Darth Ferus

There were very little Bha'lir left in the galaxy. Mass deforestation on their home planet ravaged their species to the point of extinction on paper. Some still lived, taken to planets like Iyred to hopefully repopulate once more. But how the beasts were didn't help. They mated for life, choosing only one partner for their lifetime.
"Two hundred." The squeaky voice came from a rather small Toydarian. She was pink in color, fluttering around a man dressed in a rather tattered cloak. It did well to obscure his form, but his red skin and black tattoos were plain to see. The Zabrak was frowning at the price. After all, all it was was a basic map, not even that much detail.
"W.. I.. No. That maps not even worth ten. I'll give you fifty." And with that the haggling began. Krest, as his name was, never wavered from the fifty he offered. It just wasn't worth more to him than that. But the Toydarian would continue to insist that two hundred was a bargain deal. Eventually, as it was the Zabrak who was much more impatient. Finally, it ended with the man giving over the credits, a rather large amount to him at least, and setting off with the map.
It was a wild jungle where he was heading, a place in which sightings of not only Bha'lir were reported but poachers. Krest was here to stop the poachers, out of respect to an ally long lost to him. Yet he wasn't here alone. Or, at least he shouldn't be. Off to a nearby bar was his goal, to meet those who would help him.
Along the dusty street he went, passing very little people here. That's how it was on this planet. Not many people traveling close to a forest in where there were giant carnivores. The dark bar he walked into was much of the same. Save for a bartender, there was no one else around. Moving to a secluded booth, the Zabrak would sit and wait.