Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Stop The Presses! [IGN]



Location: IGN Staff Room

It was her first day on the job and Holly was a little nervous. The offer to join IGN had been very sudden and unexpected, but she was thrilled when it came. She had previously been a reporter for the Holo New Network (HNN) but lately she felt the agency was getting too political. She really wanted to be part of a non bias organization that simply reported the news and facts as they came.

She stopped by the caf station and helped herself to a stimcaf and a bagel before heading into the large meeting room. Nothing like a staff meeting to start the day off!

Salacious Rafford


Salacious Rafford, or Sal as he was known to his colleagues and fans sat in the meeting room when Holly Starstorm had arrived. He flashed her a huge smile after adjusting his tie. His style was impeccable, if not maybe a bit too much for other people's tastes.

"Salacious Rafford. But you can call me Sal. And you are stunning in that outfit. What's your name?" No, he didn't watch any of her reporting. Sal was a bit self focused. But he wasn't about to shy away from winning over another potential viewer. Or a potential fan.


Holly was walking into the staff room, holding a stack of papers in one hand and her caf in the other. The bagel was between her teeth, making her look slightly foolish, especially in the company of such a well dressed man.

She smiled, letting the bagel drop onto her stack of papers. As she sat everything down on the table she was amazed to see how Sal could flash every single one of his pearly whites in one smile.

“Oh yes didn’t you host the holo awards last year?”

She held out her hand to shake his. “I’m Holly Starstorm. You do entertainment right? I heard the network was even thinking of giving you a daytime talk show?” It could have been gossip for all she knew, but when else would she have a chance to ask such questions?

@Salcious Rafford

Andros Khordel


Morning meetings. Were they a thing that really needed to happen? And why so early? Andros wanted nothing more than to return to his bed at this point, but instead he found himself in the conference room of Independent Galactic News with his tea in hand and a datapad with its screen turned off laying on the wooden desk in front of him. His eyes seemed to only be half opened at the moment and if one of his colleagues were to offer a friendly greeting in his direction, it’d like be met with some kind of groan and a dismissive wave of the hand.

Andros wasn’t an anchor or anything in that regard. In fact, it was rare he even found himself on Odessen these days as he was often off on any number of planets in the galaxy chasing stories and reporting and the various happenings of galactic affairs. But today he didn’t have any such stories as he’d actually been called back for some sort of social event the network big wigs were trying to throw. As much as he didn’t want to attend, he knew it would be frowned upon if he didn’t and so here he was.

He wiped at his eyes with a hand and focused his efforts on just trying to stay awake. Alert and involved at this moment probably weren’t in his current toolset, but he was bound to add them later.



Salacious Rafford

If Sal was disgusted at all by Holly Starstorm dropping the bagel onto her papers, he didn't show it. Instead he just continued to hold his charming smile, taking the lady's hand in his own in an eloquent fashion.

"I am absolutely delighted to meet you Holly. And you are quite correct, the upper brass are considering giving me my own show. Prime time, of course. Gotta boost those ratings, much as I did for those holo-awards!"

His attention was turned to Andros Khordel 's less-than-energetic entrance. Sal studied the man for a moment, giving him a nod in greeting, which in turn was sleepily waved off. "Someone sure needs an IV drip of stimcaf."

"So, Holly, what field are you getting into?"
His full attention was back onto Holly again. Leaning back in his chair with his elbows on the armrests, Sal interlocked his fingers as though he was pondering on an afterthought.


Holly was setting down all her files and had picked up her bagel again while Sal nodded to their coworker. Unfortunately that conversation did not take off and soon Sal had turned back to her. Why did he always have to catch her with her mouth full of food? Well at least nobody knew about her chocolate obsession.. yet.

She swallowed her food and nodded. “Investigative journalism Is what I mostly do. I’ve hosted a few shows and done some radio work but over at HNN I was an investigative reporter. I hope that role translates well here. “

She took a sip of her caf and inwardly felt her body start to warm up. Caffeine was essential in a work place like this. Her eyes wandered to the other man who looked like he needed more than a caf to get him going. She offered a smile and then returned to Sal.

“What about you? Will you be doing news or focusing more on network stuff? I absolutely adored you on the holo awards. “

Salacious Rafford. Andros Khordel

Salacious Rafford

"An investigative reporter? Now that's a respectable career. I couldn't get into that myself. I attract too much attention." He winked at Holly Starstorm and flashed another of his smiles. "But you can work your way through a crowd quite easily enough."

As for what it was that he was going to do? Sal was quite certain that he knew exactly what was in store for him. "Sometimes entertainment IS the news. In these dark times, the people need an escape, someone that can lift up their spirits and entertain them. That's where I come in. Shows like the holo-awards give people a little dream to aspire to; for them to think about what it was like when they were young and practiced their own acceptance speeches in front of the mirror, back when everything was possible and the Galaxy wasn't so full of doom and gloom. That's where I come in, Holly. I give the viewers something to look forward to."

Andros Khordel
Lori opened the door and stepped in in an almost sheepish manner. She had never been in a newsroom before, or in a meeting for one. And of course she was taking a quick look for threats. Yet there didn't appear to be any, in the few people present, so she stepped further in and had a seat at the table next to Holly Starstorm .

Unlike everyone else who were dressed casually or in a fancy suit, Lori was wearing her Rebel Ops armour. However most of her weapons were not on her, outside of a dagger in her right boot. Still, she couldn't help but be cautious, even while in neutral space.

"Morning." Lori licked her lips a little. Maybe she should have brought some breakfast too. And some stimcaf. Food just wasn't quite on her mind this morning, though.

Andros Khordel

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