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Approved Species Stonelings

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  • Name: The Stonelings
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld:
  • Language: Stoneling
  • Average Lifespan: Three hundred, to three hundred and seventy five years.
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique
  • Description: This species by any definition, is the muscle. Created by a group of scientists which landed in an uninhabited part of the Mirandan wilderness, the creature were brought about through a number of unspeakable, and horrific experiments, until finally they were successful. The objective of the species was to create a creature which would grow up, and be useful as a warrior and protector for the small group of stranded scientists. Their physical traits reflect this thought process, the creatures were created to be big, large, and powerful. They were rather sloppily done, and the outcomes were unpredictable, causing the base form to meld with whatever materials that were on hand during the embryo stage, and allowing for a wide range of variation.
  • Breathes: The creature breathes oxygen, but can survive with little to none, as it was created for a oxygen depleted environment.
  • Average height of adults: 2.4384 meters tall - 6.096
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Skin color: The most commonly used material for form these creatures was stone, resulting in a dark grey, almost black, stone coloration for most of them. The more sturdy, and gruffer prototypes and beginning creatures were made from a hard, chunky grey stone, which is significantly less common. Some are brown, and green, from moss and wood which they incorporated into their structure in the embryo stage.
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: The Stonelings biggest feature are the basic materials of their environment incorporated during the embryo stage. They are grown in a tube, and whatever materials that are on hand, will be grafted into the basic physiological structure of the creature, and incorporated into the living system. As they age, depending on what materials they took in as an embryo, their body will mimick such materials aging process. For example, if a stoneling took in wood, as it grew so too would its wooden structure, aging and growing darker and more gnarled until finally it dissolved into its original components, leaving nothing but a group of saplings. The basic component which holds the whole stoneling together, underneath its protective outer layer(Made of whatever) Is a thick, rough black, dried tar like skin. This will grow more and more compact and glued to the materials as the creature progresses to its life,
  • Races: N/A

  • Strengths:

  • + The stonelings are incredibly durable. Whatever material they are made out of, if they are able to survive the embryo process, they are already a tough combatant to deal with, the thick outer layer of protective material and unconventional structure allowing for incredible feats of strength. They can withstand incredible amounts of punishment, and are able to regrow, and reform given time, and proper materials.
  • + Strength. They were made for brute, unadulterated muscle, and they deliver in that department. They are able to preform feats of strength, depending on what they are made of, which many other species would never attempt. The creature's strength is incredible, and certainly up in the upper echelons of muscle in the universe.
  • + Fire proof! They are fire proof through and through. Depending on its material, their protective outer layer may burn away to reveal a massive mass of muscle which is coated in a thick, black tar like coating, but that tar is completely and totally fire proof. It has no issues no matter the heat, and can withstand the most extreme temperatures the universe has to offer.
  • +The outer layer! It allows for large amounts of diversity throughout the species, and allows for them to adapt to whatever habitat they grow up in to best suit their needs, and assure their survival. It tends to be made out of strong, sturdy materials, liquids and weaker materials will not form correctly, and the creature will be left a deformed blob of mutated muscle and ooze if this happens, only strong and structurally sound materials can be used.
  • +Size is certainly an advantage that the stonelings possess, they were made to be massive protectors, and are just that, all of them easily top out at eight to nine foot, and are all incredibly thick limbed, not a single skinny stoneling can be found, and their bodies do not allow for much fat at all, leaving all of them in impeccable shape for most of their lives.

  • Weaknesses:

