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Approved NPC Stiletto Company

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Stiletto Company
  • Intent: Submit the company Scipio is part of.
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Role: An Airborne company part of the Sith Imperial Legion.
  • Links:
  • Operation: Reclaim Home [Sith Worlds War Theater]
  • Ziost
  • Malachor V
  • Kushibah
  • Unit Name: 5th Company , 1st Battalion 'First to Fight', 205th Infantry Regiment 'Sons of Ziost', 5th Combat Team 'Tuk'ata', 42nd Airborne Division 'Exar's Wrath' ; Alias: 'Stiletto Company'
  • Affiliation: The Sith Empire
  • Classification: Infantry
  • Equipment: Standard Service Issued Gear. Gear may vary depending on operation, all Sith Empire produced gear for the Legion are eligible.
  • Availability: Common
  • Deployment: Minor
    ​Standard size: 133
  • Understrength size: 90-110
  • Overstrength: 150-170

[*]Strengths & Weaknesses:
  • Extremely Mobile: The 42nd Airborne Division is known for it's exemplary tactical mobility. Stiletto Company is a clear proof of the division's strength to deploy and re-deploy anywhere at the speed of light (metaphorically speaking).
  • Tip of the Spear: 5th Company is one of the companies within the Division known for their expertise so are often deployed as the first to fight spearheading operations.
  • Zeal: Stemming from their dedication and fervor to be the first to fight, that is also Stiletto Company's double-edged blade throwing them in fatal situations often.
  • Gear: This is an infantry regiment, despite their specialization in airdropping in denied areas and behind enemy lines, Stiletto's gear compared to what's out there is a bit below par.

Stiletto Company is comprised from three rifle platoons each standing 30 men strong and one weapons platoon which stands at 43 men strong, making the company one-hundred and thirty three people strong excluding the company's HQ. Below is the leadership structure of the company expanded:

Company HQ:
  • CO: CPT Flynn Najek
  • XO: LT Ava Plavo
  • 1SGT: Jordi Qaal
  • GYSGT: Thane Karak
Three Rifle Platoons:
  • 1st Rifle Platoon (Stiletto One):
    PL: LT Nair Uvar
  • PS: SSGT Halik Munir

[*]First Squad:
  • SL: LT Nair Uvar

[*]Second Squad:
  • SL: SGT Kala Efreith

[*]Third Squad:
  • SL: SGT Dale Brihar

[*]2nd Rifle Platoon (Stiletto Two):
  • Command:
    PL: LT Scipio Alta
  • PS: SSGT Harin Volk | Previously: SSGT Zoran 'Tusk' Kitic [KIA on Thyferra]

  • First Squad:
    SL: LT Scipio Alta

[*]Second Squad:
  • SL: SGT Lena Nava

[*]Third Squad:
  • SL: SGT Devlin 'Dev' Baron

[*]3rd Rifle Platoon (Stiletto Three):
  • Command:
    PL: LT Ara Brenk
  • PS: SSGT Tuv Yuran

[*]First Squad:
  • SL: LT Ara Brenk

[*]Second Squad:
  • SL: SGT Mengsk Korai

[*]Third Squad:
  • SL: SGT Hal Provnir

One Weapons Platoon:
  • ​​​1st Weapons Platoon
    ​PL: LT Gavril Klarnex
  • PS: SSGT Prin Opavlaq

[*]​Machine Gun Section:
  • First Machine Gun Squad (2 teams of 3 each):
  • ​SL: SGT Treks Vidal

[*]​Second Machine Gun Squad (2 teams of 3 each):
  • ​SL: SGT Haya Navrik

[*]​Third Machine Gun Squad (2 teams of 3 each):
  • ​SL: SGT Gunnar Ulkar

[*]​​Mortar Section:
  • ​Section Leader:
    SGT Avra Mular

[*]​First Mortar Squad (3 people each):
  • ​SL: CPL Mace Harhane

[*]​Second Mortar Squad (3 people each):
  • ​SL: CPL Hera Varan

[*]​Third Mortar Squad (3 people each):
  • ​SL: CPL U'grar H'rask

[*]​​Assault Section (SMAW):
  • ​Section Leader:
    ​SGT Tu'rin Vyar

[*]​First Assault Squad (4 people each):
  • ​SL: CPL Traya Freska

[*]​Second Assault Squad (4 people each):
  • ​SL: CPL Ygor Kilian

[*]​Third Assault Squad (4 people each):
  • ​SL: CPL Gev'lok R'aniik


Well-Known Member
[member="Scipio Alta"]

Scipio Alta said:
Unit Name: 5th Company , 1st Battalion 'First to Fight', 205th Infantry Regiment 'Sons of Ziost', 5th Combat Team 'Tuk'ata', 42nd Airborne Division 'Exar's Wrath' ; Alias: 'Stiletto Company'
  • This is a tad confusing. What are they, exactly? Those are all very different-sized sections of armed forces. Please clarify this.

Scipio Alta said:
Stiletto Company is compromised from three rifle platoons
  • You probably meant 'comprised' here?
Also, the way this sub is written implies it's a single, unique special unit called Stiletto Company. If that's the case, you should reduce the Availability to Unique.
If that's not the case, please elaborate the sub to reflect that.
Netherworld said:
You probably meant 'comprised' here?
Yeah, fixed.

Netherworld said:
Also, the way this sub is written implies it's a single, unique special unit called Stiletto Company. If that's the case, you should reduce the Availability to Unique.

Uh, well it's not a special unit. Granted I am subbing this specific company but there is others just like it in terms of structure and whatnot.

Netherworld said:
Scipio Alta, on 31 Oct 2017 - 2:22 PM, said: Unit Name: 5th Company , 1st Battalion 'First to Fight', 205th Infantry Regiment 'Sons of Ziost', 5th Combat Team 'Tuk'ata', 42nd Airborne Division 'Exar's Wrath' ; Alias: 'Stiletto Company' This is a tad confusing. What are they, exactly? Those are all very different-sized sections of armed forces. Please clarify this.

The above is a direct chain of command, detailed down to the company level. As the contingent is a Company of a larger organization, I thought it important to note it is a smaller portion of a much larger force, however as the general force is an average fighting force, I am choosing to detail this company specifically within that command structure.

Moreover, I've added a small detail to the deployment section regarding the numbers of the company.



Well-Known Member
[member="Scipio Alta"]

Alright, so to be clear – you're submitting a specific Company (i.e. the 5th), which is also called Stiletto Company. There are, however other Companies just like it that comprise the 1st Battalion of the 205th regiment of the etc. etc. Correct?

I am indeed submitting this specific company (the 5th). There are other companies in the battalion. Structurally these companies will be similar, yes, but their 'pros and cons' may differ e.g another company may be a weapons company thus consisting of mainly weapons platoons.


Well-Known Member
[member="Scipio Alta"]

Alright. I don't think that will be a problem, so I'll go ahead and put this to pending.

Be aware, however, that if you start throwing around lots of these companies with wildly different 'pros and cons' to what you have submitted here, someone might get their panties in a twist over it, and then we'll be seeing each other again. ;)
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