Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Steel, Magic and Darksiders

Darth Grimoire


Docking a loaned starfighter from her Master into the asteroid hangar bay, Grimoire stepped down the disembarking ramp into the hangar of the asteroid mining facility. Stepping down Grimoire was embraced by the sudden swift breeze from the oxygen filters, her black cloak flapped about over her dark red leather robes and black fabric trousers. In front of her a Neimoidian in engineering clothes approached her.

"Are you Ms. Grimoire?" he asked. Grimoire nodded. "I am she. I assume my quarters and facilities are ready for use?"

"Yes. And the payment?" he pushed the issue. Grimoire frowned and exhaled. "My master shall see to your services rendered. The credits will arrive shortly. But for now." Grimoire handed him a credit code stick. The Neimoidian snatched at the stick and smiled. "Right this way."

Grimoire smiled. She had taken many measures to gain the metal forging facility on this private metal processing plant. She had also taken steps to have the proper materials delivered. Desh and Terenthium, Armorweave fabric rolls and of course the dark masters of alchemy she required. Soon she would be sent by her master to prove her powers. In order to do so she required the proper armor set. Darth Hauntruss, her mother detested such things, after all she had her spells and magic as armor. BUt, Grimoire practiced a different doctrine, one forged by Sith Lords like Darth Vader, Revan and Bane. Power, Might and Armor. She craved the doctrines of the ancient Sith Lords who broke the galaxy under their booted feet.

Passing into a corridor she gestured for the Neimoidian to slow his speed and heed her words. "I have special V.I.P's who will also be attending the forging. Make sure they are greeted well and ushered to the froging grounds at once." Grimoire hissed. The Neimoidian noded sheepishly. Grimoire smiled and patted the engineer on the shoulder. "Calm. All is well. I am pleased."

Grimoire marched into the forging facility and the doors shut behind them.

[member="Darth Ferus"] @Vaulkhar [member="Damien Daemon"]


Well-Known Member
Damien Daemon, Darth Pikiran to some, Lord Daemon to others, and Emperor to even fewer, had received his call. There was not a single moment in which he was not actively feeding off of the Force, leeching at it as a vacuum would, so he was instantaneous to sensing the feel of the one who sought his expertise. For what, he was not sure, who it was also came to his senses as a mystery. None the less, he dressed himself in his Baka Battle Bodyglove, grabbed Tantibus - his Masterwork blade of fear - tying it in place against his spine.

With that in place, he set a hand briefly on his temple as a vision occurred. He was to teach... Alchemy, as he had only ever done once... A smile spread to his face before he went about gathering ingredients and required tools. Once they were gathered, he sacked them, then slowly moved his hand in a three-sixty circle about the bag. Slowly the bag began to shrink, gaining velocity for the action, until with a jerk of the Force, the hardly marble sized bag flew to his palm. There it finished the last of its shrinking until it was gone from detection entirely - Dimension Shift literally removing it from the Chaos reality.

At that, the powerful Alchemist sent his senses to where he knew his meeting would take place. Instantly he started gathering energy from the foul mouthed spirit of the God of Shadows, Zaiden James-Greyson's bound spirit was enough to power him for much. He could rely on his own energy, but he had plans that would need as much as he could offer. With eyes glowing luminescent lavender, Damien vanished with a soft bang - air suctioning to fill the vacuum left by his absence.

In under a second, Damien appeared before the woman whom called him. His eyes continued their emanating thrall of power, as he asked, voice thick with the energy coursing through him, "Is it you, young one, that summoned me?"

Around the same time [member="Damien Daemon"] broke time and space Darth Ferus and [member="Vaulkhar"] had just arrived in their, well Vaulkhar's, ship. The ramp of the ship opened just in time to have the red cloaked man stepping out with his arms clasped behind his back. "Now remember. This Sith is the heir to a great legacy. I have every intention of seeing if she can live up to her mother's reputation and perhaps even surpass it. If she does, she will be a valuable ally. So be on your best behavior. She's royalty after all." There was a bit of teasing mixed in with the message he spoke to his apprentice.

