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Approved Species Stretefesh Hound

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Intent: A little bit of all the above. The intent of this is to add a new species of sub-sentient canines to the lore of this world. Which can be utilized for PvE threads, and PvP threads of all sorts. Several of these canines will serve as one of my character's eventual pets and will be available for other character's uses later.
​Image Credit: N/A
Canon: N/A
Links: (Eventually, the initial species discovery thread.)

Name: Stretefesh (streh-teh-fetch) Hound
Designation: Semi-Sentient
Origins: Fenris [Homeworld]
Average Lifespan: 97 SGY
Estimated Population: Planetary (Fenris), Potential for Scattered later
Description: The Stretefesh Hound is a relatively long living canine with a relatively large build. It's fur is often red, brown, and holds a hint of midnight blue OR jade green in it's pattern. The coat's length ranges from short to long based off of climate. It's back is covered with black and grey quills which appear glossy as if coated. Eye colors are generally grey, green, and brown. Rarity for violet. Pupils adapt to light as they are crepuscular, most active around twilight, and for some odd reason they emit a cinnamon like scent.

Breathes: Ideal environment is Type 1. Strongly tolerates type 2 (Maybe showing signs of mild agitation)
Average Height Of Adults: 1.312 meters
Average Length Of Adults: 2.9 meters
Skin Color: Brown, red
Hair Color: Brown or red fur with patches of midnight blue or jade green woven in.
Distinctions: Males are noticeably larger than females. As well as hold an almost diamond like imprint on their foreheads. Females usually have more quills and a "bird spreading its wings like" mark on their foreheads. To define maturity one must really go off of size.
Races: N/A
Force Sensitivity: All


+ Neurotoxic Quills: Their backs feature one directional facing quills which deliver a non-fatal neurotoxin that oftentimes causes a victim to experience hallucinations, numbness, paralysis, and unconsciousness. Generally, in that order. These quills while not offensive, do a great job protecting from most flanking attacks.

+ Force Sensitive: All Stretefesh hounds display force sensitivity which also likely is linked to their unusual level of intellect for a canine species. This is shown in various degrees within a pack. The Alpha's generally display the strongest connectivity to the force while other pack members with strong force sensitivity take higher positions in the social hierarchy.

They tend to use force techniques through specialized barks, motions, and howls. Often times they perform force techniques in pairs, or groups to increase the effectiveness of the technique. As often times, by themselves the technique is limited in efficacy, and quite taxing against their endurance. There are a few exceptions. (Such as the alpha, beta, and enforcers within an exceptionally gifted pack)

+ Force techniques: Force Sense seems to be the only passive ability all members possess from birth. As such, active altering and control techniques seem to be limited to only a couple abilities at a time before force strain hits. With the exception of Alpha, Beta, and Enforcer Stretefesh hounds who seem to have a naturally higher amount of force potential.

+ Adaptive/Intelligent: Stretefesh hounds are highly adaptive to situations and relatively decent problem solvers. Often times they learn to overcome obstacles in a matter of seconds for simple problems, to minutes, for more challenging barriers.

While not book smart (obviously) they are quite excellent at developing tactics. They are also adept at picking up new skills. In addition, they seem to be very good at communicating with one another.

+ Teamwork: Stretefesh hounds shine most brightly in their ability to read each-other and work with one another. This is likely due to the fact they are highly reliant on each other for survival.

+ Agile and Stealthy: These animals are fast and maneuverable while also being able to remain rather quiet and evasive. This allows them to flank, out-maneuver, dodge, and strike locations to weaken and eventually kill their prey.


- Durability: Compared to most canines of this size. They aren't designed to trade too many blows for blows. This can be offset somewhat by armor of course. Though in nature a good couple of arrows, or a nice slice with a lightsaber is more than plenty to bring them down.

- Force Strain: Often times these creatures were incapable of using active force powers (like force push, force stasis) for extended periods or large repetitions. Often times this is due to force sense always being passively active in them. Except for when they are burnt out. Mostly they are limited to one or two techniques before needing a few days rest to recover strength. These as offset by their teamwork, and stronger members could use a bit more techniques before reaching the same result. Though more times than not. This forced the hounds to rely on force techniques as only a last resort.

