Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Straying from the path

It felt wrong to turn up at the homestead without something in his hands. Normally he brought something for the twins or food and drink. Gabriel had sounded quite put out over the comm so Jacen had cancelled his morning session with his Padawan and borrowed one of the New Jedi Order shuttles.

Jacen rarely kept his thoughts and feelings from his face; he was just a naturally expressive individual. So when Gabe opened the door the look of concern would be clear on his face.

[member="The Revenant"]
It had been an interesting time for the man, to say the least. Returning from Dromund Kaas with ashes and bones, being promoted only to refuse the offering by Omai Rhen, he had felt the twinge of relief in sending the message. He wasn’t sure he could tell the old battle master in person, his insistence likely to overwhelm what Gabriel felt was the right choice. But there was something that lingered at the back of his mind, the shift he felt in the alliance. First, the argument he had with Chevu, just below the homestead. And then the departure of her master from the Galactic Alliance, stomping off into some unknown space of the universe to likely sulk or lick imagined wounds.

There was a furrowed brow upon expression as he opened the door to greet the Jedi Marshall. An expression darkened by the toiling of a mind, nights spent with drink in hand and an overabundance of thought. A Jedi Marshall, one whom was also the mother of his children, was using the Dark Side, and with a particular efficiency. And her Master, being the unstable sort to storm off, had done evidently nothing to nip it in the bud. And if he had, it hadn't worked.

There was always concern over Gabriel in the Galactic Alliance. Even still, even after everything he had done, he still felt the eyes of those who couldn’t forget the atrocities of his face. The killing and murdering done by his brother, he wore the badge now with a lack of upbeat attitude that Jacen may have grown accustomed to. He gave a customary smirk and nodded for the man to come in.

Jacen...caf? Maybe something stronger?” For his time on Sullust, he had given up drink entirely during Chev's pregnancy. But now, it gave him the opportunity to not overthink things.

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
[member="The Revenant"]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Jacen read the deep lines of concern etched across Gabriel's features. The owner of the Homestead had never seemed one to blow a trivial matter out of proportion. Omai had expressed his disappointment to Jacen that the offer of a position within the New Jedi Order had been turned down. Jacen had, in fact, been pleased. Not everyone had to give up all they had to fight the war. Those words of warning he'd imparted to Chevu still rang true and he was glad, for Gabe, Avalore and the Twins that he would be staying rooted here. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Glass of something strong would do you just fine Gabriel. What's eating you up?” he asked in a serious tone as he followed him into the building. [/SIZE]
Yeah, you are probably right…” The pathway led into the family and bar room, depending on the need at the time. It was pretty obvious where that lied currently. Motioning for Jacen to take a seat, Gabe started up the caf machine and pulled a couple glasses from the cupboard. He scratched his beard, looking up at the whiskey, before settling on a ten year malt. He set the bottle down on the bar top and sighed.

Well…” He thought about it, trying to discern which bit of news to break first. Pursing out his lips, a furrowed brow followed and he nodded. “Omai asked me to look at the lightsaber hilt of Darth Vornskr. I’ve spent a good deal of time trying to sort it out. Over the past four days, visions from the hilt have been getting progressively stronger. At first I thought it was from the past…” He uncorked the whiskey and filled two glasses, dropping a bit of ice in each. Bringing one glass over to Jacen, Gabe took a seat.

“You see, he’s resurrected from the netherworld before. The last time I can recall, it was during that great disappearance. I suspect corruption of the dark side has given him a proficiency for re-animation. And I suspect he will do it again, in the very near future...As I have already warned Omai.

He took a sip from the drink, after first smelling it, expression fading at the fact that this wasn’t really the reason he had called Jacen to Sulon, why he needed to tell him in person. “The other bit is about Coren and Chev…

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

Jacen took a swing from the glass at that, composing his thoughts. “Useful to know you’re a psychometrist. I’ve been trying to nail down the skill - obviously useful for an investigator - but early days still,” he said. His mouth screwed up for a few seconds. Gabriel might have thought it was at the mention of the youngest Marshal, but he was in fact recalling his own experience during the Rapture.

“Is there any way we can try and prevent the resurrection?” Jacen asked. He swilled the whiskey around the glass, noting the patterns it drew around the walls. “Or do you want to tell me about Chevu first?”
“I can do both. The answer to the first question is quite...well, not simple.” He sniffed, taking another drink, not noticing the gesture of the man in response to the rapture. Reverance had spent most of the time carving a bloody path through planets, relatively unimpeded, and thus Gabe had dealt with very little. “I suspect the ritual will require his followers to complete it. So we stop them, we delay it. But as I have learned with pyschometry, it is purely for the viewing of the future. Not the altering. It messes with the mind to attempt to perceive it, absent the use of other powers.” Like Shatterpoint, he could spend his time attempting to discern the potential fulcrum for which this path swung. But he had never done so on a potential future reading, as opposed to the here and now. It was simply an additional level of complication, like trying to stop a branch from budding. It would just grow from another section, not willing to acquiesce for the righteous purpose of gathering more sun. Or in this case, bringing the Voice back to life.

As for Chev…” He exhaled loudly, taking another drink, before standing to refill the glass. He grabbed the bottle and walked back to the seat. Pulling the cork from the bottle, he refilled his glass and Jacen’s. “I cornered her in the armory below here. Well, not cornered. But I did draw out an argument. It was over a...personal matter. It’s neither here nor there. But while fighting, she utilized the dark side to power a force wave. Dislocated my arm, workbench is still dented from the impact.

He swished the drink around. “The thing is, it’s not the first time she’s used it. There was a sort of efficiency in her use. Most people who turn and use powers like that in the moment, it’s unfocused and clumsy. But hers…” He shook his head. “It’s not the first time it’s happened. Which leads to her Master.” He looked towards Jacen.

