Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stroke of Death

Korriban, the red sand mist was harsh, cruel, unforgiving, Just like Kyla. As she walked up to the men guarding the gate her hair flickered through the air. She walked up to the nearby table and sat. She needed to kill her Master to become a Lord, freeing herself to do as ever she pleases. Unlike other Sith, her taste for freedom could not be sated. She needed to figure out a way to kill him, but just how? Then the idea struck on her head. She'll need lackeys to gather her powerful relics of the Sith, then with that power she could kill him easy. But just who will help her?
She contacted people privately, and got them to come to a specific location, there she waited, in the shadow of a Sith tomb, she thought to herself of the power she would have, her ability with the force would improve, now she just waited, waited to begin.
Aeksurdirr's life was full of bizarre adventures strange quests all over the galaxy, it had made him just grow...used to it. Yet another one had begun this time, now on Korriban, the Gen'Dai had taken a small shuttle to the location, arriving among the red sands. Minutes and minutes of walking across them was rather relaxing, for a planet with such past, it remembered him of other planets, places that he had seen. The Gen'Dai finally reached his goal, staring down from a large rock, as if watching the enviroment. This moment of silent was broken by a leap, and a cloud of red dust rising up on the air.

"Hello." A cloak was draped over his shoulders, covering the heavy plates underneath. The tall figure lifted his hand up, waving to [member="Kyla Asla"].

"I'm trusting you enough to come here, so remember to give me a reward or something." Aeksurdirr's voice didn't seem really focused, as if he was thinking of something else, or simply not paying attention at all.
“So, one of my contacts has arrived, you’ll be rewarded, surely, my target has riches and relics, you’ll get your share, but for now, now you’ll wait, my other contacts are making there way here, just wait, the Sith tomb behind us will be your first task, then another Tomb nearby will be your second, Finally we kill my Master, and you will get your reward” She turned to face the tomb, then she sat down eating her rations.

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
Vyrassu would step down off his ship into the red sands. He took a moment to survey the land. He noticed [member="Kyla Asla"] next to someone else. Vyrassu emitted an aura of cold and death that anyone in the vicinity would feel. He walked down through the sand carefully using the force sensing anyone that might be trying to hide. Vyrassu came to Korriban because he felt a dark presence that reached out to him. A presence he could simply not ignore. As he drew closer to the people he felt the presence get stronger. He pin pointed it to the red haired woman. His pure blood true Sith species face half hidden under his black Hood. His body glowing red from his darkside presence aura.

Vyrassu stopped a few meters shy of the two and slightly raised his head but only enough to keep his face hidden. He spoke out, and when he did it was cold, raspy, dark and twisted with darkness.

(Vitiates voice in the video is the voice Vyrassu has)

I come before you, as your mere dark presence you represent has called to me. I don't know why, I don't know who you are, but I intend to find out, so save me the trouble and fill me in, who are you? Why was I drawn here by you?

Vyrassu slightly glanced at the mercenary thinking him as an insignificant pathetic insect. Vyrassu then turned back to the woman and then begin using his immense power in the darkside to try and read her mind, see what she thinks and what she's seen as he awaits her response.
“I’m Kyla, I believe your not one of my contacts, but I’m a Sith apprentice, I’m in need of two artefacts, but I can’t get them at the same time as to planning my Masters end. Maybe because I’ve my strong mind Powers was why you were drawn here, no worries. But are you willing to help?” She askes. The man who came before her she thought she might of known before, the clothing was of another Sith, or was it this man. She stopped thinking, and started getting ready. This will soon be her Masters end, and she would be ready.

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
Vyrassu focused on [member="Kyla Asla"] and listened to her request for help on getting artifacts. I will help you under one condition, after this, you come with me to my Empire, and become my apprentice. Do we have a deal?