- Pack Reliant: A Stretefesh hound was often times. Guaranteed to die if it became a loner. For one most tactics and hunting required a small group to be effective. Secondly, due to the absence of social requirements it was not uncommon for the creature to lose the will to live. Finally, often times force techniques no longer became a viable crutch to lean on. As often times with some exceptions. It took a pair or small group to make a technique formidable.

- High Metabolism: Often times these creatures require a couple meals a day to survive. Which means without the proper resources. The pack is prone to starving itself out.

Diet: Omnivorous, typically able to tolerate most meats and plants. Only really limited by their ability to take down a giving species during a hunt.
Communication: While they do utilize barks, yips, howls, growls, snarls and teeth snapping, due to their force connection, it is possible they also possess limited levels of telepathy or empathy. This can assist in communication among pack members and other Stretefesh hounds. Their audible language is "Canine" in that respect but they are able to understand many other languages and are even able to think them, though, they definitely cannot "speak" them. The Animal Control force technique might allow communication through telepathy to others, provided, that a strong bond was made.

Barks seem to be broken into two types. Combat oriented which tend to be sharp pitched, with high volume, and quick. Then social. Which end up being more low volume, and relaxed.

Technology level: Assisted. While usually not very capable of utilizing tech of any sort. This changes if a sentient species equips the creatures with technology specifically designed for them. (i.e. armor, packs, cloaking or comm devices) Due to the creatures adaptive nature and intellect.
Religion/Beliefs: Pack structure. The pack is often times loyal to it and it's members. As well as it follows a structured chain of command. With an Alpha at the head. A beta at second, and a set of 2-4 enforcers. Depending on the size of the pack.

General Behavior:
-Crepuscular (most active around twilight)
- Pack oriented
- Monogamous
- Mating is a courtship process and often times is done through paired hunts together.
- Litters often consist of 3-5 pups.
- Both maternal and paternal figures play large roles in raising young.
- These hounds trade duties of babysitting so other members can hunt and defend borders.
- They show good adaptive skills, teamwork skills, and are relatively social.
- While packs tend to be separate from other packs, and territorial. They are often lenient to other hounds passing through, and will sometimes even form temporary 'alliances' to deal with a common threat, or accomplish goals that benefit both parties. This is especially more common if packs share close relatives amongst each other.
- Packs often consist of 10-30 members. When the number exceeds 45 they will often times. Have the pack divide into two separate packs. Splitting the number to a similar size grouping, and heading off separate ways. The current territory becoming neutral. Until a different pack claims it.
- hunting parties are generally 3-4 members who work as a team. One of them almost always in an enforcer, a beta, or an alpha. To provide additional force power strength if needed for a dire situation.
- Sometimes when an alpha is defied, a pack member might be ousted and is expected to survive on its own (which is often a death sentence) or to find/form a different pack.

On the world of Fenris the Stretefesh hound was born. From what exactly? Well.. Honestly that proves to be a mystery. Though whatever the case. Originally, these canines were part of the jungle regions, as the abundance of plant and animal life was most suitable for them to live around.

However, soon competition with a horse sized lizard species forced the canines to move out. They had to take refuge along the plains, coasts, and mostly mountainous regions of the land. Due to eventual growing needs for food they would occasionally adapt raiding tactics, and work around their reptilian nemesis from the past, often times sneaking past them as a means to get additional food from the jungles, before returning to the safety of their territories.

This constant spurring of adaptability in order to survive, eventually, lead to the ability to form communication among themselves. Through this, as well as trial and error, they also developed problem solving skills. How this species interacts with humans however is yet to be seen.
[member="Seth Brackson"]

These guys don't exactly sound cuddly but they do sound cool!

I did notice that the template seems to have gotten a little broken up top/missing words. If you were editing from your phone - Do you want me to fix it for you?

Also, if you'd like to add an image later on, just ask that the sub be moved to Pre-Codex later via the Submission Modification thread and you can edit it in. In the meantime you can just mark it as "N/A" since there isn't an image to have credit for yet.

Tag me and let me know how to proceed [If you'd just like me to go ahead and fix the format...]. Otherwise, the sub is solid and good to go.

Thank you!
[member="Seth Brackson"]

Allrighty. Take a peek when you can and make sure it's all up to snuff. I fixed the broken parts of the template and made sure there was only one of everything. There were actually two language/communication sections. The actual content remains entirely the same, aside, from the addition of a few "commas" here or there instead of endstops.

More or less - I just fixed the template and made it easier to read. xD

Let me know if it's okay for you.
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