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Approved NPC Stormfury Command

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: Expand on Firemane. Sub a rapid deployment unit.
Image Credit: Here.
Role: Stormfury Command is a rapid deployment, combined arms unit. It is commanded by Tempest, a Firemane officer.
Permissions: ARGH gear available per this thread. Permission for all ArmaTech gear and all other subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here. CD-X Cryptologic Key available for Firemane per this thread.
Links: Into Darkness, After Darkness, Tephrike, Casus Belli, Dahomey, Qadiri, Devastation: Base Delta Zero, The Outbreak.

Unit Name:
The official name is 2nd Rapid Deployment Command (RDC). Stormfury Command is their more popular nickname.
Affiliation: Siobhan, Firemane, House Kerrigan, Tempest.
Classification: Combined arms task force.
Description: As a megacorp, Firemane has a relatively large, but dispersed army with a rather flat hierarchy. There is no point in having army groups, armies or corps if most of the time units don't fight above brigade strength. However, its structure is flexible enough to be adjusted to the situation at hand. One of the commands it has created to protect its manifold interests is the 2nd Rapid Deployment Command, more commonly known as Stormfury Command. It derives its nickname from its commander, a Firemane oficer called Tempest. She is an aeromancer who specialises in lightning and storms, and also has a bit of a temper. Their emblem is a skull surrounded by lightning bolts. Some members of the task force have tattoos that show the emblem. For their uniform, each soldier is issued a dark red beret. Tempest hates berets or hats in general, but Siobhan has forced her to wear it. This is not at all punishment for Siobhan no longer being able to call her 'Major Tempest'.

Stormfury Command operates as a quick reaction, combined arms force. It can be deployed quickly to immediately respond to a crisis situation and project Firemane military power and influence. Stormfury Command rotates between being deployed planetside and on a warship, which is commonly a Star Destroyer. This allows them to go wherever they are needed. The rapid responde force combines infantry with a logistics element, armour, artillery and air support. They have a couple heavy landers to drop them into combat. This gives it a lot of versatility, allowing it to face a variety of threats without weighing it down unduly. Constant drill and exercises, including cross-training with other branches, keep the skills of the soldiers sharp. The climate in the unit is that of a professional military organisation. People join for a steady paycheck, a desire for adventure, because Firemane has assumed a protective role for their communities or a combination thereof. Though Firemane is a corporation, it has also assumed many of the duties and traits of a state, providing services such as health care, housing, education, infrastructure and pensions. This hybrid identity is reflected in its military culture. It has helped foster a certain esprit de corps.

Soldiers are awarded medals, promotions or monetary rewards for meritorious conduct. They can receive classes of the lesser Fire Star, the more important Phoenix Cross, or even the most prestigious Galactic Cross. Soldiers who have distinguished themselves receive bonuses commensurate to their rank and reward in their next pay check. After a battle, soldiers are also encouraged to contact their superiors to commend or shed guidance on the fate of a fallen comrade. Commendations for the fallen are a good way for the families to have their fallen son or daughter entered into the rolls and get more of a reward. Seeing how or where their family member fell might also help them move forward. The commissioned officers and NCOs are encouraged, even forced, to give critical after action reports, stating how they and others could have done things better.

The tactical doctrine emphasises a combination of speed, mobility and firepower. The officers are trained to follow the principle of leading by mission, also known as mission-type tactics. A subordinate leader is given a goal, an assortment of forces and a time frame in which to accomplish it, but is able to implement the order independently. This gives commanders on the ground the initiative and relieves the higher leadership from the burden of micromanagement. Stormfury Command is known for its aggressive, hard-hitting tactics, which is probably another reason for its nickname.

Stormfury Command is commanded by an officer with the rank of Colonel. The task force commander has her own headquarters and staff. There are no species or gender restrictions — as long as a recruit meets the physical and mental requirements they may have a place in Stormfury Command. The force has many Dahomians in its rank and file and officer corps though. This is not surprising since Tempest is from Dahomey. Qadiri can also be found in its ranks, as Firemane has moved to a more integrated military. The desert elves are particularly valued because their inherent navigational abilities make them good pilots and vehicle drivers.