Vyrassu looked around at the rocky cliffs of Korriban while he awaited her answer.
She thought this through, and came up with a conclusion. “Yes, but I have connections here, that I will still use” she replied. “But that condition is OK with me, but I still need to maintain my position here as this allows me to gain the power. Guess I owe my loyalty to you and the Sith. Anyways, I have one more contact, just wait for them to come.”
Aeksurdir was rather annoyed, Sith? What could be perceived by his movements was emptiness, almost like he was not paying attention to the words around him, the Gen'Dai was doing his best not to simply get up and begin a conflict, because the money and the artifacts were worth it, and hey, it would be a chance to help someone kill a Master. His glance shifted to the door, the lights on his helmet shining slightly with a blue tone.


The voice emitted by his mask seemed rather deep, with a slight robotic tone to it. One could think that the Gen'Dai is some sort of cyborg, or simply using a voice changer.

[member="Darth Vyrassu"] [member="Kyla Asla"]
“Ok, my contact is setting up, we must head into the Sith tomb now, as the artefact was ready to go, Follow me” she leads into the cave we’re as they get in, the darkness crept around them. They get into a large chamber, where two ancient droids stand ready to blast the party with there guns, this is the beginning of an adventure.
Aeksurdirr headed inside of the gates, glancing around only to see two large, armed droids standing nearby, their dim lights making a small glow. The Gen'Dai dashed forward on a sprint, the cloak trailing behind. His foot slammed into the ground, a cloud of red dust rising behind as he rose up on the air, foot swinging toward the droid's head. The force impacting against the droid's head caused it to dent slightly, the machine emitting a series of uncontrolled beeps as it fell back, only for the Gen'Dai to fall ontop of it, gripping it's throat. Aeksurdirr swung his arm on the direction of the other droid, it's brethen impacting against the cold metal shell protecting it. There was a odd lack of hesitation to the man's movements, almost as if he was a droid himself.

[member="Kyla Asla"] [member="Darth Vyrassu"]

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
[member="Aeksurdirr"] [member="Kyla Asla"]

Vyrassu followed them inside and watched the Mercenary take out the droids. Then around the droids black smoke started appearing around the droids. Black smoke tendrils came up out of the ground and cover the droids. Once the smoke clears the only thing left of the droids was tiny scrap metal.

Dark Tendrils a Sith alchemy spell I casted to completely dispose of those droids. This is korriban you never know.
Kyla came forward to see that both droids were being wailed on by Aeksurdirr. As he got back up she opened the gate by flicking the nearby lever, then as they came out of the dark hauls, two hideous looking Ackley’s appeared with on one side a jewel and another a lever. But what was apparent there was a big steel gate blocking the path. With that there was also a red object floating above the room.
Aeksurdirr followed after them, walking across the hallways. The dim light of the object on the roof could be seen from outside, alerting him of possible threats. The Gen'Dai raised the cloak's hood, standing by the door leading into the room. His mind was focused on a single thought, wondering if the object was a trap or simply an artifact to be collected. Aeksurdirr listened to the Force flowing around him, closing his eyes on an attempt to sense any possible dangers attached to the removal or interaction with the lever and crystal, while his techniques were imperfect and affected by emotion, they were capable of doing their job acceptably, at least.

[member="Kyla Asla"] [member="Darth Vyrassu"]
She could feel Aeksurdirr was attempting to use the force, she decided to use her force Powers, in an attempt to go in his mind, as well as trying to get the Ackleys to kill each other. The Ackleys attacked each other. Then as one fell, it’s life essence transported into the red object. “Your suspicions were correct, this is a trap” she told him. “We need to figure out which one to grab, the lever, crystal, or both?”
The Gen'Dai felt the mental presence trying to enter his mind and probe his thoughts, a strange sense coming over him."I can't sense the lever, and the crystal could be harmful, it might just absorb the life essence of dead things, though." The Gen'Dai lifted his right hand with a swift movement, pointing it toward the lever. A blast of kinetic force descended across the wall, ripping some small shards from the wall and making them impact the ground on an attempt to push the lever downward. Aeksurdirr then lowered his hand, the cloak falling over the armored plates.

[member="Kyla Asla"] [member="Darth Vyrassu"]
Then Kyla grabs the crystal the same time the lever is pulled unaware of Aeksurdirr and his kinetic blast. As that happens, the gate opens. Unaware of where there going, they push on into the darkness.

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