Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Trooper IC-six seven three six, Three-six for short, walked into his refitted droid repair bay that he used as a room and sat on his cot. Droid parts still sat in corners along with damaged droids. he had cleared a space in the center beside his cot and used a low shipping crate for a table. a stove was fashioned out of a pair of plasma torches and some droid coils from knee joints and such.

He looked over at the blank photo receptors of a former protocol droid as he started heating some water for shiig.

"What are you looking at, never seen a man make tea before?" He said before looking away, "Creepy droid."

He had been told to expect a new assignment today, but what that could be he hadn't a clue.

Ibaris Varanin

A left... here? Two rights... where?

The directions had been pretty concise, but she was lost. Her fault for insisting to the point of throwing a wobbler that she was more than capable of finding the droid repair bay by herself. 'I'm a BIG GIRL', she had said. 'PLEASE let me do it myself,' she had begged. 'I won't get LOST, I PROMISE.'

Well, so much for that. Adas yipped out a little bark, whined slightly, and nudged at her hand with his wet nose, before walking yet another circle around her. Ibaris looked down one corridor, then another, blankness in her eyes. Both corridors looked the same! She looked down at Adas, who had stopped and was sitting, staring right back at her.

"Well, you're no help, are you?"

Adas barked indignantly. Ibaris sighed heavily, just like she had seen mama do more than once, and gave in, putting out feelers. A moment later, she gained some small inkling of confidence that the right hand corridor just might be the right one. She looked down at the barkspawn again, then down the corridor, and started walking.

"Come on, Adas."

And so they went. It wasn't until partway down the corridor, having stuck her head in every room she could stick her head into, that she found the droids... or rather, the droid parts she was looking for, and one trooper that seemed much too big, if the other troopers on board were any indication. She stopped in the doorway and just watched.

That is, until Adas barked sharply. Ibaris' eyes shot down at the dark-furred mutt.

"Keep it down, would ya?" She hissed, being about as chastising as a five-year-old could get. Then, glancing back up, it was clear that Adas had gotten the guy's attention. She pasted on a big, cheesy grin. "Hello, Mister Trooper!"


Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"]

He felt it coming but you'd be hard pressed to get him to admit that. He knew a few things about the force and had picked up more than a few more things in his various previous encounters. He heard the door open and was determined not to turn around until he heard the BARKING CREATURE OF BARKING-NESS! He turned quickly pulling his sidearm expecting to see an inquisitor with a vornskr or akk dog. His blaster pointed at head height for an adult he blinked at the empty space for a second before he looked down.

He blinked and stood confused for a moment as the little squirt cheesed like a pro and said hello.

"Uhhhhh...Are you lost kiddo?" he said as he holstered his weapon and noticed the feeling he got was coming from her, "Tell me you're lost."

Ibaris Varanin

She looked at him as if he were the densest being in the 'verse. Her? LOST? Pfft, no. She was too smart to get lost, too pretty to get lost, too young to get lost. Too important and loved to get lost. Too depended upon by Adas to get lost. Okay, maybe her five-year-old brain took it too far, but she rolled her eyes, and only then did she answer the trooper.

"No, Mister Trooper. I'm not lost at all. Derr." Then she smiled sweetly, and angelically. "In fact, I was supposed to be looking for you."

She leveled one little finger, pointing directly at the great, big stormtrooper. Adas yipped.

"I mean... we were looking for you. Me and my dog. His name's Adas." She looked down at the dark furred barkspawn. "Say 'hello', Adas."

The puppy looked at the trooper, his ears perking, and his tongue lolling out of his mouth in a canine grin. Then he barked, once and sharply. Satisfied, Ibaris looked back to the trooper, and grinned proudly. She'd been working about as hard as she could manage on training Adas - and he'd been pretty stubborn - but the results were showing themselves. The puppy was showing his intelligence, bit by bit. How he seemed to understand her words so well!

"He doesn't know how to shake yet, but I'm gonna get him to know that soon. Do you like dogs, Mister Trooper?"

Ibaris leaned slightly to one side, trying to peer past the guy.

"Can we come in?... um, please?"

Something smelled warm, and nice, and she thought she spotted teacups. A glimmer of interest flashed up in her hazel eyes, but she didn't press for information. If he invited them to his little tea party, then that would be that!


Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"]

Three-six cocked his head back and stood for a moment annd realized he was obviously looking at his assignment. He had a couple choices. Quit, dumbest idea ever, complain, didn't really deserve to do that or go with it, and he did. He stepped out of the way and looked at the ugly dog-like thing and shrugged.

"Sup pup." he said as he let the girl inside.

"Grab a seat kiddo. Want some tea?" he said taking his trooper gloves and gauntlets off and hanging them on the wall over his cot.

"Wait you parents let you have tea?" he said. He stopped at his makeshift cooker and turned over two small metal cups, "who are your parents, anyway?"

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