Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Story Of The False One


The False One
"My most profound failure. And my greatest accomplishment. How your very existence mocks me to the core". A slender aged hand placed itself on the glass tank. Staring back at the Muun was a single eye, unblinking and judging. Attached to a monstrosity of a body that in all honesty should be a corpse. Some pain crossed the old Sith Lords chest. Was it pity for this creature... or himself? Perhaps it was something else entirely. It was ignored, and cast aside for more important matters than worry pressed on the mind. "Prepare my shuttle for departure. I must attend to matters on Coruscant. When I return, have the laboratory ready. I will want to begin studies immediately".

"Yes my Lord. I will see to it all is done and ready for your return". The Caretaker of this facility departed from the room. A great burden was placed on him. For failure meant death. Sith Lords had no toleration for it. So there shall be none of the sort. As the door sealed behind him; Darth Plagueis was left alone.

The two simply looked on at one another for a time. The Sith deep in fomenting thought. How to awake her, to repair this damage if it was possible. Without a real body she was just research material. One he could learn from to create another, truly perfect life. Eventually his awareness returned. She must be dealt with latter. The Grand Plan was first and foremost. Without its success, every aspect was in doubt. The Jedi could learn of their plans and all would be for naught. "Soon Ruby. We shall have control. Then I will see what may become of you". The Muun stepped back but still faced her. Palpatine was waiting for him. The Apprentice he hoped to replace with a person of Ruby's birth, the power she would wield. Together with his knowledge the Sith would rule unopposable until the end of time. Darth Plagueis made his leave. It would be the last time he would see her in this world.

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