First Order of business: Rank structure
From Highest to lowest ranks:
Jen'Tevas -
The supreme overlord of the Empire, thought by his followers to be a Divine manifestation of the Dark side. His word is law above all others, and his goals become the Empire's goals.
Inner Creations -
The true ruling council of the Empire, existing directly below the Jen'Tevas himself. The Creations answer only to the Jen'Tevas, and each has a unique ability that represents their Dtaesia. They are the weapons of the Jen'Tevas, and are an extension of his senses.
Jen'Komunal -
The Komunal exists as an extension of the Creations will, and by that effect, the Jen'Tevas. The most powerful beings in the Empire, second only to the Geras'ari*. They are the ruling figures of the Empire, and the rank is the highest achievable by any outsider to the Jen'Qo**. They are the effective leaders of the Empire, that govern the Empire's efforts, battles, politics, and anything else concerning the Empire.
Lords of the Empire -
The dark lords of the Jen'Qo and the Empire, experts in the ways of the Dark side and understanding of the Force. The Lords of the Empire are the blades of the Empire, they are the beings sent to handle the battles that require immense power. Becoming a Lord is one of the highest honors a being can attain, as it shows that whomever holds the title is a force to be reckoned with.
Overseers of the Empire -
The Overseers of the Empire are in charge of maintaining the Law and Order of the controlled territory within the Empire. Beings hand chosen by the Jen'Komunal, the Overseers wield the might of the Jen'Qo in their hands, the righteous strength of the Jen'Tevas, granted to them to maintain peace and to spread his name.
Masters of The Jen'Qo -
Masters of The Jen'Qo are beings who have gained an understanding of the Jen'Tevas and the faith of the Jen'Qo. These beings are masters of the Dark Side and are capable of great feats of power. Masters are entitled to training apprentices, and are responsible for any they take on.
Virmasi*** -
The Virmasi are the knights of the Empire, the beings who have begun their grand journey into the faith of the Jen'Qo. The Virmasi are akin to an intermediate classification of Paladins within the Empire, they are the upper backing of the Empire's army, and they wield a respectable understanding of the Dark Side and the Force.
Adept -
Adepts are beings who have shown promise within the Empire, the ones who have passed their basic trials and tasks. Adepts are not quite strong enough to enter large battles alongside the Virmasi, and as such are kept within Imperial Territory to continue their training until they are able to claim the title of Virmasi.
Hopeful -
Hopefuls are the newcomers to the Empire: those who have come of age to join the Empire's forces; refugees of war; outcasts of the galaxy. Hopefuls are inexperienced in the ways of the Force, and as such are never to leave Imperial space unless directly ordered too by one of the Geras'ari. Hopefuls are to stay within an Academy for a time to learn the basics of the Dark Side, the Jen'Qo, and the Force until they are capable of fending for themselves.
*Geras'ari: A term that is used when referring to both the Inner Creations and the Jen'Tevas in one word.
**Jen'Qo: The Faith of the Empire, a form of worship to the Jen'Tevas, practiced by every member of the Empire.
***Virmasi: A term meaning Holy Warrior, the Paladins of the Empire.