Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Stop, Drop. Shut 'em Down, Open Up Shop....

Aboard the Arrogante, Approaching JanFathal

"When dealing with these bankers, your Highness," Maro said from across the table "Always remember that they're more dangerous than they appear."

The Muun sat opposite the near-human Princess in an elaborate conference room. His own green-hued paleo-fiduciary garb was in stark contrast to his surroundings. It was almost rustic in it's relative simplicity. But he didn't need trappings to exude power.

His skills in the mundane world and the esoteric gave him more than enough. Best to let others think of him as a mere banker or lawyer. It served him well to subvert expectations. You couldn't stop the knife from plunging into your heart when you didn't expect it in the first place.

"They pose no physical threat to you. But they have a great deal of credits and connections. They could finance a private army if they so wished. Or any number of assassins."

He well knew both of those facts. Many of his former clients had unknowingly financed such illicit activity.

"It follows that we must replace those officials who won't cooperate within JanFathal's major bank with our own hand-picked beings."

He referred to a list he'd compiled of those within the organization who'd privately come to an agreement with him. Also, those within the New Empire whom he'd selected. Capable beings who showed just the right amount of ambition mixed with caution. Ones who ultimately knew he would give them their new positions.

Most of them were younger, stuck within the bureaucracy. But he knew their loyalty could be bought. So he'd bought them with new power and prestige to come. It'd taken many weeks but it had come to fruition. Now they would finalize things.

"So we will meet with the board of directors today: your board of directors since your acquisition of this bank."

A cruel smile played on his face.

"Or they would be, if we were not terminating their employment."

He steepled his long fingers, partially hiding his malicious grin.

"They will pose a problem, for the reasons I've mentioned," he went on "And for the fact they could draw unwanted attention from the Empire's government."

"And so they will die, each and every one. We'll use the typical methods for most"

He alluded to poisoners and vibro-blades in the dark.

"But some we will keep on at first to allay suspicion. Their terminations will be literal as well as figurative. Eventually, we will solely control the bank and it's officials. Then we will repeat the same process as many times as we need."

Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor
Her eyes remained focused on Muun on the other side of the table, but she wandered a little with her mind as he spoke. The head thought of everything that had cried out to itself so far, the planet of JanFathal, one of the largest private fleets in the galaxy, even bigger than those horrendous crap led by Sularen, fortune and lands, servants and influence, but even so it was not the enough for her, as it wasn't even enough for her father, who even millions of miles away was still able to remain like an icy shadow over her daughter's shoulders. ‘Free will ain’t being free…’, she pondered to herself, passing the soft part of her index finger against the delicate tailring head in her lap.

“I’m aware of all those little... perks that bankers can pose when made into threats, Maro.”, And so she did, her father was a long time major shareholder of the Bank of the Core and other institutions. Some said he had the mind of a politician but the heart of a banker, always trying to win something out of his little bargains, much like her. 'No… nothing like me.', She tried to convince herself, almost immediately remembering the face of that dead boy, the only one she had done something out of mere kindness.

“More humans, I presume… more damn humans, but I suppose they are capable ones, yes?”, she grabbed the list and glanced few of the names. No doubt they were people with dubious loyalty, but she did not mind, she was going to have Calis and Nelacar investigate them later on today just to make sure they would not try to grasp too much and go too far. She was in desperate need of finding fresh ambitious blood that proved to be capable enough of achieving more than they currently had.

She leaned forward, holding the ambrostine around the glass, bringing it to her lips and sipping it for a brief moment. The golden eyes left the same to find Muun's orbs, she had an even simpler solution to problems like those.

“Why even bother? Can’t we just kill them all? My Moon Guard can do that with perfection. They can even blame on someone else, or disappear with all of them… literally.”

Darth Argentum Darth Argentum
She lacked subtlety, for all her power and grandeur. That much was apparent. This Princess believed herself greater than she was. He knew that state all too well and how it could quickly lead to your downfall.

"Princess, if the ones we don't want are eliminated in such an obvious fashion, the New Imperial Government will become...rather inconvenient."

It was true. In spite of apparent nonchalance, they'd take notice of a number of chairbeings of JanFathal's major bank dying in quick succession.

"Too much notice would be drawn, too many questions asked."

Maro took note of her continuing disdain towards humans. He had no great fondness for them, but they represented the galaxy's most numerous species. They were capable of great things. Yet they seldom bothered, caught in their petty struggles as they were.

He supposed being a shorter-lived species would have that effect. Another advantage of his own species. Maro knew the Princess held his own species in lower regard. Let her believe that Muuns were simply driven by greed.

Indeed, he played that role when it suited. He'd once been just that. But his eyes had been opened to real power which even credits couldn't hope to stand up against. Every day he moved forward toward it.

"They are human," he said "And yes, most capable, hence their elimination."

The Muun tilted his elongated cranium to the side. He pretended to contemplate her muscle-men taking on the role of assassins. It was inconceivable. They would botch even the simplest mission. Their role was mainly to look intimidating and offer a meat shield for their employer.

