Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Step One. (Order of the Grey)


There were very little Bha'lir left in the galaxy. Mass deforestation on their home planet ravaged their species to the point of extinction on paper. Some still lived, taken to planets like Iyred to hopefully repopulate once more. But how the beasts were didn't help. They mated for life, choosing only one partner for their lifetime.

"Two hundred." The squeaky voice came from a rather small Toydarian. She was pink in color, fluttering around a man dressed in a rather tattered cloak. It did well to obscure his form, but his red skin and black tattoos were plain to see. The Zabrak was frowning at the price. After all, all it was was a basic map, not even that much detail.

"W.. I.. No. That maps not even worth ten. I'll give you fifty." And with that the haggling began. Krest, as his name was, never wavered from the fifty he offered. It just wasn't worth more to him than that. But the Toydarian would continue to insist that two hundred was a bargain deal. Eventually, as it was the Zabrak who was much more impatient. Finally, it ended with the man giving over the credits, a rather large amount to him at least, and setting off with the map.

It was a wild jungle where he was heading, a place in which sightings of not only Bha'lir were reported but poachers. Krest was here to stop the poachers, out of respect to an ally long lost to him. Yet he wasn't here alone. Or, at least he shouldn't be. Off to a nearby bar was his goal, to meet those who would help him.

Along the dusty street he went, passing very little people here. That's how it was on this planet. Not many people traveling close to a forest in where there were giant carnivores. The dark bar he walked into was much of the same. Save for a bartender, there was no one else around. Moving to a secluded booth, the Zabrak would sit and wait.
Maleus was no stranger to residing on planets stripped of it's foundation. That is why he found himself best to be commissioned for such a task, he could relate with the beasts who's numbers were on the brink extinction. For now he wouldn't think on the matter further until he found the person whom he was seeking in order to be briefed on the situation further. This close to the forests boundary lay various shanty-towns and make-shift abodes to serve as a reminder to those who were about to remind them where they were.

Not to mention such houses were a necessity for the inhabitants. In all truthfulness he could less about the scenery. Instead his attention was drawn to the partially flickering neon sign above that sold liquor's as well as other 'products' though that would be served under the table.

The entrances door slid open upon detecting movement. The Zabrak stepped into the room with his mind already spreading throughout the collection of bodies. which was seemingly non-existent which made his task easier.. With his thoughts and will guided by the force he was able to detect the signature that he was seeking. He calmly approached the sanguine Zabrak with various tattoos riding his face.

"I am here."

[member="Krest"] [member="Maleus"] [member="Ashe Senari"]

Not far behind Maleus Kharen entered the bar with his cloak and clothing tight around his body, eyes scanning over the darkened area. He laughed to himself and rolled his neck as he though about the fact that he had actually joined a force order with his friend Ashe, who likely was not far behind him. He looked at the booth in which that he had been told to approach and did so, his eyes gleaming with a bit of a light behind them that the man could not stop from showing as he pushed his body towards the two that had arrived. "Hello."

Ashe Senari

I was raised to be a weapon, but I was born to be
Ashe was not far behind him. She chose to remain silent however as she followed Kharen in. As of right now the Echani wasn't really a force-user or a student to anyone. She had been asked to teach hand to hand combat to the people in the Order, and the job got away from Onderon, where she was haunted by memories of Yusan and en empty house that they once shared. She figured the change in scenery would be good for her and so had taken up the offer to teach for them. [member="Kharen Promethien"] @Maleus @Krest
@Maleus @Ashe Senari [member="Kharen Promethien"]

"Right well. As this seems to be all the people coming, I figure it is a good chance to.. Well. Get to know each other. Bond even." He'd set down the map, laying it out for all of the group to see. It was... Crude. But, it did have the bars location marked. "As you can see, we are here. Where we're going is a favored hunting spot for the Bha'lir." The Zabrak pointed to another location. It was a small clearing in the trees, maybe two, three miles away. "An endangered species. Technically extinct. And we're here today to stop some poachers and save the animals."

And with that he would wrap the map back up and stand up. "I think we're all set. You ready to deal with them?"

Ashe Senari

I was raised to be a weapon, but I was born to be
"Do I need to stop them without killing them? Because I'm not sure I can. I was trained to kill, not disable," Ashe said, no hint of humor in her voice. Being raised to be a weapon wasn't something Ashe claimed lightly. Her mother had trained to be a deadly killing machine, and while she resented the lifestyle, she would use what she had been taught when asked. She preferred teaching though. @Krest @Kharen Promethien [member="Maleus"]
"Hello." He'd shoot in response to Kharen. Then his attention was drawn back to the event at hand.

Given the situation it was more than likely they'd be forced to kill the poachers. Mainly because the people who were hunting these creatures had to be desperate. Their numbers were dwindling and still they were hunted as if their numbers were increasing by the day. To Maleus this meant they would do whatever it took to dispatch the beasts in return for compensation.

