask that it be allowed to pass as is please.

Factory Judge
[member="The Prowler"], that was the only problem I had with it in the first place.

I agree, anything taken further from it would have neutered the project as a whole. Enjoy your new staff.
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