An assassin was quiet, unassuming and killed in the most efficient way possible. They made no great effort to show martial skill or courage. Their hallmark was to make beings die with minimal effort. These bodyguards were not capable of that.

Especially her Captain. He was an idiot. That by itself wasn't bad. But he had made himself an obstacle, ever suspicious of the Muun. Maro was aware of his several denouncement of him to the Princess through his informants within her staff.

More than ever, he would need to die.

Word then reached them from the bridge of their entrance into orbit around JanFathal. The Muun smiled without it ever touching his eyes.

"We've arrived, your Highness. Shall we prepare for our trip to the surface?"

Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor
For all his tedious words, the Muun was very cunning. His words were enough to make Lunafreya understand her own mistake, but that was something she refused to admit out loud.

“I can see what you mean. Perhaps your way with them will be best.”

She gave her cup back to her assistant, empty and dry as a rock in Tatooine. Her lips made a frown as Maro confirmed her that they were humans, in her piece of the galaxy near her sacred planet there were no humans, they were barely seen as something more than animals. The elzeri had their own views about anything, the sacred number nine, the ways of the gods, their very creed was motivated by their faith and their view that the whole galaxy was wrong and they were right.

Ever since she was young, Lunafreya was taught her ways, her people were more to memorize the names of ancient kings and dead family than to care about their living kin. Pride was everything for them.

“Funny choice of words, Maro.”, Lunafreya rose from her place and dared to start walking towards the door. Her captain dared not disturb her during this time, he seemed like he had something to say every time he saw the muun, but he never did say anything about it and she didn’t asked. If the man had any balls with him, than he would find the courage to do what he wanted by himself.

"How shall we proceed?"

Darth Argentum Darth Argentum
A little while later Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor and the Muun were sitting in a board room. He felt perfectly comfortable and his posture conveyed it. Unlike the humans who comprised the board of directors. Their tension was palpable.

"You cannot be serious, Master Dansk," a grey-haired man in his 60's was saying "Removing us from the board a serious mistake."

The implied threat wasn't lost on Maro. But he only smiled wanly in response. If only they knew what he could do to them. Then they wouldn't make their veiled threats.

"How so?," the Muun said, pretending to have not heard the message.

"For one thing, my fellow board members and myself know the inner-workings on this bank better than any."

The human swept his gaze over his colleagues. Those informed of their pending termination made their agreements all the more vociferously. Maro pretended to consider that for a moment.

"If so, then why have your numbers continued to suffer?," the Muun asked as he steepled his fingers. His smile took on a crueler character.

The man bristled visibly and his tone became sharp.

"Surely you're aware of the conflicts," he began "Any being could tell you that would impact profits."

He continued spouting off excuses in an increasingly patronizing way. A human explaining financial matters to a Muun. Long fingers began to drum a tattoo on the table. Dansk's own irritation grew until he'd finally heard enough.

A raised hand cut the man's litany off mid-sentence. The human's open mouth snapped shut and his dark eyes burned with indignation. Maro could feel the dark anger radiating from this spokesperson. It pleased him greatly.

"What I've heard you say are mere excuses," the Muun said levelly "I know this because, in spite of being conquered in recent times, my own homeworld's Banking Clan continues to profit."

"The Banking Clan are gangsters and puppet masters!," another man, this one bearded, shouted "It's known they'll finance anything! Murder, terrorism, the spice trade....ANYTHING!"

"Ah yes, the rumours," Maro said as he looked to the bearded man "Always circling but never proven. No, my fellow Muun are resourceful enough to overcome obstacles. You're not. So, hence your termination."

The spokesman turned to Lunafreya, at his wit's end.

"Your Highness, it's your credits that have purchased this bank. Surely you can see the wisdom of keeping us on the board. This Muun doesn't know what he's on about!"
Their words were like the wind for Lunafreya, her mind for a long time stayed focused on something else entirely. She had too much to do, there was so much in this small frontier that the New Order owned to achieve and for her, it seemed like that there was no time. The tides of the galaxy were changing.

Even there, in that meeting there were a lot of truths spoken by the humans, the Banking Clan supported a lot of shaddy deals. They had their fingers wrapped all around nearly all the major governments in the galaxy, money was as thick as ooze when it had a IGBC seal on it.

She slowly turned her head towards the others, the board members. Nothing more than tools of a failed enterprise, war had destroyed their companies, intrigues among their fellow banks made them fight for pennies.

“You are correct on that, sir. Those are my credits.”, she emphasized in stating that last bit, "Lord Dansk is here to my pleasure to speak with my voice and act on my behalf. It is not unknown to everyone that the small semantics that make up a banking institution are still unfamiliar to me, that is why I place my faith and trust on those around me."

"You had your chance and you all failed me. You failed to see the rise of that despicable AvCorp currency, failed to see the rise of the IGBC beyond Muunilinst's borders and failed. Over and over ... Now, your banks are as good as dead and much like a phoenix, it is my design that they are reborn as the New Imperial Bank. "

"All of you are dismissed from your current chairs on this board. You will be assigned for other ... positions that better suit your ... talents.", She said the last word almost with disgust. Before opting for silence, returning to his composure in his seat while watching them. Tilting his head slightly in the direction of Muun, so that he could proceed.