Oh yes, currency made the world go around, even in this assumed impoverished area. He looked at the map and couldn't help but snicker. No advanced mapping system which would have drawn [SIZE=14.4444446563721px]a [/SIZE]HUD with excessive logistical data running across it's panel, no, it was a map.

"Indeed." He looked around the room to see the others whom had come. This was sure to be interesting.
@Ashe Senari
@Kharen Promethien
Kharen Promethien [member="Maleus"] [member="Kharen Promethien"]

"Well. Then here we go." The Zabrak would lead off, bringing the group to the spot in which hopefully they'd be able to stop the poachers. But.. That was the catch. Even Krest didn't know it, but the poachers had already claimed their kills and left. They would find that one out soon enough. "Depends honestly. We can scare them off, hopefully. If not, then yes. However.." His words were cut short as they stumbled upon the scene. What seemed to be Bha'lir corpses littered the ground, six in all. But they were burned, crisped. The poachers didn't hunt for food, or even the furs. They hunted to kill the rare beasts, and burn them.

Krest fell silent as he moved to the corpses, focused entirely on them. Once upon a time he had one such beast, a friend close as any sentient. And the sight horrified him. He'd collapse to his knees, running a hand over one of the corpses. He was deaf to the small mews going on behind him in a small den. A total of ten kittens rested there, too young to move or fend for themselves. Either the poachers missed them, or didn't care enough to end their misery. Regardless, the Zabrak was quiet, lost in his own head.

Ashe Senari

I was raised to be a weapon, but I was born to be
Ashe heard the mewing and raced over to the den. She checked inside and didn't find any surviving, full grown Bha'lir. She knelt down and sat next to the helpless kittens, allowing them to adjust to her sent before she scooped on up and placed it in her lap. She gently checked the kitten for any injuries. The process was repeated with each little bundle of fur and cuteness as she made sure each one was alright.

"Krest, there's kitten's here. Ten of them, but they all seem to be okay," Ashe called to the Zabrak.
Maleus watched Krest mull over the situation that was indeed an unfortunate one. Even he didn't foresee them being killed for the sake of just being eliminated. He wasn't surprised by the savagery that had been dealt to these animals because th[SIZE=14.4444446563721px]at is wh[/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px]at they were[/SIZE]. But unlike the others he didn't feel anything towards their demise or the news that more had been recovered, alive.

"They move fast.." He turned his back on the events at hand mainly because he wanted to give Krest [SIZE=14.4444446563721px]a[/SIZE] moment to collect himself without having to observe Maleus observing him.

"Well, then I suppose not all is lost..."
Yes, the b[SIZE=14.4444446563721px]abies h[/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px]ad been recovered but it didn't ch[/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px]ange the f[/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px]act th[/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px]at the [/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px]adult[/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px] Bh[/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px]a'lir h[/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px]ad been sl[/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px]aughtered.[/SIZE]
"However... I don't think they should be allowed to get away.. I want to hunt them down like they hunted these creatures down.... If that's possible now.."
@Ashe Senari
Kharen Promethien
[member="Krest"] [member="Ashe Senari"] [member="Maleus"]

Kharen didn't stop, he had been worried about this in the first place and while the other three stopped and Ashe tended to the kittens Kharen was already moving through the forest, his saber gripped tight in his hand as he followed the signatures of what he was tracking. It was both his force sight and his own smile as his empathy followed the joy of those that had done this and his hand flicked the blade of the saber down to his side, still unlit though as he looked through the brush at the four men that he had found. Only then did he reach out with his mind to the others that had stopped. "Found the pouchers, are we showing the that what they did was wrong or letting them go." His words, though through the minds of the other three as he was not in earshot, were filled with anger and a singular idea. An eye for an eye, that is how it should be, but he would wait before he did something that he would be reprimanded for.
[member="Ashe Senari"] [member="Kharen Promethien"] [member="Maleus"]

The Zabrak stood up slowly, his body swaying side to side as he did so. Silently he moved beside Ashe, reaching down to one of the kittens. He'd lift the small black Bha'lir into his arms before looking to the rest. "No.. We leave this planet. And take these kittens to the temple. We'll take care of them. And that will be enough." Krest would begin to walk away, his arms tight around the kitten.

They needed a home.

Ashe Senari

I was raised to be a weapon, but I was born to be
Ashe gathered up two more kittens, gesturing for the other to take the rest. Ashe had a bit of experience taking care of young animals. When she was young she had found a cat and bottle fed it until it was old enough to eat solid food. She looked over at Krest and smiled.

"I've a bit of experience with caring for young animals that don't have parents. I'd be willing to care for some of the kittens myself. That way you won't have to do everything on your own." Ashe explained, smiling down at the small kittens in her arms. [member="Krest"] [member="Kharen Promethien"] [member="Maleus"]

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