Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Stray Cat Strut


902 ABY
It was another long day of study, another long day of struggling to make it through complex books and high level concepts on too many subjects to count. Soldane had done well, he had always done well in his studies, but his attention span was growing weary after the tenth hour of discussing Sith macroeconomic policies and their consequences on the sociopolitical status of non human species. It wasn't that it wasn't interesting, it was more that it wasn't interesting enough.​
Not when he had a city to explore.​
So he ran off in the night, once again, promising Lunaria that he would be back before daybreak. Bedford was old, he always went to sleep early - giving Soldane plenty of time to run off and do what he shouldn't be doing. Thirteen years old was far too young to be sprinting around the slums of Jutrand, but he had grown accustomed to it these last few weeks; for all its unpleasantries, a child could walk those streets in relative safety, given the armed civilian guards on every corner. Leave alone the Cartel members constantly keeping an eye out.​
Still, even as he ran through alleys, escaped the would be mugger, or gracefully kicked someone in the soft spots when they stared at him too long, he had fallen into a stable trend. He wasn't street smart per say, but as his silver eyes watched the crowds, he could sense the slight tension in someone's shoulders when they meant to stab someone. There were times he could even tell when someone was about to steal from a stand - especially when someone was in the midst of withdrawal.​
All of his people watching eventually drove him to hunger, and as he checked the cred balance on his chip, he looked around for a sign that could catch his attention. The most interesting? Mew Noods, with a cute cat eating a bowl of ramen. Some would say he should grow up, and not be distracted by cartoonish cats bordered in neon, but Soldane didn't care about what other people thought. He just wanted cat noodles.​
So he entered, pulled down his hood, and found a spot near the bar. He awkwardly pulled a stool out, and climbed atop it - struggling to center himself on the adult sized chair, given his less than adult sized body. When he found his balance, he raised a hand and grinned - waiting for someone to come by to take his order.​

The Cat Knows Where It's At
Jutrand wasn't exactly a place to pop open a noodle stand, but Ria knew that the Sith would get hungry. The world was a sprawling urban labyrinth, a dystopian expanse where shadows lurked in every alleyway, and the ominous presence of the Sith Academy loomed large. Among the towering skyscrapers and the dim, flickering street lights, the small stand named "Mew Noods" offered a rare beacon of warmth and comfort.

IG-11, a tall and sleek droid with glistening chrome plating, was the visible operator of the stand. Steam from the pots on the stove wafted into the air, mingling with the scents of the city and creating an enticing aroma that cut through the usual smell of smog and metallic tang. The enticing scent of fresh Seoularian noodles was a magnetic pull in the gloom.

In the dim light of the street, accentuated by the soft, warm glow of paper lanterns swaying gently in the breeze, a small orange and white feline gracefully padded across the stall counter. Her name was Ria, but her collar read "Mittens, Royal Cat of Eshan." Her fur shimmered softly, catching the lantern light as she moved with the elegance only a cat could possess.

Ria's sharp, perceptive eyes spotted a new customer—a boy who seemed out of place in the rough streets of Jutrand. The hood over his head, and the way he sat on the stool marked him as an oddity in this harsh world. Ria's feline instincts told her he was harmless, perhaps even lost. With a gentle leap, she landed in front of the boy, her paws making almost no sound on the wooden counter.

She tilted her head, observing him with curiosity. He definitely didn't belong out here, but who was she to tell him to go back home? Straightening her posture, the feline mewed softly, and her collar glowed faintly, a touch of the Force imbued within it.

"What can I get you?" The soft, melodious voice seemed to emanate from the collar, matching the gentle yet inquisitive look in her eyes.

The sounds of a knife slicing through fresh vegetables against a cutting board, coupled with the bubbling of noodles in boiling water, filled the small stand. Ria's ears twitched at the familiar sounds, and she briefly glanced over toward IG-11, who was diligently manning the station, its mechanical hands moving with precision and care.

"You can build your own bowl if you want, pick your broth, veggies, and protein. New concept we're trying." The cat's tail swished languidly in the air, her voice casual yet inviting. Ria, then at the options laid out before him, an array of fresh ingredients displayed in neat rows. The vibrant colors of the vegetables, the richness of the broths, and the variety of proteins were a testament to the care taken in preparing each meal. Ria watched him with patient eyes, her presence both a comfort and a subtle encouragement.

Ria leaned closer, her whiskers twitching. She nudged a small menu toward him with her paw, her eyes never leaving his face. "Don't be shy," her collar chimed softly. "Try something new."


