Torn Eskol
Knife in the Dark
"Go get him." Torn turned his head at the dossier, pinning the comm unit to his shoulder with his ear. "Get him, get him, or grab him?" There was a pause at the other end. "Start with the latter, then move to the former if he doesn't play ball." Torn waited for a while, then nodded. "Got it." He picked up a few credits, a transportation identification badge, and a dead drop site for his gear. "Rivet, today." Torn scowled a little. "Rivet, huh."
He had come in, like a ghost. There was a misconception that getting into someone's place was easy to do when they were sleeping. While true, it presented too many variables. So, Rivet often pulled a simpler approach: break in when they weren't there, and then wait.
Plus, if you were killing them, eating their snacks was on the table. But at the moment, the kid just needed to be talked to. Just needed to be informed, maybe used, maybe dumped afterwards. So, Rivet lie in wait, a verpine shatterpistol in his lap, sitting in Darro's apartment. At his feet were two bags. And a bodybag tucked into one of them, just in case the kid got uppity. Rivet was wearing a mask, a simple balaclava. And he heard the door click. Rivet didn't turn, but he waited for the kid to get deeper into the room, keeping the gun level with his chest.
Rivet turned on the lamp near him. He put his fingers to his lips, rising to a stand- the gun still trained on him from the hip. At this range, with that shatterpistol- it'd be a cakewalk. A deadly silent cakewalk.
"Make any funny moves and you die. Sit down, Darro."
He indicated to the chair he was just sitting in.
"We're gonna chat, you and I."