Almost immediately the pair was greeted by a Neimoidien with his hands clasped almost greedily before his chest. "Ah yes, you must be the two Ms. [member="Grimoire "]sent for. Right this way." Well, that was quick. And Ferus liked quick. With a smile and a nod he set off after the alien, already stewing in his mind on what the young queen could be asking for.
"Yes Lord Ferus, I will be respectful as you ask."

His head lowered into a small nod as the two were greeted. As [member="Darth Ferus"] and the Neimoidian spoke, his head rose up and he quickly scanned the surrounding area. The location was rather basic, lacking in artwork or luxury. True to it's nature as a mining facility no doubt. Efficiency was what mattered within this facility, not beauty or intrigue. And that was something Vaulkhar greatly appreciated. As his master and the Neimoidian moved onward, Vaulkhar followed behind the two, actively looking around and taking in the surroundings. In case of an emergency it was best to be prepared; and this was his preperation. Raising the communication device from his belt to his mouth, he activated it and began to speak.

"TL, I need you to download the blue prints of the mining facility and keep the ship ready for departure." A series of buzzing and whirring could be heard from the device as his astromech spoke on the other end. "Yes, yes, I know. It's always ready, I'm glad. Just get those blueprints downloaded and send them to my datapad. Vagabond out."

Taking the basic title of Vagabond has proven useful, as he's remained relatively incognito since it's creation.

"Lord Ferus, what connection to royalty does your acquaintance have exactly?"

[member="Damien Daemon"] | [member="Grimoire"]

Darth Grimoire

[member="Damien Daemon"]

Grimoire was startled by the apparition of a brooding figure behind her. Grimoire paused for a moment, she sensed the power and monstrous talents that bubbled behind her. She turned slowly, her golden Sith eyes latched onto the intruder. Judging from what she could recollect from the holo-discussions and communications via hologram, she recognised the intruder.

"Yes, it was I." Grimoire spoke as she turned fully to face the one known as Daemon, "It is I who requested your skills for an alchemist project of mine. Your payment is nearby once that task is finished, if you choose to assist me, Master Daemon."

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Vaulkhar"]

Abruptly she was interrupted by a holo-alert. Her other powerful talents arrived. She had known of Darth Ferus when she was a young sithlette who had spent sometime in the One Sith Academy. Grimoire smiled at Daemn as he pondered her proposion and then walked past him to approach the blast doors that slid open. She stood in the threshold and bowed as Ferus and his apprentice followed. She rose back up a wicked smile was hinted in the curvature of her lips.

"Lord Ferus and Knight Vaulkhar." Grimoire hissed, "A pleasure to have you here. I thank you for taking the time to see me."

[NOTE: Sorry about the delay, just returned to school. Got very busy]


Well-Known Member
@Grimoire @Darth ferus [member="Vaulkhar"]

"I have seen that I, alongside others, will assist you. So, I will not fight my destiny." Damien said, the light from his eyes finally fading. His voice slowly returned to normal, he began to feel the power ebb until it was his alone once more. Nearby he spotted a seat, to which he placed his rear, crossing a leg over the other.

Immediately he began an age old process, leeching from the Force. He would need the best strength he could achieve if he wished to be of use, especially as he now viewed this as a time to make a new weapon himself. There would need to be a lot of excess energy.
"It is my pleasure, my dear. I am so glad to see you still in good health, after all this time." A polite tilt of the mans head was offered to [member="Grimoire"] as a bow. And while it was unspoken, something radiated from Ferus as if to tell [member="Vaulkhar"] to do the same. As he straightened, his red eyes glanced right over to [member="Damien Daemon"] , studying. So this was the other? He seemed familiar, but the Sith couldn't be too sure as to why. But, all those requested were here. With a simple clap of his hands his gaze went back to his employer with a hint of glee running through them.

"Shall we begin?"
Vaulkhar was clearly not paying any attention. Every so often he'd offer a smile at the young woman, but rather than pay attention to the minimal conversation that was happening, his gaze was moving around the room rather quickly. Eventually he felt the aura being given off by his master and he turned, noticing him bowing, Vaulkhar lowered himself into a bow as well. His gaze remained on Grimoire though.

"It is a pleasure."

