Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Street Music For You Kitties (Open)

DJ Dog Face

Location: The Open Streets Of Coruscant.
Reason: To Spread The Love And Joy.

Haha DJ Dog Face on Coruscant how nice, a planet full of creature's from classy to sleezy. Dog Face smiled as he put his leather jacket with cut sleeves over his white shirt, then his Doo Rag, and finally his sunglasses, even though it was the night.

He walked out with a big smile and stood on the sidewalk, there was a decent crowd, but he was happy. A band sat on the small stage, it was funny because it was on the sidewalk. 'Gotta start somewhere DJ Dog Face' Dog Face said before he walked in front of the band.

"Hello people of Coruscant, your either high class citizens or lowlife scum. Dont worry, I was just joking, I love y'all, Hey while th war rages on between the sith and republic, we are just fine sitting right here." He looked at the crowd with a even bigger smile observing the crowd he felt happy.

"Without further a do kitties, the Womprat Pack!" He said before walking off the stage and to the alleyway where some of the equipment was. He toom a breath then lit a smoke. "This is the life Dog Face." He laughed he loved to make people happy.

Almost time to get baack on stage.
Mike walks the streets of Coruscant with his guitar hanging from his back, contemplating how he should handle his newfound powers. All his life, he had found the most happiness in playing music for people, but now it was dangerous. Really dangerous. If he had the urge to play guitar he would have to go somewhere where no one was around. He'd never be able to perform again...

Just as he began to get depressed, Mike heard the sound of music coming from up the street. His face perks up and he starts walking faster toward the sound before turning the corner into an alleyway to see [member="DJ Dog Face"] looking out the other side of the alley, watching the Womprat Pack play their music. Mike walks closer, staring at the band and smiling longingly at them as he bobs his head to the song.

DJ Dog Face

The band sounded pretty good, they had potential.

The Jazzy DJ heard a noise from behind him, he turned around. It was a man, he was bobbing his head to the music.

"Hello, galactic civilian, what are ya doing back there?" He asked in a cheerful voice.
He walked closer and smiled at the man.

He reached out his hand. "I'm the Best DJ around, DJ Dog Face, at your sevice."

[member="Metalhead Mike"]
Mike looks at Dog Face and smiles. "Hey DJ. I just heard the music and I thought I'd come check it out." He said, shaking his hand. "These guys rock. Whats the band's name?" He looks back at the stage and the crowd, remembering when he use to do shows like this. There was nothing else like it.

[member="DJ Dog Face"] [member="stardust"]

DJ Dog Face

"The Womprat Pack, they're a pretty good band! To me music is the life of the galaxy, it keeps us normal people sane." He said with a laugh.

He looked at the stage the music began to die down.

"Ok kid, I gotta go back up." He said before going up to the stage again.

"Hello Kitties, that was The Womprat Pack, pretty good for a new band. Hey yall, I love you guys so I've decided to put them on again." He said while looking at [member="stardust"] and giving a bright smile.

He walked back into the alleyway and looked at the man.

"Hey kid, have I seen you before?" He said taking his sunglasses off for a better look.

[member="Metalhead Mike"]
Mike looked at Dog Face and his smile faded slightly. "I uh... no I don't think so... I'm just a drifter really." He said, smiling nervously. Mike figured that his old band was small enough that no one would recognize him, but this man seemed to know the music scene well. "You might have just seen me walking around the streets or something..." He says, breaking eye contact with the man and looking back out into the crowd.

[member="DJ Dog Face"] [member="stardust"]

DJ Dog Face

Dog Face looked at the man

"You long to go out there dont you?"

Dog Face said, he seemed as if he wanted to go out there
[member="Metalhead Mike"]
Mike continues staring into the crowd from the alleyway, thinking to himself. He shakes his head "I haven't uhh..... played a show in a long time... last time didn't go so well." he said, looking at [member="stardust"] as he scans over the crowd. The dancing and the music really did make him want to play. He knew he'd be putting the audience at risk, but there was always that thought in the back of his head saying "maybe i could control it this time".

[member="DJ Dog Face"]

DJ Dog Face

The DJ looked at him and frowned

"What happened last time?" He asked looking him straight in the eyes.

Something about music, but how, music is a living breathing thing, it gives joy t go all, what could have possibly happened to that Jazzy cat? Dog Face thought to himself.

[member="Metalhead Mike"]
"They just.... I don't think the audience liked it very much." He says, shrugging his shoulders as he smirks at the twi'lek girl in the crowd. "Maybe if I played really slowly it would be easier to control", he thought.

[member="DJ Dog Face"] [member="stardust"]

DJ Dog Face

"Music is from the soul, it doesn't matter what it sounds like."

DJ said with a smile.

[member="Metalhead Mike"]
Mike nods his head slightly. "Yeah... I know..." He looks at Dog Face with a smile. "... Maybe I could play just a little something in between the bands... You know, while they get set up?"

[member="DJ Dog Face"] [member="stardust"]

DJ Dog Face

"Yeah I will tell them and welcome you on after their next jam."

He lookes at stardust

"Hello madam"

He said with a bright smile.

@stardust@Metalhead Mike
"Ok cool." He said with a nod and a twinkle of hope in his eye. Just then, the twi'lek girl from the crowd came up and started talking to them. Mike looks her up and down and then smiles. "Yeah, not bad at all... Who are theses guys again? The Willy Womprats, or something?"

[member="DJ Dog Face"] [member="stardust"]

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