Pactum Serva.
Galactic City, Coruscant - Unity Day

It was a time for mourning, and a time for celebration.
Five years have passed since the birth of the Galactic Alliance. In our early days, it was a time of prosperity. The Starbird's light shined throughout the entirety of the core, uniting it under one banner once more. The economy soared, crime fell. It was the nation dreamed of so long, in a galaxy who needed such a beacon to guide them.
When the war came, it threatened to shatter us. First fighting alongside the Imperials- then embarking on our own to make our mark. A successful start to the Stygian Campaign heralded calls of greatness. Good had come to drive out evil once more. But slowly, the front eroded, our fleets and armies left vulnerable in Sith space for months. Night after night, families questioned if their loved ones would ever return home.
Their questions were finally answered. Our fleet returned, the survivors wounded and wary, but back home nonetheless. It was only appropriate that our men and women returned the week of Unity Day - the dull spark of hope was kindled once more by their arrival, just as it was five years ago, when the charter was signed. Bilbringi was the first stop- repairs were much needed. They were met by the democratic envoy sent to secure the shipyards for the Alliance one and for all. While senators thanked the men for their service and signed deals, news spread like wildfire. Spirits soared high as the streets of Galactic City were cleared and prepared for the coming parade. And on the day of, they appeared in the sky, met by cheers and confetti thrown from rooftops. Five single x-wings soared above the crowds. The roars of the engines heralded another dawn.
Go forth, drink, and be merry, but remember to light a candle for those who didn't make it out of the Caldera.

Public officials, military officers, allies, B-list celebrities. No invitation was spared for the Unity Ball. The exquisite ballroom of 500 republica is decorated in blue and gold, the bar open and ready. This is a chance to visit and recollect, or for our more opportunistic individuals, schmooze and forge connections.
SUB-OBJECTIVE: Grandiose not your style? That's alright. Shady bars on the lower levels begrudgingly open their doors to the seedier patriots, capitalizing on the revenue. Wayfaring strangers and lowlives welcome.

Even on a day as chaotic as Unity Day, there are methodical decisions. Security in most governmental buildings has been reduced to compensate for the crowds outdoors. It is well-known that the forces on guard duty take such lightly, perhaps enjoying a drink and watching the parade via holonet at their stations. Whilst the others celebrate, take advantage- cause a little trouble.

For some, today marks a solemn day. Those who held to hope their MIA dear ones would return home were crushed when they didn't. Their grief spawned action; a memorial service in the Federal District, advocating for a more peaceful Alliance, is taking place. Those wishing to show support are welcome, and several soldiers have been invited to speak on their stories.