Changeling Marksman

Steel Sleens
The roster below shows current Steel Sleen contractors and their unique specializations that are available for hire by clients. Please note that all contractors are fully capable of combat and many other skills; individual cases where a contractor is not proficient or capable of combat or piloting, it will be stated as a [C] or a [P] next to their name respectively to keep potential clients aware of contractor's inabilities.

Character Name | Specialization
[C] = Incapable of Combat
[P] = Incapable of Piloting
'Faceless' | Marksman, Assassin
Koda Fett | Combat Specialist
Ras'Kel'Kanto | Heavy Weapons Specialist [P]
AUR0RA | Munitions Specialist
Sola Tymon | Slicer & Company Intelligence Liaison [C] [P]
Wlesho'vict'clirko | Tracking & Hunting Specialist
Kiliar Seral | Financial Adviser
Jeryk Solus | Combat Specialist