[member="Darth Ferus"] | [member="Damien Daemon"] | [member="Grimoire"]

Darth Grimoire

[member="Damien Daemon"] [member="Vaulkhar"] [member="Darth Ferus"]

With the three darksiders gathered, Grimoire, turned away from them and clasped her hands behind her back. With a voice like serpent feeling the air in front of it, Grimoire let slip her plans.

"I have lingered in the shadows for sometime." She began, ​"Training, learning and moulding my resources. I still learn. But, soon my time to reveal myself to the galaxy will come. And when that day comes I require allies...but, more importantly now I require strength in steel and darkness to encase myself."

"I have asked you to be hear because you are the most talented in the ways of Sith Alchemy. My mother knew this and that is why she gave me your names before her...disappearance."

Grimoire strolled to a stack of steel, terenthium-derth and a scroll of armorweave fabric. Grimorie caressed the materials as she paced past them. "These are the ingredients. And if you allow it, I wish to have them imbued with the darkside, as to create a natural darkside barrier - a last line of spiritual defence."

Grimoire paused and turned to face the three. "My powers in these arts are not as powerful as my mother, but, i humbly submit myself as a conduit, a vessel for powers to draw from. I will take a meditative position behind the materials and summon the darkness within me - my inheritance from Darth Hauntruss - and mix it with what powers you summon and then redirect it into the material."

"What say you, my experts."
"I say we shall begin, but," Ferus emphasized the but quite a bit as he moved to the center of the room. "For something as dark and powerful as you want, I will need blood. Yours, and someone you trust. And if there is no one who you trust, someone who trusts you. You must kill them, for their blood and hatred of your betrayal will power this ritual to it's fullest. And, I will need a basin."

A single hand raised, and the Force swelled within the room. Metal sheets of the floor ripped upwards, twisting and warping with a cringe worthy screech of metal. It took only a moment, but a simple bowl atop a pedestal sat within the center. It was surprisingly clean despite it's rather noisy creation. "Bring them forward, and slit their throat over the bowl. It will be enough."

Not only was this needed to create the armor [member="Grimoire"] wanted, but a test of resolve. Would she be willing to give up someone she trusted for this sort of power? Would she betray the trust of another for it? Was her resolve strong enough? Red eyes waited patiently to see.

[member="Damien Daemon"]
Vaulkhar stood in silence, his arms crossed over his chest as Dartn Ferus created a basin. He visually grimaced as the screeching sound fill the room and left a rather uncomfortable feeling behind it. Following suit came a rather basic description of what would be required to make the armor, which caused a smile to form on the half breed's pale face. He remembered making his own Sith warblade, bathing an old piece of metal in the blood of a Gamorian before shaping it into his own weapon, currently hung over his back. He had no desire to do much else with the weapon, considering all he really required was something to deal with lightsaber resistant weapons. But further studies into alchemy interested him greatly.

What didn't interest him was making armor for a spoiled brat, who's mother was a powerful Sith Lord. It was a rather ironic position, considering his place being the son of Kaine Zambrano. But considering everything he has earned, was without his father and everything he has achieved was through his own merit; he didn't necessarily consider it the same. Call it hypocrisy and unfairness.

"It is a taxing ritual for us to perform, my dear." Vaulkhar's grim filled with warmth as he attempted to be as charming as possible. "But for a beautiful young lady such as yourself, I'm sure it is something we'd greatly desire to do for you."

[member="Darth Ferus"] | [member="Grimoire"]


Well-Known Member
((Just realized it never saved a reply I typed the other day. Sorry for the wait.))

Damien lifted a hand upward, then down, and back once more, a small dot launching from the lurch upward. As it descended it grew in size until it once more was the size of the bag prior. Setting it to the floor, Damien reached inside after undoing the drawstring. From within came a long thin dagger, "A powerful method, blood letting. One of the best. I prefer a step past for basic defenses. Blood letting, and runes." He said, "I will also need a subject, though I would prefer several. The trust is a good thing for a single being, making the pain they feel all the greater, fueling the darkside. But a large number does good as well, especially when combined with torture and the like."

The dagger flipped in his palm, where upon he sliced the other hand with its tip. A rune was soon evident, in the shape of his Clan's insignia. Most were not aware of its power in this manner, but he had found it long ago. It now acted as a bolstering method for his alchemy.

[member="Vaulkhar"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Grimoire"]

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