Three options. He hasn’t seen her use it. Or he has seen her use it and doesn’t care. Or he has seen her use it and has been unable to rectify it. Either way…” He took another sip, not sure if he was completely ready to give the man the benefit of a doubt. “I’m concerned over it and how Omai will respond when he finds out. I think Chev needs help and...I don’t know if I can be the one to help her.

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
[member="The Revenant"]

“Hmmn,” Jacen made a small, throaty noise of disapproval. “And she damaged a work bench?” he added with a raised eyebrow. “Sorry, not the time,” he quickly added before taking a sip of whiskey.

Leaning forwards he placed his glass on the table and stayed with his elbows on his knees, a look of consternation on his face. There was silence as he pondered what to say.

“Well kriff,” he said before sighing. “When she gave up the twins I thought she was becoming more emotionally detached. I had a long talk with her, back when you left. Spoke about what she was willing to sacrifice. Made it clear it was on her to make the decision and not the council. She slept on the decision and took the promotion.

“I'm sorry,” he added as his eyes met Gabriel's. “I couldn't turn down her acceptance of the position. I tried to explain what she was giving up, what it might cost her. That was all I could do. Rhen sees only the war…and that's good. That's right. For what it's worth I'm glad you're staying here. I've already got Stali with me so much of the time,” he added, looking out through the window wistfully. Gabriel often got the more relaxed Jacen that was attempting to be a good comrade in arms, but now the Marshal was lost to introspective thought.

“I'll deal with it,” he added quietly. He seemed to have to deal with a lot these days. It was a wonder they managed to fight the One Sith at all given how much emotional pain there was here. He wondered if one day they would all snap, turn all that pain against their enemies. The One Sith would be obliterated in a tsunami of rage only to be replaced by something far worse. “I'll try and talk her into grounding herself voluntarily so she can get some help. If she won't see reason…” he didn't finish the sentence. Jacen would need to talk to [member="Aela Talith"]. “We'll need to talk out some operational details on the other matter but we can't do that here.”
"She deserved the rank, she still does." He said, not sure he was reassuring the Jedi Marshall or himself. Maybe a bit of both. Taking a sip from his drink, he shook his head, sucking air between his teeth. "It's not your fault Jacen. The darkside is something we all must deal with, in our own ways. It's an ever present temptation, some of us turn from the fire that burns while others...they embrace it." What was Chev doing now? She was holding her hand in the flame and denying it hurt. As so many before her, she would claim amnesty from its affects while using it when it suited her.

He exhaled, not liking the feeling of telling Jacen the Jedi Marshall this bit of truth. He was looking for Jacen the friend, but he knew such matters would be delegated to the former. It was unfortunate but perhaps necessary, she was spiraling out of control even if she couldn't tell. And she wasn't getting the help she needed. Giving a nod to the man, he stood up and stretched, trying to smack the rust of several days from his body. "I didn't take the rank, but that doesn't mean I can't help."

He leaned against the bar, silently hoping that words coming from Jacen would be better received by the Mirialan. Gabe was a point of confusion, feelings displaced for the disparity of a relationship that didn't mold, he could only do so much. "What can I do to help?"

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
@The Revenanchist

“Oh many things,” Jacen replied. He finished the drink in one swig. In one smooth motion he stood up and moved to the bar beside Gabriel, placing his glass down. That simple movement betrayed the balance and grace of an experiences Jedi swordsman. Elbows on the bar, he leant forwards and looked across at Gabriel.

“If you’re any good at casework there’s a backlog held back down on Sullust. All the worlds of the Protectorate were fairly independent back then. We’re still trying to convince them to play nicely and a room of stubborn sixty-something Chief Inspectors are hard to convince to link up all their systems to permit Alliance personnel and Jedi Investigators to work effectively across Alliance space,” he said before he sighed. “Another glass?” he asked hopefully.

He actually watched, really watched, Gabriel for a moment. The revelation that Chevu had potentially been practising the Dark Side had knocked him off kilter and he hadn’t thought how all this would be playing out for the father of her children.

“How are you dealing with all this Gabe?” he asked quietly. “I’m not going to pretend I know what the deal is between you both, but this has got to be the icing on the cake of kark right?”
"Sounds like you need a diplomat." He said with a forced smile, opening the bottle and filling both glasses half way once more. "Have them send the casework here or Baron's Hed. I'll see what I can do. They might look better upon someone closer to their age." Or well beyond their age, a mind mired in a past that was as likely to crumble from the wear and tear of time then be properly recalled. He eyed the glass, jutting out his jaw and shook his head.

"I'm not dealing with it..." He said with another smile, this one genuine at the obvious naive nature in the man. Things needed to be handled but for the life of him, he couldn't manage it. Not with so many other things to deal with. He turned and looked towards the glass on the back wall of the sink, mirrored reflection of a tired man who needed to give everything he had. Or worry that it might be squandered in idle thought, worrying about the feelings of a woman and how he might interpret it. "I don't know what the deal is between us, I suspect I never will. But a relationship born of misfortune isn't likely to thrive..." He took a sip from the drink and exhaled, tired. He hung his head over his glass, moving it back and forth. Was it his place to tell of her secret, assuming it was even a secret anymore. He doubted anyone knew, they couldn't, not with the recent turn of events.

"She's with another now. Which is fine, so long as she's happy." He wasn't sure if he felt jealousy anymore as much as protectiveness, not approving of who she had chosen. But would he ever approve of anyone? He wondered. "I have the twins, I have Ava and Staali, I've got the Alliance, and I've got you and the Hounds..." He clinked his glass against Jacen's, smirking softly. "Its hard to pity a man with a family."

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

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