A Dahomian officer called Cadence serves as the second in command of the Stormfuries. He holds the rank of Major and is a long term career soldier. He's from Tempest's tribe. Rather than a frontline soldier who gets in the thick of the fighting, he is a skilled communicator, logistics and strategic sort. He will not perfom daring heroics in the trenches, but he can organise the unit and make sure it has the tools to fulfil its objectives and that those objectives are realistic. Siobhan is the honorary Colonel-in-Chief of the unit. One can compare it to how a reigning monarch or a member of a royal family is often the ceremonial Colonel of a regiment in a monarchy. Siobhan is ultimately in charge of the entire Firemane military, but having the title strokes her considerable ego.

Unit Size: Large
Unit Availability
: Unique
Unit Experience
: Veteran

Primary Rifles:
Support Weapons:
Aerial Craft:
Attached Weapons:
Combat Function: Stormfury Command is an all-in-a-box combined arms unit that can be deployed rapidly into hot zones at short notice. As a rapid deployment unit, it is supposed to deploy quickly into a crisis and be able to respond to a variety of threats. The core of the unit is a reinforced, motorised Firemane infantry battalion, which is supported by artillery, armour and aerial forces. Scouts and engineers are attached to the force. The unit has access to some heavy landers to ferry them into a combat zone and ensure they land in one piece.

A force of gunships provides aerial cover, and they have access to a few tanks and artillery pieces, though less than a dedicated armour unit. Stormfury Command is meant to hit fast and hard, which makes it good for seizing and establishing bridgeheads in enemy territory. When a frontline is in crisis, it can also act as a fireman of sorts. For this reason, Stormfury Command has its own logistics element, ensuring that it can remain reasonably self-sufficient for an extended period of time.

Use of IFVs enables the soldiers to keep up with their tank, which is important for not only securing ground gained by heavy armour, but also protecting it against ambushes. They can also be used for recon or secure strong points for units following in their wake. Should they be engaged in combat while inside a Yazgid, the soldiers will usually dismount and fight. Technically the Yazgid has gun ports so the soldiers inside can shoot out, but this is not that practical.

Visibility from inside the Yazgid is poor and while small arms and blaster fire is no problem, should an anti-tank missile score a good hit, everyone inside is dead. However, it can provide fire support. Gehenna tanks are standard battle tanks. They are a good mix of attack and defence, albeit at the cost of speed and agility. The presence of Hailstorm AA tanks gives the Stormfuries protection against aerial attackers, though the Hailstorm are weak against ground opponents. The troops also have a few self-propelled, multiple rocket launcher to provide artillery support. These vehicles are fast and have a ton of firepower, but are lightly armoured and weak up close.


  • Combined arms task force. Stormfury Command has a lot of mobility, firepower and versatility. They have integrated armour and air support, giving them additional punch, as well as heavy landers to ferry them into a combat zone.
  • Crack soldiers. It is a highly experienced veteran unit. The soldiers are very experienced and quick to react to changing situations, even without orders from above. If a leader is lost, the next-ranking member is ready to step up and take charge.
  • Stormfury Command focuses on conventional engagements and thus may have trouble adjusting to enemies utilising unconventional warfare tactics.
  • Transport ships, while heavily armoured, are slow and lack agility. They are big targets and not well-armed for their size.

After being severely wounded by the Sith Assassin Kaelin Isandros forced Tegaea Alcori to step down as Lady Protector, she and Siobhan Kerrigan founded Firemane Industries. It was started as an arms manufacturing and mining concern, but also branched out into Private Military Contracting. This was no surprise since both ladies had been among the founding members of Omega Pyre, a mercenary company that became a government called the Omega Protectorate. Initially, its military forces were rather modest and consisted of a mere four infantry companies, with some limited naval assets, gunships and dropships. However, they expanded as the company grew in power. A small mercenary force turned into the private army of House Kerrigan-Alcori, charged with protecting the family's manifold interests and expanding its influence.