  • - The stonelings are incredibly weak when it comes to cold, it freezes the tar like layer underneath their protective shell, and effectively locks them in place, leaving them a frozen statue. They have to always be on the look out for quick flashes of cold, or else risk death by slowly freezing away.
  • - They are lumbering creatures, though their dexterity depends quite a bit on what they are made out of, all are extremely large, and as a byproduct, not particularly fast. They take a while to make their way anywhere.
  • -Stupid. As with all species, this has a wide range, from very intelligent, to dumb as a rock. Literally. But these creatures on average were not made for brains, or intelligence, and as such, often times are stupid. They are not very bright, but their naturally "take it as it comes" demeanor often makes up for this.
  • -The outer layer- it is permanent. The stoneling will not be able to shed his outer layer voluntarily during his lifetime, doing so would cause excruciating pain, (think being skinned alive) And incredible damage to the organism. It might be able to survive, and reform, but the odds would be heavily against the creature, and the bond between its black tar like skin layer, and the material, would take years and years to reform to the same strength.
  • -Stonelings store little to no fat, this requires them to be constantly eating, or performing some intake of calories, or else the large amounts of muscle which fill out their forms, threatens to begin eating its self, until the stoneling is left nothing but a hallow shell, with nothing inside. (Empty snail shell.)
  • -The tar skin is very sensitive, and where most of their nerves are located, if exposed, it is already in excruciating pain, any nudge or prod will only farther this pain, and once cut through, there is nothing to protect the cords of muscle below.
  • Diet: Mushrooms! The high protein fungi that can be found scattered about Miranda are the primary source of nutrients for the massive creatures, and their preferred meal, though they can eat most things. Their immune systems are incredible, and they are often able to down even the most poisonous of objects, though it will down them, little will kill them. Only the strongest of toxins can bring one of the stonelings down.
  • Communication: Stonelings usually communicate through body language, though they can be taught to speak more common languages. They have their own very basic, broken language called stoneling.
  • Technology level: Very basic, the species has only just been created in the last fifty years on a lab on the forgotten planet of Miranda. Their creators felt there was little need to teach them anything, and used them mostly as slaves.
  • Religion/Beliefs: None
  • General behavior: Generally stonelings are protective, it is in their nature, and often can be found guiding smaller creatures through the desolate wastes of their home world, Mirandan peoples have often been subjected to more than one stoneling fit of rage at their little friends being killed. Depending on where they went through their embryo process, they may be adept in swimming, or climbing trees, but for the most part, stonelings are solitary creatures, going through their lives alone. The only times they meet up is to reproduce, which, surprisingly, is done in the same fashion as humans. Though once this has been completed, they split ways, there is no recorded case of two stonelings staying with each other for any significant amount of time. They are territorial, and tend to be aggressive when provoked, toward the end of their lives, they withdraw to a small area, and slowly decompose their back into their most basic elements.
The stonelings were engineered by a group of scientists which crashed on Miranda. Originally the scientists were planning to go towards a lush, green planet full of life in order to begin genetic experimentation there, but having been pulled down into Miranda's grasps, they made the best of it. In the first month, the scientists lost half their crew, easily, and they came to realize, that those who already inhabited the world were cannibals, and savages. They did the only thing they knew how to do, and began to experiment and create, until finally, they created the first prototype.

The stonelings at first were a massive failure. The objective had been to create a massive hulking creature of muscle, and the result had been a small blob of deformed tissue covered in a thick tar like substance. The scientists abandoned the experiment and cast it out into the wilderness. There, over the next five years it grew, picking up the black, obsidian stone around it and slowly taking form, becoming about the size of a small child, and roughly, the same shape, composed of shifting, grinding slabs of stone to create a semi human figure, after all the creature's first memories had been that of its masters. By then only five scientists remained, luckily one recognized the creature, and brought it in for study. After confirming it was indeed the prototype, they created ten more of the little blobs, and released them into pens in the surrounding area. Five years later, they had children sized creatures, composed of stone, wood, clay, and even bone. The creatures were incredibly strong, and were even in their smaller forms, useful for manual labor, the scientists were invigorated. They began to expand, and be able to work their surroundings to better fit themselves, turning the little valley they crashed into, to a home base.

This did not last. The inhabitants figured out the scientists location after torturing it out of one who had not been fortunate enough to escape a raid, and sure enough, the flesh eating carnies descended on the lab. None survived, and the creatures were ripped apart bit by bit, piece by piece, their remains scattered across the earth from whence they came. But in the tubes continued to float the little embryos, one or two having their stasis tube smashed, and being released into the wilderness, to continue their race. The stonelings, born out of desperation and strife, were given a second chance, no matter how futile it may be. All known subjects were eradicated, but every now and then, a carny will arrive back in pandemonium with reports and tales of small, child like creatures roaming the dead, fossilized forests off the valley.
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