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strange question

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
okay been the owner of a company can be fun and adds to the freedom, but as others are competition in ic what would happen if I bankrupted a company through account slicing?

what would happen to that company as a whole with out the funds I presume it would have to close down if I am correct?
Speaking as an actual computer security major, its extremely hard to simply hack into any sizeable company from the outside. Typically a hacker will spend months or more either using various methods to either gain physical access to the site or a worm onto their internal network that opens up a very small back door.

This will only get you access to their data files and programs though. In some cases a single file could be worth millions or more (what most corporate hackers actually go for). Otherwise you could access their accounting software and change where money gets transfered during certain transactions. The irregularities in their banking accounts would likely be quickly discovered though, where the copying of a file is harder.

To actually steal their money in one go you would have to hack the bank itself, a separate entity with separate security. And if you hacked a bank, successfully you would have access to a lot more accounts than a single company. It would make a lot more sense to trim a little from a lot of accounts and hope no one notices than to simply empty one big one.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Akio Kahoshi"] as a person of the republic it's not the funds I'm really wanting it's to slow the progress of the sith technological advancements, the credits are just a bonus that would most likely go into my company or TJO. so completely bankrupting a company's funding would seem a more beneficial goal.

edit: and it wouldn't be me doing it, I'd obviously hire someone.
As a nation vs nation thing, that's what intelligence agencies are for. They have entire branches for cyberwarfare, because it's one of the most complex and nuanced parts of espionage. This isn't as simple as spoofing the account password of someone's http website. This is stuff like encryption, firewalls, response systems, thousands of agents in just one Earth nation like the US dedicated full-time to sorting through information for anomalies, so probably millions of a galactic nation's agents doing the same thing at any given time.

Moreover, "slow technological advancements" is an extremely vague goal to have in mind. Technology doesn't advance via internet (or holonet) websites. Research is done in meatspace and cataloged on closed-circuit networks or even individual machines, each placed under heavy physical protection. As in armed guards.

It's nowhere near as simple as the question you're asking. XD

But! If you're looking to get into espionage RP, I'm sure there would be a ton of people on the board who would love to write intelligence stories. Spy drama is always in short supply here, because so many people are more interested in blowing stuff up or making tons of money than they are about the intricacies of espionage.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Fabula Caromed"] well it would certainly slow things down if a company no longer can fund there projects or the research to back it. also who would need a team of hackers when ai's are about.

and I do agree that there not enough of the behind the scenes big things. hence why this idea popped of ceasing control of a company's funds. I'm mostly asking and seeing of this in theory anyway.

(don't worry I have no idea why I ask these questions apart from Rp ideas and a fun debate)
It's not really a debate. The thing you're asking about is incredibly complex. Hacking isn't a magical process where you figure out someone's password and suddenly you have perfect control over everything they do, like it is in the movies. Defeating electronic defenses takes time, mastery of a staggering amount of programming knowledge, time, an immense amount of bandwidth, time, a healthy spoonful of luck, and have I mentioned time? It's a slow, arduous process of trial and error, punctuated with ceaselessly designing the perfect programs specialized to break into one single system.

If all you're talking about is hacking someone bankrupt, though, that would require you to get access to their bank account (which would involve the process listed above) and then drain the account in such a way as to not be detected by the systems, whether AI or not, whose function is to spot and prevent exactly what you're trying to do.

More importantly, doing it to "the Sith" is literally impossible. They don't just throw all of their money into one immense account with "Sith Bucks Here!" plastered on the front. Attacking one of their supporting franchises would also be incredibly difficult, as they intentionally decentralize their funds for exactly this reason.

Hacking one person's bank account is so difficult that we write crime dramas about it. Hacking a company's accounts all at once would be a technological feat of godhood. Hacking all of a nation's supporting infrastructure?
Fabs is correct, an R&D lab would have their most important stuff on an internal network cut off from the Internet. AI's are still limited by their ability to actually reach a computer (though personally I loathe AI in Star Wars). AI are not auto win devices, no more than the Force is an auto win device, much as some writers seem to fail to understand that.

I do not think your idea of slowing the sith by stealing their money is feasible, for the simple reason that if it's a Sith government research project then they have effectively unlimited funds to dump into a company. And again, the money would be in a bank (or many banks) so hacking the company itself would not get you access to all their funds. Direct espionage really is the best route to go about. Blow up their research labs, kill their scientists, corrupt their computers.

In the end though, the Sith will just post their new tech when they have it written. Hard to slow anything down with a flexible time scale. So if you do this, remember its just for the interesting story not for any actual effect.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
well I guess I can dream, but I'll just settle on smaller things like stealing there research and blueprints. throw back the things made to throw at the reps.

I thank you both for answering my questions.
[member="Akio Kahoshi"] Ξ [member="Fabula Caromed"]

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