Darren Apollo
Stellar Energy
Stellar Energy Corp. (Stellar Energy) was a publicly traded galactic energy company the both provided electric utility and manufactured electrical power equipment.Player Characters
- Darren Apollo - Founder, Chairman, CEO
- The Rishi Maze - Corporate Headquarters, Aurek Manufacturing Plant, Technology Center
Stellar Energy uses technology and innovation to help meet the galaxy’s energy needs. Using energy-efficient, resource-saving technologies, Stellar Energy helps brings customers the power they need at the best price.
In 830, Darren Apollo founded Stellar Energy with a single shop. The company first began by making specialized power cells for industrial equipment. Darren Apollo was actively involved in the company as the majority owner and CEO. The company eventually transitioned to creating reactors for worlds that needed power and saw a great deal of growth. By 840, Stellar Energy created its utilities division so that it could establish a reliable cash flow through power generation and distribution on planets.
Under Darren Apollo's guidance, Stellar Energy had its initial public offering on the Galactic Stock Exchange in 844. A flood of cash from investors followed. Darren planned to expand the company's business into the main galaxy as well as push the bounds of reactor technology.
The Board of Directors has seven members that are elected by shareholders. The CEO is elected by the Board of Directors and approved by shareholders. Currently, all Directors are insiders. The CEO then selects other chief officers for key business areas.
Stellar Energy has some services available for customers.
- Consultation - Stellar Energy can provide expert technical advice for customers looking for effective, efficient solutions to complex challenges dealing with electrical power.
- Utilities - Stellar Energy can provide and manage power distribution for select worlds and facilities after the infrastructure has been built - providing utmost reliability and ensuring nothing interrupts customers' electrical needs.
- Darren Apollo: 20%
- Employees: 40%
- Public: 40%
- 10 credit stock
- 75 million outstanding shares
- Market cap: 750 million credits
Stellar Energy provides non-senior management employees with an employee stock ownership plan. This boosts the amount of stock owned by employees - and thus those whose votes would align with management. Senior management is heavily compensated in stock rather than cash.
Tier: 2