Xevek Nekonis
From The Shadows
Such a simple word that help such a simple meaning but could caused such a large amount of change based on who suffered from the cold grasp of death. Five letters. That's it. Five letters that could be the difference between whether the song of the tales of living beings spun itself into a dark crescendo of pain and further death or a gentle harmony of peace. A word that help such an impact with every civilisation, enough so that at least one religion of every being usually had at least on God who's job it was to manage those that left the mortal coil.
Something that was about to be granted upon the squabbling group of politicians that squabbled beneath the yellow, half seeing gaze of a living shadow that was perched above them. The childish whining over who would get what out of the power play that these mali'kep were planning to follow through with and who would get the most power grated upon the nerves of the shadow. But he remained still, unnoticed and unblinking as he waited. Waited for the perfect moment upon which death would be delivered to these jendnouk gunsosen with a single, unseen and unexpected series of attacks.
Yellow eyes blinked slowly as the shadow's mind cast back into how he had arrived in the room, scoffing over the arrogance of the gunsosen.
It had been simple. His employer, a simple butler who his targets had deemed as bellow their notice had informed him of the planning location of the coup. This act, speaking out against those that paid him his wages, was born not out of vengeance out of his neglected treatment by his employers. No, this employee acted differently than how many would of expected the young human to do so, acting out of loyalty to blood over greed and vengeance.
The butler's brother, a high ranking politician that ran within the same circles as the weaklings bellow the shadow, was one of the coups targets, a death mark painted on his back all due to having a policy that completely rejected the arrogant desires of the greed fill plotters.
With the location of his dance of death set, the shadow had not needed to track down his targets and had instead focussed on the barriers between he and his prey. To his surprise, there had been little to no guards, the arrogance of his prey ensuring that they weakened themselves by believing that they could not, would not be caught.
A movement bellow brought a feral smile to the shadow's face as one of the targets wandered around the table to come to a stop beneath the mass of hidden Zabrak. With a quick flick of his only wrist, his left arm lost, three needles tore unseen through the air, the almost invisible liquid poison that coated their tips flashing in the low lighting of the room. In the same movement, the same flick of the wrist, the weapon fastened to his middle finger by a simple ring span, before coming to rest in a cradle of his clawed fingers.
Before the flying needles could even impact with their target's soft throats, administrating the lethal poison they carried to three of the ten targets where it would quickly break down the wall of their veins causing massive internal bleeding, the shadow was falling through the air and coming into view, his held weapon poised to enter the throat bellow where the barbed tip would tear the artery apart.
Soon, in a few seconds, four accounts of death would be caused by the hand of Xavka Duquo, Sith Assassin.
Death, such a heavy word.
@Akio Diachi
Such a simple word that help such a simple meaning but could caused such a large amount of change based on who suffered from the cold grasp of death. Five letters. That's it. Five letters that could be the difference between whether the song of the tales of living beings spun itself into a dark crescendo of pain and further death or a gentle harmony of peace. A word that help such an impact with every civilisation, enough so that at least one religion of every being usually had at least on God who's job it was to manage those that left the mortal coil.
Something that was about to be granted upon the squabbling group of politicians that squabbled beneath the yellow, half seeing gaze of a living shadow that was perched above them. The childish whining over who would get what out of the power play that these mali'kep were planning to follow through with and who would get the most power grated upon the nerves of the shadow. But he remained still, unnoticed and unblinking as he waited. Waited for the perfect moment upon which death would be delivered to these jendnouk gunsosen with a single, unseen and unexpected series of attacks.
Yellow eyes blinked slowly as the shadow's mind cast back into how he had arrived in the room, scoffing over the arrogance of the gunsosen.
It had been simple. His employer, a simple butler who his targets had deemed as bellow their notice had informed him of the planning location of the coup. This act, speaking out against those that paid him his wages, was born not out of vengeance out of his neglected treatment by his employers. No, this employee acted differently than how many would of expected the young human to do so, acting out of loyalty to blood over greed and vengeance.
The butler's brother, a high ranking politician that ran within the same circles as the weaklings bellow the shadow, was one of the coups targets, a death mark painted on his back all due to having a policy that completely rejected the arrogant desires of the greed fill plotters.
With the location of his dance of death set, the shadow had not needed to track down his targets and had instead focussed on the barriers between he and his prey. To his surprise, there had been little to no guards, the arrogance of his prey ensuring that they weakened themselves by believing that they could not, would not be caught.
A movement bellow brought a feral smile to the shadow's face as one of the targets wandered around the table to come to a stop beneath the mass of hidden Zabrak. With a quick flick of his only wrist, his left arm lost, three needles tore unseen through the air, the almost invisible liquid poison that coated their tips flashing in the low lighting of the room. In the same movement, the same flick of the wrist, the weapon fastened to his middle finger by a simple ring span, before coming to rest in a cradle of his clawed fingers.
Before the flying needles could even impact with their target's soft throats, administrating the lethal poison they carried to three of the ten targets where it would quickly break down the wall of their veins causing massive internal bleeding, the shadow was falling through the air and coming into view, his held weapon poised to enter the throat bellow where the barbed tip would tear the artery apart.
Soon, in a few seconds, four accounts of death would be caused by the hand of Xavka Duquo, Sith Assassin.
Death, such a heavy word.
@Akio Diachi