General InformationName: Stel Tinto
Age: 38
Species: Nautolan
Homeworld: Chandrila
Physical Information
Skin Colour: Green
Eye Colour: Red
Height: 6'2
Weight: 73 kilograms
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+ Excellent debater, he's able to go on and on about his points and express them fluently.
+ He's a likeable individual, whether it be his speech pattern, smile or anything else. People are drawn towards him.
+ His natural ability to breathe underwater is a gift that doesn't seem much use, although it is there when needed.
+ Due to being an aquatic species he sees plenty of time in the water, with that he's developed a swimmers fit body. Lean and muscular.
- If it came down to being in a fight, he'd have no real clue of what to do. He's never been in real combat, not even a brawl.
- A speeder injury many years ago damaged his left leg and has never been able to fully recover. Running on land is just not possible.