Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Step One: Reconciliation? ( PM to join )​
A word that was empty but yet held so much? After watching 2509 years of Galatic history unfold as you grow was interesting if you weren't blinded by Darkness and hate. Walking down the ramp of his ship Kezeroth smirked slightly as he thought about his actions. He had landed in the Onderon Space port to seek counsel from someone he deemed worthy to trust. With a Smile Fading Kezeroth glanced another the hangar and watched as a small family walked out with smiles on their faces. Was that Peace? The very defination was lost to him, the Gen'dai only knew darkness, hate, agony, despair and pain above all else.
Many other Dark Jedi looked up Kezeroth the darkside behemoth due to his raw power and connection to the darkside, but with all his power he could not enjoy living any further. There was hope left in him though, hope of change and release. As Kezeroth waited a voice wisped around his head questioning his intent.
" Your very presence places many at risk, your "trusted" friend will only turn you in. NO one and help you."
Gnashing his teeth Kezeroth spouted some air. The Voice he heard could be true? No? His thoughts shifted back and forth. He was unsure about his actions now, but he remained still and waited.
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
After all this time Sera still wondered what exactly the Gen'dai had thought her as. They weren't exactly friends, and they weren't enemies. It seemed as though they were some parallel line between the two extremes, always walking along the same path, but never actually on one or the other. It was by far the strangest relationship with another she had, to say the very least. But Kezeroth had requested her to meet him at the spaceport on Onderon, and so she would oblige.

The Twi'lek waded through the crowds of people at the entrance, looking around for a giant man that would be easily spotted through most any sea of bodies, just as her flourishing skin tone would be equally visible to pick out. Though she could only assume that if he had requested her presence specifically, and not simply through the holonet, it must be pretty important, and thus would likely require some measure of privacy, away from prying eyes and ears. But first she waited until she could see the giant man. She certainly felt his presence, that was never very subtle.

[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
Looking over the crowds and reaching to remove his helmet he exhaled as he caught a glimpse of [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]. The young Twi'lek who had seemed to progress very well with the Jedi Order. Even from afar he could notice something different about her, Tattoos? An Oddity to him on why someone would mark their body but his ignorance to the reason was self explained. He was Gen'dai, Tattoos were not possible for him.

Walking forward some Kezeroth seated himself in far corner of the spaceport and smirked at the Twi'lek as she started to search for him. He was grateful she actully came but part of him was partially paranoid due to being a darksider in Jedi territory. Was he scared? Of course not but on edge as always. Resting his Helmet on the table he finally waved and notioned her to come.

" I see time has treated you.. well" he said with a smile. The opposite could be said about the Gen'dai who was scarred with dark side degradation.
A few minutes would pass before the Twi'lek would see the Gen'dai and his gestured waive. Smiling, Sera stood from where she sat and meandered towards the man with a waive of her own. He certainly looked rather different from the time since she last saw him. It had been several years in fact, too long really. She'd wondered at times what he had been up to, and whether or not he had ever truly abandoned the Sith and their ways. Though she still felt the darkside in him as she approached, she kept an open mind and the hope that he had garnered better control of his emotions over time. Then again, time to her was drastically different than he, having lived several lifetimes longer than she already.

"In appearance, perhaps. Though underneath it all we all carry the scars of a lifetime, regardless of whether it shows on our physical form." She smiled and extended a hand to Kezeroth. "I am glad to see you well, and to see you in general. But I must admit I am a bit curious as to the circumstances behind your invitation. I haven't seen you since...Well..." Her finger tapped against her chin for a moment or two. "Gosh, since Kashyyyk. I suppose time has really kept me busy."

[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
As she spoke a random thought can to mind on the topic of time and how long it had been since they had last met. Time came down to perception really, The Invasion of Kashyyyk felt like it was couple months ago to him. As [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] finished and closed with the question of why, Kezeroth looked around thinking how to phrase what he was going to say. Looking back to the masses of people he titled his head and asked " What does..." he paused and looked around as if he didn't like how he phrased the question. " ... Hmm. How does one step away from...." he paused again and grunted. " The Darkside...."