Soldane watched as not a server, but a cat approached him. He studied it for a second, thought about reaching out to stroke at its head, but stiffened in surprise as it spoke. Spoke? Rather, its collar seemed to echo a voice that sounded all too sentient. It forced Soldane to gape for a moment before collecting himself and glancing to the menu laid before him.​
"I uh... Sorry - a talking cat?", he mused as he looked back up to her.​
"Is that collar alchemic?", he said with a motion towards it, not even considering the consequences of admitting his ahead of his age knowledge in Force traditions. To the wrong person, it would label him a Sith, or someone else valuable. In the slums of Jutrand, being valuable and vulnerable was a death sentence.​
"I've just never seen something like it.", he said with a slight grin, glancing back to the menu as he buried his hands in his lap.​
Even more interesting, was the freedom to choose what he wanted to make. He had the luxury of freedom of choice in what he would eat, but he had very little training or knowledge in how to cook. Despite his father's skill in the culinary arts, Srina Talon Srina Talon failed at almost everything she cooked - and Soldane had seemed to inherit that handicap. He mused for a few seconds then pointed out a few options. A few options that clearly would not mesh as well as he imagined they would.​
"What about these?", he said with a widening grin, excited at the choices he was given.​

The Cat Knows Where It's At
Ria chuckled, her tail swishing lazily. "Is that really so surprising?" she asked, her voice carrying a sing-song quality. She chuckled again as the young man tried to figure out her collar. "It is a gift from a friend," was all Ria would say about the collar around her neck. The orange and white feline waited patiently as the boy decided on what kind of meal he wanted.

She watched and waited, gazing at him without judgment, then moved to prepare the meal he had selected. "Eleven, prepare the blue milk as well," she instructed. The boy had requested a spicy Buldak sauce, a lovely cut of protein, and plenty of noodles and vegetables. "You'll find the meal is going to spark quite the fire," she warned.

"The blue milk is here for you. Do not drink water; it will make the fire worse," Ria explained, then watched as Eleven prepared the boy's meal. "Tell me, what has you so far from your... humble abode?" She knew he didn't belong out here and wondered what had brought him to her stall that evening. He was a far cry from the typical vagabonds and lurkers who ordered food from her stall.


"Um... I'm not far from home.", he said dismissively, though a poor lie as he averted his eyes. He was obviously far from home.​
As the meal came out, he smelled it - the spice of it hit his nose and instantly cleared his sinuses. It almost made his eyes water, but there was a brief moment where he could consider how this might taste - and inspite of a sudden fear that this could be too spicy, he had too much pride in his first chance to choose what he ate and went with it. He would not allow his mistake to be known. He loved spice. He lived spice. He had to become the spice.​
"I suppose I just wanted to explore. Get out, see things for once.", he said after a moment, preparing himself to fall into a fire of ramen.​
His first bites went exactly how they were expected. Slow, painful, and slowly building heat on top of heat as he refused to acknowledge his mistake. There was water, and there was the blue milk, but he didn't touch either as hot chili sauce formed a growing tender ring around his lips. He wiped at it every few bites, but the tenderness of it only grew harsher. He coughed, sputtered a bit, but eventually the spice began to drive him over the edge...​
Into a sense of euphoria. The sweat on his head, the pain in his mouth, it all seemed to dull as his brain released all the endorphins it could to keep him upright. The pain and torture he put himself through just for his pride had rewarded him with a natural body high that dragged his senses from him - at least slightly.​
"Wow...", he eventually said, slowly losing the ability to feel the pain in his mouth.​
"It was... good... but uh - a bit hot...", he said with a slight cough. He had eaten more of it than anyone could guess - but there was still half a bowl of food left, uneaten.​
"Could I have a Coca-Cola too?"​

The Cat Knows Where It's At

Ria recognized the haughtiness in the child's dismissive words. Rather than press the lad on it, she let it go, and in her usual sing-song manner, replied, "Then it must be nice to see things, for once." She added a touch of flair to the last word. The cat watched intently as the young man began to sweat and cough. He was, in a phrase, toughing it out.

"Of course," she remarked, moving toward the cooler that was held together by tape. Placing a paw on Eleven's forearm, the droid seemed to know at once what she wanted. It handed her the bottle, which she nudged toward the boy. "One coca-cola. Now, I do suggest the milk before the cola. However, if you wish to experience pain, then I encourage you to do the cola before the milk." Sith were a rather weird lot in that manner. Ria had seen plenty of it during her time on Eshan. Spencer and Ashin were certainly unique. She missed them both quite dearly.

The cat studied the boy a little further. "Mmhmm, well, the streets of Jutrand can be quite foul. Most especially for someone not-so-far-from-home." She pawed her way toward him. "Do you plan on staying out long?"


