Wayfinder of Clan Klamat
Stevru Klamat
Age | 32 |
Species |
![]() Human/LegendsHumans, taxonomically referred to as Homo sapiens, were the galaxy's most numerous and politically dominant sentient species with millions of major and minor colonies galaxywide. Believed to have originated on the galactic capital of Coruscant, they could be found anywhere, engaged in many...
Gender | Male |
Height | 1.8 meters(metric required) |
Weight | 81 Kilograms |
Force Sensitive | Non Force Sensitive |
A dour, humorless looking human man of average height and athletic build. Black hair hangs around his eyes in dense, oily curls. A thick, wiry beard clings to gaunt features. One eye has been replaced by a cybernetic prosthetic.
1x Cybernetic Left Eye (TBD)
1x Beskaar Helm in Clan Klamat Styling
1x Low Profile Beskaar Chestplate, with integrated combat harness and webbing
1x Z6 Jetpack with Directional Nosels
2x Mandalorian Vambraces, Clan Klamat variant (Inbuilt ZX Flamethrower and Plasma Buckler in Left Wrist, Bomblet Dispenser (Contact Flashbang) in the Right Wrist, Dual Grapnel Launchers)
1x DH-17 Blaster Rifle w/underslung slugthrower (Shotgun)
2x DH-17 Blaster Pistols
1x Custom Sawed Off, Pump Action Disruptor Rifle
1x DH-17 Blaster Pistol (Rapid Fire Modification), Mounted on a Mitronomon Transports "Quicker Draw" Automated Weapon Mounting, which is in turn mounted to their combat harness
1x Individual First Aid Kit (Bacta Pads, Medical Scanner, Flex Clamps, Irrigation Bulb, Spray Bandages, Stim-Shots)
2x Vibro Hatchets
10x Throwing Knives
Various Explosives (Breaching, Shaped, Anti-Personnel)
Selected as Wayfinder specifically for his above average (For the Klamat) interpersonal skill, he is nonetheless quite circumspect, to the point where it can be mistaken for disinterest or rudeness. Far from the case, he merely prefers to speak only when he has something to say. Considered quite funny by his clan's standards, his humor often consists of flatly acknowledging the reality of a dire situation, which he further ammends with a matter of fact statement that it could, in fact, be worse. As it is with most of his clan, he despises bullies, reviles slavers, and reacts to his fellow Mandalorian with at best suspicion, and at worst out right hostility. The clan's enemies are his enemies, and thus those who swear fealty to the Empire or the Sith are thoroughly reviled by him, though he has little interest in 'Force Allignment'. The actions of a person are the means by which they must be judged.
Level Headed and Resolute
Strong Lateral Thinking Skills
Brutal Realist
Skilled in Guerilla Tactics and Urban Warfare
Pragmatic combatant
Deeply Fatalistic
Little Sense of Self Preservation
Strong Sense of Self Hatred
Resistant to Help
"It is the waters of Cathar our eyes weep. Where the good died with their champions. Where the strong lay their weakness bare. Where our shame was born. Where we learned disgust eternal. Nothing Sacred. Nothing Pure."
"Nothing Sacred. Nothing Pure."
Within Clan Klamat, few lines stretch back to their original shame at Cathar. Stevru is the scion of one of these lines. There is no pride in it. It is the responsibility of the oldest lines within the clan to carry within them the regret and shame of generations of Mandalorian. For their failure to stand against their fellow Mandalor, their failure to halt a genocide, Clan Klamat cast themselves into self imposed exile in the Outer Rim. Since then, what reputation they possess at all is as aggressive isolationists, refusing all contact with other Mandalorian Clans and Coverts, going so far as to engage in active hostilities with those who do not get the message. Clan Klamat wishes to be left alone to their work. Their work being that of a one clan crusade to stand beside any and all who stand without champions.
This is the crucible into which Stevru was born. It is the crucible in which he will die. Where everything that he had and was, borrowed, from the clan, will be reclaimed, consumed, and his body left where it fell, as is there way. He stands as the quintessential Klamat warrior. Driven, determined, cunning. Brave, but not in an aspirational sense, he has, as others of the clan, been conditioned to hold little in terms of regard for himself. Klamat do not fall easily, but when they do, it is with the understanding that they have in their own way repaid the debt their people owe the Cathar, and the Galaxy as a whole.
Born of a Lamentable Line, he began training early in life as both an operative for his clan and a representative for his people, a component of an initiative by less dogmatic members of Clan Klamat to begin breaking from their isolationist tendencies, for the good of the overall mission. Trained in the unique Klamat style of cunning without cruelty from a young age, he exhibited a proclivity for close quarters combat. On his eighteenth birthday, he was subjected to a voluntary exile, thrust into the chaos of the Outer Rim, posing as a mercenary to engage in any conflict which alligned with his creed. Scrap Wars on Ord Mantell, kicking doors on Nar Shaddaa, boarding actions on slaver vessels at the edge of Wild Space. It was only at the age of twenty two that he was allowed to return, retained within the clan's hidden Coverts for another two years until every skill he'd acquired in his pilgrimage could be transferred to the clan.
Upon his twenty fourth birthday he finally graduated from plastoid to beskaar. He has spent the last eight years roaming the Outer Rim, functioning independently or within small cells, working to combat the region's Imperial Remnants and Slaver factions. His duties as Wayfinder, and recent news of a sect of 'Good' Mandalorian on Onderon, along with the rampages of their shared kin the Neo-Crusaders, has drawn him from the frontier worlds he usually haunts.
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