Once it had become a megacorporation, the company was able to field larger forces and equip them well, but it was not economical to try and match the forces of an instellar government in terms of size or fleet meterage. That would have probably left even the biggest corporation bankrupt. Instead it focused on gaining an edge through advanced technology, discipline, mobility and skill of its soldiers. One of these formations is the 2nd Rapid Deployment Command, more commonly known by its nickname Stormfury Command. Its story is tied to that of Tempest, its commander. Tempest was born on Dahomey, a planet that had regressed during the Dark Age. When the planet reconnected with the rest of the Galaxy, foreign merchants sought to exploit both its mineral resources and its people.

Tempest's tribe was targeted by a foreign corporation, and she was taken as a slave. Later she was sold to a minion of General Amherst, a Republic officer who had come to the planet to put an end to these abuses, but went rogue and became a warlord. However, the abuse she and other slaves suffered triggered her latent Force potential and she lashed out against her captors, slaying her masters and his guards. She was due to be executed, but Omega Pyre's intervention saved her life. Acting in concert with indigenous resistance forces commanded by a rebel leader called Devotion, the Pyre overthrew Amherst. Tegaea and Siobhan were the leaders of the task force.

Dahomey was taken into first the Pyre’s then the Protectorate’s orbit. Tempest herself was taken in by Tegaea and given a job as an aide on Fondor. She was treated well and both Tegaea and Siobhan looked after her so that when it was time for the pair to leave the Protectorate she willingly went with them to Kaeshana. After some persuasion, she became Siobhan's Apprentice and learned the ways of the Force.

She also became an officer in Firemane's fledgling armed forces. She was eventually put in charge of an assault infantry company nicknamed the Stormfuries. They served in many battles such as Gehenna, the Xioquo War and Kaeshana. When an island settlement on Arkas went dark, the Stormfuries and some Angelii allies found themselves battling intelligent zombies directed by a hive-mind. The undead were able to turn the island's defences against them. The soldiers were able to knock out the AA guns, enabling Firemane bombers to level the settlement to prevent the virus from spreading.

They were also mobilised for the Tephrike campaign, which started as a peaceful exploration mission and turned into a war with a Jedi theocracy. Tephrike had experienced a profound social, political and economic collapse during the Four Hundred Year Darkness. Here, the Dark Age had never ended. The Dominion of Light, a totalitarian Jedi theocracy, vied for power with the Disciples of the Vader, a cult of human supremacist Sith who worshipped Darth Vader as a dark god, and the Republican Guard, a rebel movement inspired by the ancient Rebel Alliance that reviled Force-Users and sought to place power in the hands of the common people.

After initial skirmishes with Firemane, the Dominion sought accommodation. Firemane dispatched a delegation to its capital to initiate negotiations. However, an extremist faction in the Dominion's regime regarded this as heresy. Firemane's delegation came under attack. Elpsis, one of its members and the adoptive daughter of Firemane's ruling couple, was captured by the Jedi Inquisition. She would be subjected to physical and torture in a Dominion black site.

In response, Firemane declared war. It proceeded to enter an alliance of convenience with the Republican Guard. A short, but intense campaign followed. While a combined Firemane and Republican Guard force assault a major Dominion fortreess, Tempest led a task force to find and rescue or avenge the Firemane couple's captured daughter. In the process they liberated two Dominion brainwashing camps, the Liberation Education Centre and Serene Springs. Her task force was mixed, combining Qadiri knights, some of the Stormfuries, specialists and heavy armour. Elpsis was able to overcome her brainwashing and defeat her captors with the aid of rebellious prisoners and the arriving Firemane troops.

Tempest was promoted to Colonel for sabotaging one of the control rooms of the Sith superweapon that had been targeting the planet of Sisio, controlled by the then-Outer Rim Coalition. This helped saved Sisio from annihilation. She also encountered and duelled Enyo Typhos, a Terminatrix working for the Sith as a mercenary. With her new rank, Tempest needed an appropriate command. Thus the 2nd Rapid Deployment Command came into being. It incorporated her old unit and inherited its name, but was expanded to include various other veteran units. It was conceived as a quick reaction force that could go wherever it was needed and fight independently for an extended duration.
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