Never Say No to Bacta.
Tags: Shai Maji
Under the night sky, a giant of a Mandalorian, clad in a set of beskar’gam painted jet black with a spot of white on his right pauldron, bearing the insignia of House Vizsla over it, walked the empty streets of Tor Valum’s industrial sector, alone. The man’s long black kama fluttered lightly from the gentle wind; the lily-white snow crunched underneath his boot with each step forward, drawing nearer and nearer towards the grand manufactorum that belonged to the company of his comrade, the Maji Ironworks.
Immersed in thought, his head hung low as he walked. His search for her, after recovering from his injuries, namely finding a replacement for his left arm he lost during the battle on Tython, finally yielded the results he sought after. One way or the other, he had made that Scoundrel ( Xyoz Maji ) talk, which in turn had led him back to Kestri.
Instead of contacting his chain of command and informing them of his findings regarding the Wardog’s case, the Vizsla had taken it upon himself to handle it, as he believed firmly for it to be his responsibility to do so. In a way, failing to find her when she had gone missing in action during the defense of Roon, and failing to rescue her when the Maw turned her against them through whatever utterly sick and evil machinations and perversions of the Sith, he had regrettably played a hand in the Shistavanen downfall into damnation, he thought.
He put the blame on none other than himself in that regard; the burden of the consequences of these failures became harder to bear in his heart and soul. It’s weight grew heavier with each passing day. He was the one that had led the search and rescue effort for her, after all.
He was supposed to watch her back, like one would expect their comrade to do.
Coming to a halt before the entrance to the manufactorum, the giant’s left hand reached out and grasped the door’s handle, but froze still as a moment’s hesitation got a hold of him, preventing him from twisting the door's handle and opening it.
He was unsure what to expect to find within the building. Could he really trust the word of that Scoundrel? Was she, really her old self again? Purged from the mind altering influence of the Maw?
Or was he just merely moments away from walking into an ambush?
No matter what fate had in store for him, there was only one way to find out.
And whatever it was that awaited him inside, he would face it.
Heaving a deep breath, the giant opened the doors to the forge, and stepped in with sharp vigilance; the Vizsla Alor’s gaze scanned the forge’s empty halls behind his helmet visor glowing white. His muscles tensed in the anticipation of a likely attack from the one he sought after, or any other likely hostile contact.
But despite the apprehension and unease within him about all of this, he hadn’t had his hands rest over the grip of his particle pistols, holstered on either side over his kama, over his thighs.
If what the Scoundrel had told him was in fact, nothing but the truth, and if she really was somewhere in the halls of the forge, then he would not be the one to take hostile action, unless he was met with such from the Wardog, first; but he was also not the one to leave caution out of the picture completely.
Its forges gone cold a few hours ago, and its workers already clocked out, the giant began to roam the halls of the manufactorum in search for his old friend as he kept his guard up, and moved as silent as the night.
Whether the Scoundrel told the truth or lied to him, he would see it for himself, soon enough.
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