Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Storyline Idea: War of Resistance

I've noticed a large gap in the time between when anyone has posted in one of our active threads and the current date. So, rather than wait to find out whether or not this lull is temporary, I've decided to do something about it.

Back in the days of Omega Pyre and, eventually, the Omega Protectorate, their main force for activity was a doggedly recurring NPC enemy called the Bando Gora. It was something Dark to unite their light-neutral forces against, a driving force for plot when they weren't doing dominions, skirmishes, or invasions, and a potential avenue for new members to really unload and play around with their characters' abilities.

I feel like we should shamelessly steal that idea.

The Zenison Sha are a moderately obscure Force tradition with no current practitioners on the site. They're basically Jedi who use chakrams instead of lightsabers, which makes them attractive for an fascist army primarily armed with blasters. Who'd be up for helping me plan out a nice long storyline for us to flex our muscles a bit and get warmed up for the real deal?


[member="Razelle Breuner"]

I think that's something the Ren and the Army would be interested in purging. What do you think [member="Jaron Lesan"] [member="Greifen Ren"] [member="Shawn Withers"] [member="Garth Hummel"]
[member="Razelle Breuner"] I love this idea and fully support it.

We could pull it in-line with the Eriadu Alliance (Resistance) and have it as a large scale conflict to remove the two of them from the galaxy.
I give you my support either in terms of myself or my Ren.

Now go forth and cleanse the galaxy!
Awesome. I'll see about starting this off sometime soon. OOC post here, IC post in the main board.

Heads up, though. I haven't ever led a plot before, and I've never been a member of a major faction for more than a couple of weeks. to that whole thang. Goin' in dry. XD
[member="Razelle Breuner"], Count me in.

If you would like, I can offer my services to help with this story line. Since this is new to you, I might be able to help. *new to site, but not to RP by a long shot* So if you would like, we can both work on it and make it a little easier so you don't have to do it alone.

As well, this will give a chance for my character to sprout away from her master so she can learn for herself. from an IC perspective.
skin, bone, and arrogance
I would love to work this into my planned story arc for settling and transforming our starter planets. Maybe this group could have a strong hold on one of the planets that hinders my ability to allocate materiel as we establish our presence there.
Alright, so I'll be setting up an OOC overview for the first thread after I post the opener. For those of you wanting to help, I'll need someone to pick up the slack for setting the fleet scene. Ground ops were always more my scene (which is a glass-half-full kinda way of saying that I find fleeting to be obnoxious and I'll eagerly pawn it off on someone else).

Ava, you have my Skype and my PM box. I didn't imagine a political interest, but I'm all too happy to work it in. Especially, and I mean especially, if it facilitates a personal storyline. Plus, it's been a while since I've played with one of your ice queens. Should be a blast.

More things that it'd be nice to have, though I'm currently working on some of this:
- A list of members to tag to set off klaxons and get their attention
- Some names and faces to attach to our NPC high brass. Fair warning: they might die.
- Possible dominion objectives, since we just went major. It wasn't my original plan, but it's...a plan.


[member="Razelle Breuner"]
Ricochet would def notice, can always get the Supreme Commander's attention, Major Ernst Grimstar, Rear-Admiral Kilken are some NPCs.

You can kill off Ernst Grimstar - thats Ricochet's adoptive father and commander - would turn Ricochet into full Hux-HItler mode. :p
skin, bone, and arrogance
So I've been kicking around the idea of a Resistance player faction, to stay minor and serve as both a foil to the First Order but also allow for some neat storytelling among the members. Would you guys be totally averse to this? My thinking is, if our relationship with the GA gets contentious again, there's another group who can help provided the story is good, and I can't see my working relationship with [member="Aram Kalast"], [member="Ludolf Vaas"], [member="Razelle Breuner"] souring to the point that we can't work something out.

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