Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Stealin' and scammin'

Location: Vandelhelm

Chester had been slowly moving his way through the Rimma Trade route through out the week, checking out the planets he would've passed along the way. This time he'd found himself on Vandelhelm but, without enough credits to make it off world he was looking for ways to make some fast. His current plan was turning out fruitless. It had turned out to Chesters surprise, most people didn't carry large sums of credits in this city. And, if he were to make enough to pay for fuel before his docking fee ran out, he'd need to find bigger targets.

As he navigated around the busy streets picking pockets as he wove between people, Chester saw someone who stuck out among the crowd. He couldn't tell who or what their job happened to be but, he was desperate enough to try. So, Chester moved himself far in front of them in the road and began to look around confused glancing down at paper map he'd found of the city. As they got closer, he made eye contact with them, and asked with a worried grin. "I'm sorry for the trouble but, do you have any idea where we are?" while sheepishly holding up a map.


It had been a hard few days on Vandelhelm. A serial killer who cropped up months prior was back in the game and they had already racked up five kills in the short time they've arrived. Unlike before there were no connections between the victims and it was anyone's guess as to what this killer had in mind. Were they after someone or did they want a reaction out of the public? Perhaps they simply wanted blood on their hands, whatever the end goal was the authorities were nearly as blind as everyone else.

A curfew had been placed over the city and the docking yards where many of the populace worked had been condemned driving many down on their funds to the streets in search of new work.

There, Ravenous stood amongst the crowd dressed in a navy blue duster and dark garments that forced children into the arms of their mothers and drew skeptical looks from the more cautious individuals. Suppose that means the one approaching him wasn't in either camp. A man unassuming and unremarkable fumbled with a map in his hands feigning a misdirection. Beneath that disinteresting facade, however, was something truly special, a pool of energy untapped and clandestine in an otherwise scummy and obtuse psyche. Ravenous took note of this as he bore his chestnut gaze into Chester the left side of his face charred and blackened from burns incurred so very long ago.

"I'm sorry for the trouble but, do you have any idea where we are?
"We're on Vandelhelm. Oh, wait. You probably meant where in the city. My mistake. This is the commercial district, there's a lot of people here since the docks shut down." Ravenous' hands went into his pockets where his hands wrapped around a fistful of credits. "I'm pretty knowledgeable about the area. Wherever your going I can probably take you there."
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The clothes that Ravenous was wearing looked nicer than the rest of the crowd and far better than Chester's. And, even though he thought he had found a target richerthan most of the others in the busy street, he couldn't shake the terrible worried feeling deep in his stomach. Once their eyes met through his mask, Chester glanced up and down the man for any weapons to try and assure himself. But the only thing that caught his eye was a long metal tube that didn't seem important to him.

"We're on Vandelhelm. Oh, wait. You probably meant where in the city. My mistake. This is the commercial district, there's a lot of people here since the docks shut down." Ravenous' hands went into his pockets where his hands wrapped around a fistful of credits. "I'm pretty knowledgeable about the area. Wherever your going I can probably take you there."

As the Ravenous spoke Chester noticed his hands slip into full pockets and, figured that'd be the place to aim for first. Oh, thank you. But, I don't want to take up too much of your time. If you can just help me with this map then I think I can manage on my own. Chester said smiling, offering the half folded map to the man. He thought this was going better than expected as the man seemed more than accommodating to him. But, the moment the money was in his pockets he wasn't going to stick around here any longer.


Ravenous found himself watching Chester quite carefully, the Force brought its wielders together as a sort of natural order and you never know just who you might encounter. Chester's eyes wandered toward his lightsaber but quickly flicked away as though denying he had put any thought into it.

When Chester handed him the map, Ravenous opted to take it with only one hand so the other could keep his hand on his credits. By now, Ravenous had caught on to what was happening here. Akabane remembers how angry he’d get when people pretending to be tourists would wander through Iziz to try and extort money out of people however they could.

They all had the same look and motif to the point they were practically reading straight from a script.

It's probably best, Ravenous plays along, for now, he can get more out of Chester by giving him power than he could taking it away. What would be the point of scurrying him off and keeping the money in his pocket when he has so much more wealth? What could he gain from giving him a right cross the face when he could simply watch and see what he does?

Everyone has something they’re after. Even death has its goals. Ravenous does not. It’s this absence of a goal that makes it that much more intuitive to watch people and see where they take things.

It was then, Ravenous realized he hasn’t actually been looking over the map and has instead just been standing there idly for some time.

“You haven’t actually told me where you’re going but…” Ravenous pointed to a spot on the map. “This is where we are and you can get just about anywhere in the area from this plaza.” Ravenous moved to hand Chester the map but fell short and seemingly dropped it by accident.

“That's what happens when you miss a tune-up. Sorry, I need to get these things recalibrated.” Ravenous wrapped his cybernetic fingers around the map and handed back to Chester his hand shinier than before it grabbed the map.

“Just tell me where you’re going and I’ll get you there.” Ravenous let his other hand leave his pocket an eerie crimson aura faintly rising around it to any who paid close attention.

Chester Mascon Chester Mascon
Chester watched with an increasingly puzzled look as Ravenous just stood in the busy street, unmoving with the map in sitting in a metal hand for all but a few seconds before they continued. Something about him seemed off to Chester, who's worries only grew. The man startled him when he began to speak again. Chester forgot what he'd planed and, missed this opportunity.

Chester took the map back, sliding it into a pocket and with a smile said. "Well If you insist Sir, I suppose I could use the company. I'm trying to find an antique shop. I wanna say it started with an m... Should've wrote down." he muttered the last part to himself "Anyway I heard the store is the only one that has a ring I've been after for some time."

The man was persistent and if Chester refused again they might suspect something. So, he had decided to play along. He'd still try to take what he could if another opportunity arose, but without a reason to get close enough it'd be useless to try. And even if he did, he was sure credits didn't glow red. So, Chester had pretended to half remember a shop he'd seen half an hour ago. Partly to eventually be able to leave the man without suspicion and, Partly to get to know who was keeping his stomach in knots.



Ravenous almost smiled to himself as Chester reluctantly accepted his invitation his plans so clearly bashed and working against him. It's the little moments like this that really give Ravenous a reason to go out anymore. To see his enemy, the thing he wants to destroy. He wondered just how far Chester would take his lie.

"My name is, Ravenous. I know a great deal about this place and I will take you to your destination." Ravenous grabbed Chester by the shoulder and practically pushed him along his intended route. He's never heard of an antique shop starting with an M...then again he doesn't know any antique shops, to begin with, but that doesn't matter. Judging by the hushed manner in which he spoke as well as his rigid body language so clearly trying to hide his motives it was obvious Chester just wanted to get away from him. He wouldn't let him. He'd suffer for this.

"So just what is your name? Where I'm from everyone has a name!" Ravenous made a fake chuckle at his unfunny joke and let his eyes examine Chester's reaction. Did he slur in his speech? Did he stall as though to think of an answer? This man was a puzzle and every action he took gave Ravenous yet another piece. "So what's the ring look like anyway? What do you plan to do with it exactly?" More questions Ravenous knew he didn't have an answer to. He'd break Chester yet...

Off in the distance, Ravenous let his eyes follow his destination his grip on Chester's shoulder leaving as his hand shined and glistened like before. "So where are you from? I can see that you are not from around here." There was no sign of stopping. Sooner or later he'd slip up and Ravenous would have his chance to call him on it.

Chester Mascon Chester Mascon

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