It sounded like a odd question but one had to remember that this Gen'dai knew only darkness and stepping the other way was like becoming a different species for him. Staring back at Sera he smirked faintly, though his perception of time was rather quick the anticipation of a answer seemed to last forever in his mind.
The Twi'lek's eyes widened a bit at the man's question. It took him a moment to produce the words he wanted to say, so she knew it was rather difficult for him to ask, let alone understand. "Ultimately, it has to be a choice that you truly want to make, and it has to be done for your own reasons. Nobody can force you to turn you to the light in the sense that you will believe in it, unless it is what your heart desires. To put it into context, it starts with releasing, no, rather, relinquishing your feelings of anger, hatred, jealousy and fear. Those four things are the fires that burn within all dark side users. It is the fuel that fans their flames and the root of the corruption that the dark side brings. To walk the path of the light, these feelings must be overcome, subdued, and controlled, not harnessed and fed."

She took a breath and looked plainly at the Gen'dai. Changing one's alignment was really a life altering decision that required immense dedication, resolve, and commitment. While she hoped that he was serious about his implied intent, she wasn't quite sure whether after 900 something years, a simple Twi'lek Jedi would be all it could take to change that pathway of destruction and rage. Though she was always interested in a challenge.

[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
Rather taken back by the answer he received Kezeroth began to slowly break it down. What did he want? what was he really looking for? " Hmm... I was hoping it would as easy as learning a new ability but... I see. I...Eh... I'm not sure where to start or even if I can." He expressed after learning the truth and sat looking around once more. Remembering the few stories of his people he began to wonder if their philosophy would help but he currently did not know any Gen'dai members to still practiced. Kezeroths next question came up rather suddenly " Are you willing to teach me how?" he stared at her unsure slightly. He was unsure how to ask really. Traitor to the Sith twice and not very liked by most Jedi was not a good feeling. His Rep was a problem but hopefully it would all change soon.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
"Not to worry." She started, placing a hand on his massive leg just above the knee, her almost diminutive appendage in comparison. "It's possible for anyone to walk the pathway of light. They just need to have dedication to the path, and resist the urge to stray from that path, much in the same manner as one would rehabilitate a spice addict. Think of the dark side as a kind of addiction. Addictions can be broken and overcome, but only with determination and dedication."

Again she smiled to him, lifting her head up to meet her eyes with his while lifting her hand back and away. "Of course I can teach you. It won't be easy, but given time, I believe you may find life more valuable, and more enjoyable. Though I wouldn't expect broad acceptance from all Jedi immediately, some may still have their suspicions even after the fact, but through actions, loyalty, and trust, you can and will be accepted, just as any Sith or Dark Jedi before you. It is possible. It is entirely up to you."

[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
It was good for Kezeroth to hear that there was still hope but one thing he did notice was how he reacted when [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] compared the Darkside to a drug. He knew the darkside better than anyone and now was being taught how the darkside worked? His mouth opened slightly but Kezeroth only stayed silent. It was better this way he told himself and continued to listen. Perhaps that was a good way to figure things out, Listening. He chuckled thinking about the words of his Mentor Saverok. He lectured Kezeroth to change so many times and now here he was attempting to learn how.

" Accepting myself is all I need." he stated. " I am up for the challenge of change... As long as you dont ask me to hug as sith were fine." He partially joked. He chuckled as it was slightly funny in his mind. " Do you know any Sith or Dark jedi who have turned away from darkness?" he raised a brow at her.
Sera smiled and nodded to Kezeroth. "Certainly. I can help you, if it is what you wish. It will take time, and patience. But I'm confident we can do it, together." Her tone was pleasant and welcoming, lending itself to her true belief that anyone who truly wished to turn from the darkness could do so. Sera was one of the few Jedi who believed that salvation was not something that could be forced upon those who practiced the dark side, but rather only by those who wished it within themselves.

"As for Sith who have turned on their own darkness? I do know of two that have recently joined the Order. Though as for myself, I've actually left the Republic's Jedi Order. It was time for me to broaden the scope of my abilities and take a more focused measure of protecting the universe from the Sith. But yes, it has been done more recently than one would expect. And that is a sign of progress. It is a sign of hope."

@Kezeroth the Malevolent
" What? You? Left the Order. Hah. I did not think you had it in you... but I see I stand corrected." he stated and smiled. His tension was realesed some as he now did not have to worry about betrayal as much as he did before. " I hope you helping me does not affect your relations with the Jedi... In my experience most Force related order assume too much." he exhaled some air and titled his head. Kezeroth wondered if [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] knew how odd it looked helping a infamous darksider turn from the dark. He found it interesting that Sera had more heart than the Jedi Order and this was one thing he enjoyed about her. Just by being by her side the Gen'dai could learn alot in the long run.

" Where should we start?" he asked her and stood up from the table. Now was time for Change.

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