Soldane contemplated taking the Coke first anyway, as though it would prove himself strong. In spite of his euphoric endorphin dump, sense overcame him and he acquiesced, drinking the milk first. It helped settle the spice, and after a few gulps helped settle the stomach ache that was forming in his gut. A spice ball was going to make its way through his abdomen, and Soldane was sure he would feel it for the coming day.​
"Thank you...", he said as he moved to sip from the soda. It was sweet, dark, rich. It was something he had had only rarely - all too concerned with his health and fitness on the Malsheem. It would be a small treat he would give himself before he went on to the Academy, where he doubted he would get any more.​
"Uh - I mean to go home by sunlight. A few hours?", he said unsure. He usually just wandered until he got bored, or went too far. He only had so much time to get back before Bedford rose to take care of their morning routine. Part of that would be to force Soldane out of bed.​
"After that, I dunno.", he shrugged.​

The Cat Knows Where It's At
The dystopian world of Jutrand loomed with its darkened skies and flickering neon lights casting eerie shadows across the streets. Amidst the hustle and cold indifference of the city, Ria, an orange and white cat, sat perched, observing a young boy with curiosity.

So the boy does have manners
, Ria mused to herself as her tail flicked back and forth. It was clear to her that he was trying to hide, and she would not begrudge him for it. Someone of his kind would do well to keep a low profile on a world like Jutrand. He had answered honestly that he would be out for some time, and what a world to wander.

Carefully, Ria padded closer to the boy, stopping just short of his hands. She studied him in the way that cats are wont to do. "I see," she responded, her gaze unwavering. Glancing over her shoulder, she added, "Make sure to close on time, Eleven."

"Would you care for a dessert? Manjus are good, and today we have a special: Matcha with red beans. Seoularians and Atrisians love it. There's also a vanilla one today; we were quite lucky that these came in. They have a lovely cinnamon flavor in the center."

"If you are to wander these dangerous streets, perhaps you need not do so alone," the cat offered. She was certain he wouldn't always be alone; there would be eyes watching him because he was so young. Traffickers often sought out the young ones. "If you agree to be the shoulder I am on, I can go with you."

The distant hum of machinery and the occasional shouts from unseen alleyways punctuated the night, making the world outside seem even more perilous. Ria's offer hung in the air, a small beacon of companionship in a city that often felt devoid of it.


"Seoularians didn't go extinct?", Soldane said with obvious curiousity.​
"Sorry - I just read that somewhere.", he offered as he glanced back to the menu. Noticing his Haru's name, he hesitated on it for a moment before moving on. After a second, and third read, he decided he was going to spoil himself. As any child with a credit card with no limits would.​
"I'd like some of the 'Carnifex Candy'. Two, of each flavor, to go.", he said with a bit of a mouth watering anticipation.​
"Actually, two of anything that won't melt. I like to share with my sister."​
He knew Lunaria Talon Lunaria Talon wouldn't let him live it down if he snuck out to eat great food and didn't bring her back anything. He could almost hear her even now in the back of his mind, whining and hitting him. Come to think of it, she actually hit pretty hard.​
"I'll take one of the matcha though. I can eat it while we go!", he said, offering Ria the Cat Ria the Cat his shoulder.​
"I don't really have anywhere I need to go, and this was the only place on my list I wanted to see tonight. Got anything nearby that would be cool?"​

The Cat Knows Where It's At
The cat simply shrugged, her eyes half-closed in a contented manner. "What was gone returns with the sound of the Vong. The four hundred years of darkness is shrouded in mystery, no?" Her voice was soothing, a gentle reminder to the youngster that not everything is as the old and perhaps outdated texts have mentioned. "It matters not, for now you are informed."

"It offers a type of wabi-sabi, doesn't it?" Ria purred, appreciating the beauty in the imperfection and impermanence of life. She moved gracefully to fetch the orders as the youngster gave them. "But of course, what a good brother you are."

"Yes, of course," she agreed, helping the boy to a matcha-flavored snack. Her fur brushed softly against his hand, a comforting presence in the bustling marketplace. When he told her that he had little where else he wanted to go, Ria popped up to his shoulder with a light, graceful leap.

"Oh, I have nowhere I need to be, but I can go where you go," she said, her voice as mellow as the gentle breeze that rustled the leaves above them. The cat enjoyed seeing new places and exploring, finding joy in the simple pleasures of life. "Perhaps we bring a meal back to your sister, mhmm?" Ria's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she imagined the adventures that lay ahead, her heart light and free.


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