Apolline Wynver
Coruscant Deplorable
Apolline never tired of the breathtaking view of Coruscant to be found directly below her if she strolled to the west window of her penthouse which overlooked CoCo Town and the heaving ecumenopolis beyond the towering buildings.
She presently made more credits than she ever had as a prosecutor for the Court of Justice, but her heart ached for more - for the change that she longed to see in her beloved city and for a better, less alien-infested existence. The honey blonde squinted at the horizon, picturing a giant space wall to keep immigrants out. With technology as advanced as it was it did not need to be an eyesore, she reasoned, but a futuristic marvel of security.
In her head, she planned an event, a crime even. But Apolline needed a villain.
The Hutts. Everyone hated the Hutts right?
Still she had to make it all so believable, and the Hutts had been run out of Coruscant since the Galactic Alliance had wrested the planet’s control from the One Sith. There was still loads of crime of course, but less of the kind generated by those obese and repulsive slugs. And since the holonet personality had no desire to go anywhere else - she absolutely loathed traveling and was a slave to her routine, her press coverage and her local CocoTown stimcaf, why not make it a local crime?
Besides, it was easy to blame nefarious activity on offworlders, but much more damaging to the SJWs at the Alliance headquarters if the corruption hit close to home.
A mercenary named Sol had been contracted to help her and checking her chrono, she saw that he was scheduled to arrive in three minutes. “Tick tock,” she said absentmindedly fondling an azurite chandelier earring. “I hope you’re the type who arrives on time.”
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