Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stressed and Tired

Due to a combination of medical issues, mental stress, and some things that I should have handled better, I'm going to be taking December to spend with family and friends. If I'm feeling better by then, I'll see you all in January. If not, well... then I'll be back when I can be. Whenever that is. I'm sorry to the people whos threads I'm dropping, but I think I need the time away from the mess of emotions I have relating to this board. Hopefully, the time away will help that.

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[member=Alyva Terrix] [member=Cairyn Midore] [member=Causstik Rahn] [member=Tamith-Kes] [member=Darth Metus]

Stephanie Swail

[member="Lady Psyona"] Stay well - take it easy and we will be here when you return. Have a very happy holidays if we don't see you before :)

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