Darth Argentum Darth Argentum
The Muun smiled malevolently while the entire board of directors looked aghast. This was only the beginning of the end for some of them. In particular he fixed the eye of the board's de fato spokesman. Or rather, he corrected himself, former spokesman.

Many weeks had passed since the unceremonious dismissal of the Bank's board. Some had accepted their lot. They took on their new roles without audible complaints. For others, it was unacceptable and so they resigned their positions.

One such being was the former spokesman. Mordain was his surname, from a proud family and unwilling to bend the knee. Perhaps he may have continued to live a bit longer if he'd not made one fatal mistake. He'd used his connections to reach the ear of the NIO's higher-ups.

He'd complained vociferously but to no avail. Everything Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor and he'd done was perfectly legal. Yet it drew unwanted attention. So he'd unwittingly placed himself first on the list of those to die.

It was true that he was one of those who were going to be eliminated. But he'd shortened his life that much more. And it irritated the Muun to have to reorganize his scheduled hit list. Dansk had planned on allowing Mordain to live perhaps as much as ten standard months more.

What a fool this human was to throw away the precious gift of life. Spurning the generosity shown to him. That which he'd been unworthy of. But, no, never let it be said Maro Dansk couldn't show benevolence.

Yet what could be given could also be taken away. In fact, the angel of death would be visiting Master Mordain this very evening.

"Your Highness, unfortunately Mordain has forced our hand. He's already drawn unwanted eyes towards us. Just because he was unsuccessful in obtaining the outcome he wanted the first time doesn't mean he'll give up."

They spoke in the living area of the Muun's apartments on JanFathal. He'd taken up residence here in this exclusive abode to better facilitate their plans. It was best to keep a close watch in the initial period. So he did so from this place.

The buildings themselves were located in the most prestigious surroundings. But trappings of power were unimportant. One glance around the flat would show an unusually practical place. More had been spent on the computers that allowed him to monitor JanFathal and off-world than the furniture and decor.

Most unusual in this part of the world where the display of wealth was a display of status. But he wasn't one to throw parties or invite guests. No, this was his headquarters even more than his home. And there were certain advantages to this location.

Despite it's central location, drawing all eyes towards the building, it was easy to slip out unnoticed. The rich and powerful often wished to remain anonymous in their seedy dealings. So there were underground tunnels leading to exits in surrounding side streets.

Those he planned to use in tonight's mission.

"Our plan is to enter Master Mordain's apartments and stage a burglary. He'll die from a point-blank blaster wound. In the apparent struggle to fight-off the assailants, you see."

His lips quirked into a cruel smile.

"You know how dangerous this city is," he said referring to the constant tabloid-like exposes on crime the local news shamelessly purported to be fact.

It was not in fact true. Yet it brought them ratings from spreading fear. Humans were strange in that way, he found, always wanting to be afraid of something. But it suited the purposes of the coming killing.

"I plan to accompany the Moon Guards, your Highness. Of course, your dear Captain will be with me to oversee things."

He turned his smile onto the man standing protectively near his liege. The Captain scowled in response but remained silent. He didn't like his men being used as petty thugs and killers. But that didn't matter.

Indeed, a pair of Moon Guards would be the ones to pose as the would-be burglars. But Maro would be the one to kill Mordain. After he'd had a friendly chat, of course. He'd also secure their entrance and exit.
"Staging a burglary. What a original idea.", her voice was filled with irony. Her dealings on that bank were tiring, she hated meeting with the shareholders and she hated the way they dreamed about control, like they could change anything on the galaxy by simply swinging coins around their greasy fingers.

"Do what you want, Maro, but do not expect me to join on that. I have other things to do, I must meet other interest parties on the Automatron board, factories will be built on JanFathal to start production immediately, also I have a few representatives to meet of the drackmarian people."

She hated meeting those sorts of aliens, they were easy to manipulate on doing her bidding but horrible subjects. Primitive beasts driven by old primal desires of the flesh which made them quite the despicable things to handle and boss around.

"Although... I may join you for tonight, I am trying to avoid meeting the drackcmarians. They growl too much."

The moon guards that would escort Maro were probably prepared by Halion, her steward. He usually was the one in charged of her agenda, that took care of her day-to-day affairs, she usually found them too boring for her to pay any attention. The princess nodded towards the muun and stood up..

"So where are we going?"

Darth Argentum Darth Argentum
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It was the morning following the alleged burglary. Mordain was dead as was the Captain of the Duchess' Moon Guard. Apparently the former board member had put up more fight than expected. Alas, the loyal guardsman was no more.

"I'm afraid Mordain caught the Captain unawares, your Highness," the Muun spoke the carefully constructed lie.

"The human wouldn't die so easily. Your guardsmen took care of Mordain, yet he had enough strength left to take the Captain by surprise."

A blaster bolt from behind had been the method of execution. Indeed it had been the former banker's hand that wielded the pistol. But it had been a dead hand propelled by the Force. No one would ever know the difference given that the guardsmen were in another room. No witnesses to tell.

And so the Muun's largest obstacle to the Duchess' ear was removed....

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